"Lonely Flavor": Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer

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Let me start with the conclusion. Although "Gu Wei" is a skit, it is very touched and very beautiful . When watching Taiwanese movies this year, I felt that the average performance was better than last year. In the recent past, there are more individual Taiwanese movie rankings that have changed "up to then" after watching them. After the "A Thousand Years Questions" documentary replaced "The Name Inscribed in Your Heart" as the personal best film at the time, "Dear Guest" also ranked higher than "The Name Inscribed in Your Heart" after watching it. After watching the word-of-mouth field of "Gu Wei", the ranking has changed again. The film of is not only higher than "Dear Tenant" and "The Name Engraved in Your Heart", and has replaced "One Question in a Thousand Years" as an individual from this year to the present The best-looking work in Taiwanese movies I've seen so far is .

'Lonely Flavor': Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer - Lujuba

​​"Lonely Flavor" covers all settings such as "husband abandoning his wife and abandon his daughter", "raising all daughters alone", and "a husband leaving home with new objects". Although the aforementioned settings are not uncommon, they are like "The Name of Your Heart", the director of this film can also compose common settings into a warm and moving story, in which various theatrical effects of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy can successfully hit the audience's heart and make the audience's emotions in the process of watching the movie. As the story develops, it resonates with the emotional ups and downs of the characters.

​​In addition, when I first saw the trailer of "Lonely Flavor", because the above settings are revealed in the trailer content and can usually be the source of tension, I can't help but wonder whether there will be strong conflicts in the development of the story of the film. plot. However, although these settings do create a lot of plot tension for "Gu Wei", the processing method is non-sharp and intense. This phenomenon is particularly obvious in the first half. Although this part of the plot involves funeral management, and there are many emotions such as unwillingness, grief, and resentment, the overall style is relatively relaxed. The director of "Gu Wei" used the habits and concepts of the main characters of the film to skillfully create self-defeating contrast development in many places, and then present a smiley effect, which is not only an unexpected surprise, but also the audience Also see the laughter one after another.

'Lonely Flavor': Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer - Lujuba

​​However, after all, the above plot of "The Lonely Taste" originated from an unfortunate death in the opening scene. This incident not only evoked the heroine Lin Xiuying's years of suffering, but also ignited the emotional sparks of all the key players. According to this, even though there are many humorous bridges in the first half of "The Lonely Flavor", the relatively serious emotional attributes belonging to the main axis of the story have not been diluted by this. On the contrary, the audience can still feel it while laughing or not. Sad emotions after humorous sex. In other words, the atmosphere in the first half of "Gu Wei" can be described as humorous and sad, like joy but sadness. This is one of the reasons why I think this film is so touching.

​​However, starting from the middle, "The Lonely Flavor" has become relatively serious, mainly because the sadness of the film has gradually escalated, especially the description of Lin Xiuying’s psychological entanglement that cannot let go of her husband has become more and more detailed, in her grief In the emotions of resentment, it is obvious that there are still indispensable thoughts and affections, and the result is a mixture of words and deeds of resentment and love, which is quite touching. What’s important is that "The Lonely Flavor" also arranges several scenes of with and the new object Cai Meilin’s encounter and dialogue. Although only accounts for a small proportion of the whole film, I personally think it is the meat of the film .

'Lonely Flavor': Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer - Lujuba

​​"The Lonely Taste" portrays Cai Meilin’s character very interestingly. She is a Buddhist practitioner, but falls in love with a married man. However, Buddhism emphasizes that the existence and ending of all things in the universe are empty (cause and fate are false, and finally disappear. ), so you don’t need to be attached to everything and "take emptiness as being." Otherwise, you will be trapped in the eight misfortunes of life including "love parting," and you will not be able to escape the retribution after death. However, as the eldest daughter Chen Wanqing said: "People are really weird. They know that they are harmful to themselves, but they can’t help but go there." For those of us who also have seven emotions and six desires and who are all beings, even though Cai Meilin’s The behavior runs counter to her beliefs, but it is a matter of "being grounded" and "a sense of intimacy" , feels distressed after seeing it, so this "contradictory" setting is also "solitary". The key .

'Lonely Flavor': Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer - Lujuba

​​Yuan Pei Lin Xiuying is a very traditional and deeply trapped in "unwanted" suffering, because on the surface it seems that he has a deep resentment towards his spouse, but it is true.Actually, she can’t love her deeply. This can be proved by her refusal to sign the divorce agreement for many years. Moreover, in terms of legitimacy, Lin Xiuying has independently supported her daughters for many years, and she has to suffer from her husband’s abandonment. Most qualified to express injustice. However, the encounter of the two female characters in 's "Lonely Flavor" does not have a tit-for-tat "competition of orthodoxy", only their own mental journeys, no long-standing emotional outbursts, only mutual understanding of each other's difficulties. . The aforementioned related plots are neither sensational nor perfunctory. The simple and plain dialogues show the gradual reconciliation of "women understand women's difficulties."

