Li Peisheng, a master of typhoid studies, interpreted the woman's prescription of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber

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Li Peisheng, a master of typhoid studies, interpreted the woman's prescription of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber - Lujuba

Li Peisheng, named Zuo Fu, is a professor and chief physician of Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is known as the master of contemporary typhoid academia. Born in Hanyang County, Hubei Province in January 1914. A family of Chinese medicine. In the early 1930s, he studied under Mr. Yun Tiexian, a famous Shanghai doctor. After the establishment of Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he came to the school to teach, concurrently doing clinical work. He has been in medicine for more than 70 years, and he has made good use of traditional prescriptions, has a peaceful prescription and has repeatedly achieved good results.

was awarded the National Excellent Teacher by the Ministry of Personnel, Education Commission and Labor Union in 1991. After 1992, he enjoyed the special allowance of the State Council. He is rigorous in his studies and has a solid foundation in the basic theories of various subjects of Chinese medicine. He has made outstanding achievements in the theory and clinical research of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". He is proficient in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been engaged in clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 70 years. He has been practicing the word “sincerity and sincerity” throughout his life. He has accumulated valuable clinical experience. He is good at syndrome differentiation of the six channels and viscera, and has a definite effect on internal, gynecological, and pediatric diseases. Many proven prescriptions such as Qinghua Jieyu Decoction, Qingshang Dingtong Decoction, Shugan Lidan Decoction, Wense Gugong Decoction, Hanning Zhibeng Decoction, etc., are commonly used in the treatment of internal medicine head diseases, hepatobiliary disorders and gynecological bleeding disorders Effect party. Academic monographs include: People's Medical Publishing House published 100,000 words "Ko's Typhoid Fever" in 1965; People's Medical Publishing House published 200,000 words "Ke's Typhoid Fever with Wings" in 1986; People's Medical Publishing House published 40 in 1996 Wanzi "Annotation and Correction of Ke's Treatise on Febrile Diseases". He has repeatedly edited the textbook "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" for Chinese higher education institutions across the country. On August 4, 2009, Professor Li Peisheng, a well-known contemporary Chinese medical scientist, typhoid specialist, and grandmaster of typhoid studies, passed away at the age of 96.

The three chapters of "Golden Chamber" Women's Diseases have indelible value in the basic theories and clinical application of Chinese medicine and should be studied repeatedly. Deeply understand and apply what you have learned. I take the original book of "Golden Chamber" and affix it with my own intentions, so as to pay attention to those who are right in the world.

1. There are ten prescriptions for women’s pregnancy diseases in the "Golden Chamber": Guizhi Decoction is a prescription for treating sun stroke in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", and Fuzi Decoction is the main prescription for treating Shaoyin Deficiency and Cold, and it is suitable for gynecological syndromes and treatments. Refer to the prescriptions for typhoid and miscellaneous diseases. Guizhi Fuling Pill is an agent for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It is designed for "sickness" and is not suitable for pregnancy. According to the prescription of the original book of "Golden Chamber", it is summarized in the following:

(1) Guizhi soup prescription

"Golden Chamber" original text "Women can calm the veins, but the Yin veins are weak. She is thirsty and cannot eat. Nothing. Cold and hot, named pregnancy, Guizhi Tang is the main one." In Gai Guizhi Decoction, Guizhi, ginger with sweet medicine will sweeten the yang, and peony with sweet medicine will sweeten the yin.

For pregnant women’s embryos at the initial stage, the yang movement is relatively blunt, and the yin and blood nourishes the body. The use of this prescription can indeed warm and nourish the yang, nourish the yin, and increase the vitality of nurturing, which is quite magical. One is also;

Secondly, the embryos of pregnant women gather for the first time, and Mizutani is offered to raise the fetus. Sluggish temper, internal resistance of water and gas, mostly in the form of nausea, nausea, and inedibility, etc. It can also be used, but Amomum villosum and Pinellia anti-vomiting drugs must be added. The so-called "de-ping pulse" is not another pathological condition; "small and weak yin pulse" is also a regular pulse of pregnancy, and it is in line with the syndrome. According to the "Internal Classics", "Women's hands and Shaoyin pulsation is too much, pregnant." ("Suwen·Pingren Meteorology Theory") and discuss it improperly.

