The Empress Dowager Xiao in "Yanyuntai" once took the Liao Kingdom to the top, why didn't he unify the Central Plains?

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The TV series "Yanyuntai" of

is about the legendary past of the queen mother of Liao and . Friends who have watched the TV series should already know this, but what you may not know is that the years when the queen mother of Xiao was in power, The national strength of Liao Kingdom has reached a peak. So at that time, the Liao State was so powerful, why didn't it completely defeat the Song Dynasty and unify the Central Plains?

​​Camel has seen some similar information in many articles. Almost all said that the Liao Kingdom was founded by the Khitan people, and the Khitan people have been outside the Great Wall for a long time and have become accustomed to the northern climatic conditions. They are very difficult for the heat and humidity of the Central Plains. Adaptation, so they did not embezzle the Song Dynasty southward, and dominate the Central Plains.

The Empress Dowager Xiao in 'Yanyuntai' once took the Liao Kingdom to the top, why didn't he unify the Central Plains? - Lujuba

​​Camel believes that the difference in climate can indeed be regarded as one of the reasons why Liao is more "introverted". The Luotuo’s family is in Shandong. They have come into contact with some migrant workers from the Northeast. They often smile at the cold of Shandong in winter. Just a few days ago, I was wearing a sweater and a short-sleeved T-shirt in the Northeast. Brother, it's ten dollars. But in the summer, many of them couldn't stand the "severe heat" in Shandong, so they had to go back to the northeast to escape the heat.

​​Friends who have read Camel’s previous articles should remember that the reason why Cao Cao was defeated by Sun Quan and Liu Bei’s coalition forces in the "Battle of Chibi" was not because Zhuge Liang borrowed the east wind and Zhou Yu took the opportunity to burn Cao Cao’s company. camp. It was because before the start of the war, the Cao army at that time was infected with the "epidemic" and the army's combat power was greatly weakened. According to some experts' research, the reason why Cao Jun got sick on a large scale at that time was probably due to unacceptable weather.

The Empress Dowager Xiao in 'Yanyuntai' once took the Liao Kingdom to the top, why didn't he unify the Central Plains? - Lujuba

​​When the grassland people in the north face the climate problem that Prime Minister Cao, the Central Plains, has not been able to solve, they are often relatively "low-key". According to the "Golden History", the reason why the Jurchens stopped on the north bank of the Yangtze River after defeating the Northern Song Dynasty was because of "the southern part of the Yangtze River". In addition, although the Summer Resort built in Chengde during the Qing Dynasty had a certain political purpose, we cannot ignore its daily functions. According to records such as "Manuscripts of Qing History", emperors such as Kangxi and Qianlong stayed in the Summer Resort every year. The time is not shorter than when they stayed in the Palace of Qing Dynasty.

​​So will climate reasons be the only reason restricting the Liao State to fight the Song Dynasty? Camel believes that this can be one of the reasons, but not all of them. Otherwise, Kangxi would not be able to regain the Bay. So what is the reason why the iron cavalry of the Liao Kingdom "shows mercy" to Song Dynasty?

The Empress Dowager Xiao in 'Yanyuntai' once took the Liao Kingdom to the top, why didn't he unify the Central Plains? - Lujuba

​​Camel believes that the reason why the Liao State did not take advantage of its great power to completely solve the Song Dynasty is the Liao State itself. I have read the two articles in front of Camel ("Yanyuntai, let us understand the legend of the Queen Mother Xiao, then how did the Khitan rise?" and "The story behind "Yanyuntai", the Queen Mother Xiao once played Song dynasty paid tribute and became a minister, so what happened later"), it should have initially understood the reasons for the rise and decline of Liao.

​​The rise of the Liao Kingdom was due to the civil strife in the Central Plains at that time, and Abaoji was good at learning from the Central Plains, while the decline of the Liao Kingdom was due to internal struggles for power and profit and continuous use of troops outside. Although the power of the Liao Kingdom was unprecedentedly strong when the Empress Dowager Xiao was reigning, the Central Plains at that time were also completely unified. In terms of overall strength, Da Song didn't even think he was worse than Liao.

