HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen

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HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

The pictures in this article are selected from news pictures and stills related to "Xinjiang Cotton". The top picture is Tong Liya, a beautiful Xinjiang girl from @FashionModels. A series of operations of

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

H&M completely angered us.

uses "forced labor" and other lies as an excuse to boycott Xinjiang cotton while wanting to make money in China, eating our food and smashing our pot.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

All major e-commerce platforms immediately removed H&M products.

Immediately afterwards, another group of brands were dug up, and they had all made statements about boycotting Xinjiang cotton: Burberry, Uniqlo, Nike, Adidas , GAP, New Balance, ZARA...

celebrities who have commercial cooperation with these brands We have issued statements one after another to terminate cooperation.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

Where is the BCI behind them?

Its full name is "Better Cotton Initiative (Better Cotton Initiative)", which is an international non-governmental organization.

BCI does not control production capacity, does not master technology, and does not touch the market. Its popularity depends on the support of US Agency for International Development .

seemingly inexplicable touch porcelain, fundamentally speaking, it is a fight for global cotton pricing power and a war. The view of Caijing Magazine is: this is "a political game intended to strangle China's cotton textile industry."

wolf ambition, there is no way to hide it.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲Everyone is expressing their support for Xinjiang cotton in their own way.

Xinjiang is my country’s largest cotton-producing area. The planting area is equivalent to 4 Shanghai, with an annual output of 5.2 million tons, accounting for more than 87% of the national output .

The 2020 data released by the Xinjiang Agricultural Department shows that the mechanical picking rate of cotton in Xinjiang has reached 69.83%, of which 95% of the cotton in Northern Xinjiang is picked by machinery.

's claim that "70% of Xinjiang cotton is picked manually" was directly beaten by facts.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲ March 26, 2018, Tarim, Xinjiang, a large planter equipped with a GPS satellite positioning and navigation system was sowing cotton. Source: Interface News

Today we will see through the most real news and images that Xinjiang’s cotton What is it and how it was picked. The

species is like this-

in the 1.8 million mu cotton field of shawan in Xinjiang, the Beidou navigation autonomous driving planter shuttles back and forth, and the scene is spectacular.

unmanned cotton seeding can achieve precise operations and greatly improve cotton seeding efficiency.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

picking is like this-

multiple new cotton pickers work at the same time, harvesting, separating, removing impurities and bundling in one go. Every 30 minutes, a large bale weighing 2.5 tons can be produced.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

So, where does "forced labor" come from? Emmm, are we forcing the big Transformers to work?

After the incident was exposed, local cotton farmers in Xinjiang also expressed their incomprehension.

Cotton farmer Mijiti Yimiti from Kuche, Xinjiang, said that his family has 200,000 square meters of farmland and his annual income is about 150,000 yuan.

A few years ago, I needed to ask a cotton picker for help. The cotton picking treatment is good, earning more than 10,000 yuan in two months, everyone is willing to come.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲September 27, 2010, Bole, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Agricultural Fifth Division 90th Regiment harvested new cotton. Source: Interface News

has already been picked by machines, with lower cost and higher efficiency. He wondered: "We grow our own land, collect our own cotton and earn our own money, how can it be'forced labor'?"

is really H (absurd) M (absurd).

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

documentary "Cotton", Douban score 8.0.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

, directed by the famous mainland documentary director Zhou Hao, won the 51st Golden Horse Awards for Best Documentary Feature, and was nominated at the Busan Film Festival and the Shanghai International Television Festival.

was released in 2014, and the shooting time spanned eight or nine years. The camera is divided into three groups: cotton fields in Xinjiang, cotton spinning factories in Henan, and jeans factories in Guangdong, running through the entire cotton industry chain.

Now looking back at the faces and stories of those more than ten years ago, the tremendous changes are amazing. Among them, the scene of the women from Henan Huaxian group went to Xinjiang to pick cotton on this branch line, which moved me the most.

At 6:30 in the morning, Yanwei, a thirty-year-old young woman, was having breakfast with her husband and three children. She was obviously not in the state, as if pretending to be something in her heart, and yelling at the child a little perfunctorily.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲ Source: The documentary "Cotton"

Today, she is going out again.

Husband Shuguang is an honest man, unwilling to go out to work, and can't leave home. Yanwei simply left the two children with him, and followed the sisters to pick the cotton. If you go for more than two months, you can earn enough money to earn a year in your hometown.

Before leaving, she turned back and stuffed the change in her pocket to the child. The two children walked a few steps behind their mother, kind of crying.

Yanwei was heartbroken, and got on the back seat of her husband Shuguang's motorcycle, and rushed to the place where the migrant workers gathered and set off.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲ Source: The documentary "Cotton"

There are six or seven hundred people in a local township who go to Xinjiang to work, almost all of them are married and have children.

, this huge army of women, squeezed onto the green train. The familiar platform drifted away, and the husbands on the platform disappeared.

From Huaxian County, Henan Province to the cotton picking place in Xinjiang, it takes 58 hours one way and 116 hours round trip. There are so many people in the car that there is no place to level the body. They stand or sit, rubbing their eyes to endure the sleepiness, talking and laughing, and pass the long journey.

To understand Boring, an elder sister was pushed in the middle by the crowd and sang the Henan opera " Hua Mulan ": "Brother Liu's speech is too partial. Who says that women enjoy leisure? Men fight at the border, and women spin at home during the day. Go farming, spin cotton at night, and work hard day and night, so the folks can eat and wear.”