​​The important thing is that Lin Xiuying finally signed the divorce agreement in the last scene of "The Lonely Taste", which made Cai Meilin see off her beloved at the funeral as the main palace. It is in the same line as the previous scenes and echoes each other, which is touching. , Because the audience will and for Merrill Lynch’s many years of dedication and fulfill their long-cherished wishes, and feel happy that Lin Xiuying finally let go of her condolences after being upset by Lin Xiuying’s years of injustice. The processing of this part of does not have too dramatic development and deliberately creating a sense of turning, but it can hit the audience with the strong emotion and touching meaning in it. . This is also my personal belief that this film will be so touching. The second reason.

'Lonely Flavor': Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer - Lujuba

​​It must be mentioned that another moving element of "Lonely Flavor" is "family affection" , which is mainly reflected in the plot related to "the interaction between the heroine Lin Xiuying and the three daughters". The family members value and care about each other very much, but each has different personalities, values ​​and styles of doing things, so some interactions have friction. And these plots can be seen in many places, either the family care hidden in the bottom of the disagreement, or the caring heart is clearly shown, but the contradictions formed by the difference in concepts and practices are counterproductive, which makes people very worried.

​​According to this, the depiction of family affection in "The Lonely Flavor" can be said to be "friction in care and dissatisfaction ", and it forms a sideline with high weight outside the main line of the mother's emotional entanglement with his father, and Each sideline is not only related to each other in varying degrees, but also echoes the mother axis, so not only adds thickness to the plot, also strengthens emotional traction, and there are many tears . Moreover, only ignores the sharp and high-pressure performance of the director, but the overall treatment is warm and warm, which can deeply touch the emotional side of the audience. This is also the third reason why I think this film will be so touching. .

'Lonely Flavor': Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer - Lujuba

​​Up to this point, is understood by the limited IQ of the individual. "Lonely Flavor" is a story of letting go and reconciliation through a process of gradual understanding, so its theme is related to "letting go" and "reconciling". Only by letting go can we be free from pain; only by reconciliation can life be warmer. The goodness of the past is no longer there. Of course, we should let go, but the pain of the past should be free. However, the premise of letting go is " is no longer attached to ." I remember that there is a classic line in the work "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" by Ang Lee: When you hold your hand, you don’t get much, but when you open your hand, Can reach more . In fact, clinging is the same as holding a hand in a certain area, because when a person is clinging, he will always be entangled at a certain point and cannot cross it, just like a tightly clenched fist, only holding the limited things in the hand, but unable to touch and release The sea and sky after opening.

​​According to this, when we are no longer attached, we can let go, and we can let go of the stubborn side of ourselves, and then no longer insist on our own opinions; like an open hand, we can touch more of the beauty that we have not noticed and experienced before. , So reconciliation is possible. And the "reconciliation" here refers not only to Lin Xiuying and Cai Meilin, but also to the complete open-heartedness between mother and daughter. Everything that can't understand each other suddenly becomes soft, and all the barriers that cannot be overcome. Suddenly become light and windy . In this connection, we can say that "Gu Wei" uses a very familiar and popular story structure to make the audience recognize again. This is also the fourth key to that I think this film will be so touching.

'Lonely Flavor': Only letting go can be free from pain, and reconciliation can make life warmer - Lujuba

​​Of course, the director of "Lonely Flavor" not only created a good story, but also took itIt's easy to talk about. The various elements, settings, and meanings mentioned in the above paragraphs are perfectly melted in one furnace, which has become the key point of plot turning and ups and downs, and thus creates various dramatic effects that effectively cause emotional resonance, and the overall story The smooth progress of the transition, the film was shortlisted for this year's Golden Horse Awards for the best new director competition, which can be described as affirmation of the director's ability. In addition, "The Lonely Flavor" will be so good-looking, and the heroine played by Aunt Chen Shufang is absolutely indispensable. This veteran actor who has seen big from a young age has mastered the complex emotions of Lin Xiuying's role. The layers are distinct and natural. Said to be the biggest initiator of all the emotional resonance effects of the film, is also the fifth key to personally thinking that the film will be so touching. The last thing

​​wants to say is that even though the individual has brushed "Gu Wei" three times so far, there is no diminishing marginal utility, but still in the strong aftertaste of the film, which can prove "Gu Wei" It is an excellent work with a good script, a good director and a good actor. It not only adjusts the various sweet and bitter tastes of love and family affection into a touching taste of "warming and deepening the heart", it is also impressive. I want to take a look again and again, and savor the warmth and emotion in it, so even if this film is not shortlisted for the best film of this year's Golden Horse Awards, it will not detract from the super high evaluation in my mind!

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