Guizhi Decoction is an agent for warming sweetness, warming the heart and thorax and dispersing moisture, which is consistent with the syndrome, so it can be administered. However, the ban on Guizhi Decoction in Treatise on Febrile Diseases must be remembered. , such as pregnant women with yin deficiency and heat, or a body with damp-heat content and cannot be used. Postpartum Women’s Postpartum Diseases Yangdan syndrome should be Guizhi Tang syndrome. postpartum stroke, although the number of days is long, the evidence is still there, so it is still necessary to use the method of reconciling Yingwei to relieve muscle and wind. It's different from the use of care.

(2) Guizhi Fuling Pill Recipe

Guizhi Fuling Pill Recipe is first listed in the section on pregnancy diseases. When the woman is sick and conceived. Therefore, its main treatment is "symptoms and damages." The so-called "the disease does not go away, the reason is. The current disease" and other phrases can best explain the original meaning of the cube. It is also the best footnote in "Internal Classics" "There is no cause for death". The

prescription uses peach kernels, peony, paeonol, to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, cinnamon to promote yang, poria . Using Guizhi in blood-activating medicine can best enhance the effect of eliminating syndromes and decoagulating. The so-called "Qi Xing, blood will move", when the synergistic effect of these drugs is deepenedRealize it momentarily. The combined use of cassia twig and tuckahoe also has the effect of promoting Yang and water. Take pills frequently to alleviate the symptoms. It can be used if the disease is congested blood or water and blood. In addition, we can have stillbirth and cure freaks. can cure chronic intestinal carbuncle and liver cirrhosis and ascites, often add or subtract this prescription, and have certain effect.

(3) Aconite decoction

Aconite decoction is one of the main prescriptions for treating Shaoyin disease in Treatise on Febrile Diseases. If "a woman is pregnant for six or seven months, the pulse is choppy and feverish. Her fetus becomes more swollen, her abdomen is painful and cold, and her abdomen is like a fan, so it is so. It is used to treat pregnancy while being in the cold. Xia Jiao Kidney Life is really yang decay, water is cold and astringent, Yang Qi is floating on the outside, fever is caused, fetal bloating, abdominal pain, aversion to cold, abdomen is like fan when yin and cold are inside. The pathogenesis of

is still yang-qi deficiency and yin-cold prosperity, so aconite decoction is used for warming and invigorating yuanyang to strengthen the body and eliminate evil, eliminate water and cold, and reconcile the blood. It can be seen the magic of treating different diseases with the same prescription. Aconite decoction is five kinds of medicines including cooked aconite, ginseng, atractylodes macrocephala, poria cocos, and peony. It is composed of the ancestor prescription for treating yang deficiency and cold. It can be used for typhoid fever and miscellaneous diseases. aconite is originally a fetal abortion medicine, but the mature aconite is more mellow. It is used for the syndrome of yang deficiency in pregnant women.

(4) Jiaoai soup recipe

"Golden Chamber" originally reads "Women have leakage, some have continued blood after half-birth, and have blood in pregnancy, presumed to have abdominal pain during pregnancy, which is a Resistance, Jiao Ai Tang is the master". The text from "false order" to "cell resistance" should be regarded as the one who should contact the pregnant blood. According to the case of a woman with a large blood, it is called collapse, and a small amount of blood leaks from time to time. There are several types of gynecological diseases here. The blood is always Chong Ren Su deficiency. The blood does not follow the meridian, so it leaks. "Golden Chamber" so-called "women's disease, due to deficiency, cold accumulation, and qi", its pathological mechanism is most suitable to be repeated from then on.

Jiao Ai Decoction: Reuse Dihuang sweet and cold and moist, peony bitter acid and slightly cold, with angelica bitter, sweet and warm, chuanxiong spicy fragrance. The above four flavors are cold and warm, combining rigidity and softness, function to enter the liver, nourish blood and activate blood, adjust the function of rush and function, and simultaneously promote the effect of qi and depression. This is the source of the Bureau Siwu Soup. And Rehmannia glutinosa with sake , tonic but not greasy, moist but not stagnant, and use mugwort warm blood infusion, donkey-hide gelatin cooling and moisturizing hemostatic, moxibustion to reconcile various medicines.

Therefore Jiao Ai Decoction is a commonly used prescription for the treatment of gynecological diseases by harmonizing the qi, warming and moisturizing the intake of energy, replenishing blood and stopping bleeding . Use this prescription to treat gynecological blood syndrome, , especially for pregnant women's blood, the amount of Gui, Xiong and Aiye should not be too large. Worcestershire sauce is used in black. For example, ginger can be added if there is deficiency and cold, and skullcap can be added if there is heat.