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲Source: The documentary "Cotton"

sang to a deep affection, and the lively women all calmed down. .

Two days and nights have finally arrived, and everyone filed out in the night. For the next two months, they worked at least 14 hours a day, picking 140 kilograms of cotton, and taking a few thousand yuan back to supplement their families.

A peasant woman, picking cotton while chatting with the director.

"In ten years, I want to make my home look different! Now my home is getting better. When I first married, it was poor. Now it has changed. It's all my hard work. ."

"It will be better in ten years. At that time, it will be a big family. It's time to marry a daughter-in-law. What will she be like... I will have a better life and enjoy the blessings, but then there will be mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Maybe it's not as comfortable as it is now. What do you want to do."

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲ Source: The documentary "Cotton"

after nagging, she carried a heavy bag of cotton and left.

lying in the dormitory at night, the women shouted that their back hurts and their legs hurt. She also said that she didn't want to get up, hoping that it would rain the next day. But early the next morning, I still happily went to pick the cotton, much more excited than which group to pick. The life of

was more than ten years ago. Science and technology are far worse than today. They worked very hard, but they were not "forced" at all. Even if their family members objected, they would rush to go.

Around September every year, women workers who pick cotton in Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Gansu, Sichuan and other places take trains to Xinjiang.

These snow-white cottons contain their love for their husbands and children, their responsibilities to the family, and their expectation to improve their lives and change their destiny.

They are very poor, but not poor, because their hearts are filled with hope.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲Source: The documentary "Cotton"

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

In "Cotton", the little daughter of Xinjiang cotton farmer Li Hong, distressed her parents hard picking cotton, she must not grow up with her hands. Now the technology is so advanced!"

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

does not need to wait for Lihong’s children to grow up. After only a dozen years, Xinjiang’s cotton harvesting has been highly mechanized, just like the Beidou navigation autopilot planter and many new models mentioned above Like a cotton picker.

A cotton, spinning, weaving, dyeing, making clothing quilts, and our skin and body all day long. Her past and present life, it is really necessary to understand a little bit.

The following historical materials are quoted from "Museum|View Exhibition":

After Zhang Qian passed through the Western Regions, the Han Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties , a large number of cotton textiles unearthed along the Silk Road.

A red cotton dress from the Western Han Dynasty unearthed at the No. 2 Cemetery in Zakunluke, Qimo County, Xinjiang, is an earlier physical evidence of cotton textiles in the Western Region.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲Located at the Niya site in Minfeng County, Xinjiang, the Eastern Han batik cotton cloth (partial) is unearthed. Picture source: "Jincheng: Chinese Silk and Silk Road ", author Zhao Feng

The Northern and Southern Dynasties, the literature accurately records the Xinjiang planting period The case of cotton.

"Liangshu · Zhu Rong Biography of the Northwest" records that Gaochang State (now Turpan, Xinjiang), "has a lot of vegetation, the grass is as solid as a cocoon, and the silk in the cocoon is like a fine 綺. It is called Baidizi, and most Chinese people use weaving as cloth. The cloth is very soft and white, so it can be used in the market." According to textual research, "Bai Die Zi" is an annual African cotton.

During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Xinjiang began to plant cotton varieties imported from abroad.

, now the most famous long-staple cotton, belongs to another cotton variety- sea island cotton , which was introduced in the early 1950s.

After decades of improvement, Xinjiang long-staple cotton is more adaptable to the environment and constantly upgraded.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲ @Xinjiang released Video screenshot

Now, my country is the world's largest cotton consumer and the second largest cotton producer.

In China, from the regional division, there are three main cotton-producing areas: Xinjiang cotton area, Yellow River cotton area, Yangtze River Basin cottonArea. Among them, the Xinjiang cotton area is absolutely the leader.

The beautiful Xinjiang is like being touched by the hand of the creator, with large temperature difference in summer, plenty of sunlight, sufficient photosynthesis, few diseases and insect pests, and long cotton growing time.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

▲In the documentary "Cotton", the large cotton fields in Xinjiang early in the morning, the sky is so beautiful

Xinjiang cotton is like a beauty both inside and outside:

External: white color, high-strength fiber, high-strength zzzz, high-strength zzzz, z2, 0 Yarn.

, especially Xinjiang long-staple cotton, has a soft and long fiber, usually 33~39 mm, and the longest can reach 64 mm. It surpasses high-quality Egyptian cotton and is one of the top in the world.

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

Xinjiang long-staple cotton quilt, warm, breathable, comfortable, like wrapped in a cloud.

is such a good thing, we are not enough by ourselves.

In 2020/2021, my country's cotton production will be about 5.95 million tons, the total demand will be about 7.8 million tons, and the annual gap will be about 1.85 million tons. Among them, Xinjiang cotton production accounted for 5.2 million tons, accounting for about 87% of domestic production, and accounting for about 67% of domestic consumption.

The malicious suppression and splashing of dirty water by people with ulterior motives did not damage her pure white character. They are not worthy.

forward together, support Xinjiang Cotton!

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

material Source:

People's Daily, CCTV news, news of emotion, the Communist Youth League Central micro-channel public numbers and other mainstream media

documentary "Cotton"

micro-channel public number "Museum | to see the exhibition"

HM discredited Xinjiang Cotton on the third day, these women deserve to be seen - Lujuba

Capital Pavilion, the signing of the soul, a woman's fragrance. Senior editor, media commentator, national second-level psychological counselor, author of the top 20 original new list, in-depth research on Chinese women's emotions and social psychology.

Tags: shows