The Empress Dowager Xiao in 'Yanyuntai' once took the Liao Kingdom to the top, why didn't he unify the Central Plains? - Lujuba

​​Therefore, after the Queen Mother Xiao came to power, Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi personally "the imperial conquest", wanted to take advantage of the great power of the Song Dynasty, in one fell swoop to recover the Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, although Zhao Guangyi only mixed the nickname "Emperor of Donkey Cart". But this also proves that the Song Dynasty was not in vain at that time. So where did Zhao Guangyi's confidence at that time come from? Camels are considered population. According to "Liao History" records, when the last emperor of the Liao Kingdom Tianzuo Emperor was reigning, A Gu Da, who established the Jin Kingdom regime, once led 20,000 people to fight the Liao Kingdom.

​​And how many people did Emperor Tian Zuo send to fight, it was only about 100,000 people. After these 100,000 people were defeated, the Liao Kingdom was never able to "make a comeback." In other words, the loss of 100,000 people cannot be afforded by a Liao country that has been in existence for two hundred years. From this we can see how poor Liao’s family is. After talking about the bitterness of Liao, let's boast about the demographic dividend of the Central Plains.

​​Because Camel is relatively familiar with the Three Kingdoms, Camel also uses the Three Kingdoms as an example: the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao lost soDa (known as 800,000), but still able to make a comeback; although Sun Quan was labelled as "Sun Shiwan" by Zhang Liao, others can still stick to Jiangdong; even the Shuhan family is so thin, but under Zhuge Liang's careful calculation, It is still possible to "six out of Qishan"...What does this show? This shows that the population base of the Central Plains is large and can withstand the toss. However, the Liao Kingdom, a country established by the Khitan people, was really exhausted, and it was not an opponent of the Central Plains Dynasty at all.

The Empress Dowager Xiao in 'Yanyuntai' once took the Liao Kingdom to the top, why didn't he unify the Central Plains? - Lujuba

​​So besides the above two reasons, are there other more important reasons? It really does. In the two articles mentioned earlier, Camel mentioned the root of the problems in Liao. The Khitan was originally a nomadic tribe. They practised an alliance system. Each tribe was a special force, but they did not accept each other. Although after the founding of the Liao State, they widely appointed people from the Central Plains and learned the advanced experience of the Central Plains. The period is short, and they have not reached a unified internally.

​​The upper echelons of Liao have never been clear on the question of whether it is completely "Centralized". Therefore, although the Liao has been in the country for more than two hundred years, the internal court battles are no better than those with thousands of years. The Central Plains Dynasty is less. Therefore, Camel believes that the internal disputes in Liao are also one of the important reasons hindering the "large-scale" military operations in Liao.

The Empress Dowager Xiao in 'Yanyuntai' once took the Liao Kingdom to the top, why didn't he unify the Central Plains? - Lujuba

​​Finally, Camel summarized the reasons why the Liao State did not manage the Song Dynasty and unify the Central Plains. First, because the population base of Liao is small and there are not many soldiers capable of fighting, while the Song Dynasty, although weak, it has a demographic dividend, and it waits for work with dangers and barriers; second, the history of the founding of Liao is too short, correspondingly The political system is not yet sound, so there is a lack of internal control and management, so there are often constraints in major events; third, the Khitan people who are used to wind, frost, snow and rain may have many unaccustomed to the "hot" climate of the Central Plains In addition to higher temperatures and humid weather, there are also waterways that are not conducive to the deployment of cavalry, the strategic depth of food supply difficulties... etc.

​​Therefore, Camel believes that the reason why the Liao Kingdom is so soft to the Central Plains is not that the monarch of Liao loves peace, but that it really does not allow it.

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