(5) Danggui Shaoyao Sanfang

"Golden Chamber" contains two Danggui Shaoyao Sanfang prescriptions: when you see a woman with pregnancy disease, attending to "women pregnant, abdominal pain". Goodbye to Women's Miscellaneous Diseases, attending to "women's abdominal pains". The main focus of this prescription is the woman's abdominal pain, not just for pregnancy. There are many causes of abdominal pain.

This recipe uses angelica, chuanxiong, peony for nourishing blood and activating and combining qi stagnation, atractylodes, tuckahoe, and Alisma for invigorating the spleen and dampness and passing the waterway. It belongs to the method of treating the deficiency of liver and spleen in gynecological diseases. is set for gynecological abdominal pain, especially for pregnant women. If the pathogenesis does not turn off the water and stop blood stasis, the Xiong will return to the heart, and the Alisma diarrhea will benefit from it.

(6) Dried ginger ginseng banxia pills prescription

pregnancy vomiting and gas reversal, common name is evil. Dry ginger ginseng banxia pills prescription, "Golden Chamber" mainly treats "pregnancy and vomiting". The law takes half of the law, using dried ginger to warm the middle and warm cold, ginseng to replenish qi and tonic, and with pinellia, ginger juice and stomach to resolve phlegm, reduce the adverse effect and relieve vomiting. While warming the middle and replenishing the qi, the Xin opens up the magic. Self-deficiency and coldness in the middle Jiao, water and drinking stop in the heart, so the stomach qi is upside-down. Pinellia is a medicine for vomiting and reducing adverse effects. It can be proved by the prescriptions of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Golden Chamber".

According to the popular rumor that pregnant women should not take Pinellia ternata, the "Pregnancy Medicine Jige" contains this statement, when referring to the birth of Pinellia ternata. In fact, Pinellia can be used if it has been processed or mixed with ginger to reduce the numbness of the mouth. In case of pregnancy, the nausea and vomiting are not stopped. If it is a cold drink, it is often used to add amomum, perilla, tangerine peel, etc. to reduce the adverse temperature. If is a heat syndrome, use Tangerine Peel Zhuru Decoction with reed root, loquat leaves, Pinellia ternata, etc., or add less Coptis chinensis to relieve vomiting, which is very effective.

(7) Angelica Fritillaria Kushen Pill Recipe

"Golden Chamber" originally reads "It is difficult to urinate during pregnancy, and the diet is the same as before. Angelica Fritillaria Kushen Pills is the master". The prescription uses angelica to nourish liver and blood, fritillary to relieve depression and dispel stagnation, and sophora to clear away damp heat. In addition, the mother of Fritillaria is "febrile and irritating and dripping with heat", and Sophora flavescens is "drowning with surplus water and draining water". The "Ben Jing" has its own clear text, which is also in line with the "Golden Chamber". Then this "difficult to urinate during pregnancy", when it is blood deficiency and damp heat accumulated in Chong Ren . The heat cannot be vented. The so-called "diet as usual" clearly indicates that the site of disease is not in the middle focal point, but in the lower focal point. therefore uses the method of nourishing blood, relieving depression and clearing damp heat. This prescription is a pill, and the dose is very small. If changed to decoction, the dosage should not be too large. Although is famous for Sophora flavescens, after all, it is too bitter, especially for pregnant women, it is most likely to cause stomach irritability and vomiting. It is very effective to use this prescription to treat so-called urinary tract infections in western medicine.

(8) Kuizi Fuling Sanfang

"Golden Chamber" was originally written as "pregnancy with moisture, weight, poor urination, sprinkling aversion to cold, and dizziness at first, Kuizi Fuling San is the main reason." After pregnancy, qi stagnation and water stagnation, the triple energizer loses its regulation, and the waterway is unfavorable. The yang energy is restrained, so the cold is abhorrent; the water qi is reversed, so the head is dizzy. Systemic water-gas disease has occurred. Therefore, use the Tongli water elimination method. Take sunflower to eliminate water, while tuckahoe diminishes water through the sun. Xiaoshu Tongli, all the evidence can be relieved by itself. However, sunflower oozing benefits, fetal pregnancy is a taboo, gou non-solid edema, it must be used carefully.

(9) Danggui Sanfang

"Golden Chamber" originally reads "Women who are pregnant should take Angelica Sans" and it says "Ordinary use during pregnancy is easy to give birth, and the fetus is free. All postpartum diseases are known to the master". Following the translation of the cube to the general idea, it should be designed for a woman's embryos to gather blood and congeal stagnation, which contains dampness and heat and discord in the abdomen, causing all kinds of pain in the heart and belly. The prescription uses angelica, chuanxiong, peony for nourishing blood and yingzhong but also regulating qi stagnation, atractylodes, scutellaria for clearing heat and dehumidification and has anti-fetal effect. Danxi said that Atractylodes macrocephala and Scutellaria are holy medicines for fetal anti-fetuses, and their origins are here. If the pain is not solid and the abdominal pain sees red, there is another special prescription, which cannot be treated by this prescription.

(10) Baizhu Sanfang

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "pregnancy and nourishment, Baizhu Sanzhu". "Waitai" quoted "Ancient and Modern Records", which is slightly the same. Recipe with atractylodes invigorating the spleen and dampness, Sichuan pepper warming stomach and reducing adversity, chuanxiong warming blood and dispersing qi stagnation, oyster soft and strong phlegm water. Later, he said: "But add peony for pain, add Chuanxiong for toxic pain in the heart, upset and vomit pain, can't eat or drink plus Asarum Pinellia...".

According to the example of the prescription test, when pregnant women suffer from stomachache and abdominal pain due to spleen and stomach deficiency, cold drink cannot be stored in the middle Jiao, so the stomachache and abdominal pain are relieved by the use of this method to relieve the pain law. The so-called "pain means nothing, general means no pain", which is roughly consistent with the mechanism and treatment of this disease. Lu Yuanlei said that "Danggui San treats those who are pregnant with anxious and painful contractions of the heart and abdomen, subconsciousness of the heart, and those who have difficulty in urination. Baizhu San treats those who are pregnant with cold and pain in the abdomen, chest and abdomen, and have difficulty in urination". Very much. Yuzhi does not stop drinking and swallowing diseases due to cold pain of the spleen and stomach during pregnancy and gynecology. It is also effective.

2. Postpartum sickness prescriptions for women

New mothers have three diseases: one is sick with cramps, two is sick with depression, and the three has difficulty defecation. For postpartum stroke, Guizhi Decoction (Yangdan Decoction) is used to reconcile Yingwei and Wei, which is the sweat method; (see Pre-pregnancy Diseases) Weizaofu Practical Dachengqi Decoction is the lower method; for reconciliation, Xiao Chaihu Decoction is used. The tripartite Fang Yidang and "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" refer to each other. For postpartum diseases, the card must be used. Angelica ginger mutton soup, "Golden Chamber" also treats cold hernia and abdominal pain. The following contains a total of eight prescriptions, which are described in order:

(1) Xiao Chaihu Tang prescription

I can't eat because of vomiting, my stool is firm, but my head sweats." Its pathogenesis should be related to "death of blood and re-sweating, and more cold, so it makes depression and cold". Cover blood and sweat, easy to stroke and cold, even if you see depression, it is also caused by cardinal disadvantage. Therefore, "the stool is hard, vomiting can not eat, Xiao Chaihu soup is the main one." This is slightly the same as the 148 Yang Wei syndromes of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", so the case of "typhoid apoplexy, there is Bupleurum syndrome, but you don't need to know the evidence" (10 articles), and use the reconciled Xiao Bupleurum soup. If it is not due to the wind and cold, "blood deficiency will go down, but the solitary yang will go out, so the head will sweat out", which will cause depression, you should follow the postpartum blood halo treatment method instead of Xiao Bupleurumsoup. The following articles on women’s miscellaneous diseases: "Women have a stroke. Cold and heat will continue to occur in seven or eight days. Sometimes, the menstrual water will be interrupted. This is a hot human blood room. The blood will coagulate, so it will be like malaria. Of the Lord". This is because heat enters the blood room, so it cloud blood knots, but sometimes cold and heat occur, the evil has a chance to leak out, so use Xiaochaihu Decoction, according to the situation, to pivot out. The two syndromes are different, but the treatment methods are the same, so that different diseases can be treated at the same time.

(2) Dachengqi Decoction

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "The disease can be solved and eaten, and those who have more fever in July or 8th, this is the stomach, and Dachengqi decoction is the master". Randa Chengqi Decoction is composed of nitrate, yellow, pau, and trifoliate . This puerpera has a body of blood deficiency, and even if the present syndrome is seen after depression, it must be cautious whether to use Dachengqi. Readers should not confine themselves to the law. The next article is "Seven or eight days after delivery, no sun card, severe abdominal pain, this lochia is endless; no bowel movements, irritability and fever, pulse weakening, re-heating, irritable people in the sun, do not eat, eat delirium, It is healed at night, and it is better to use the Dachengqi Decoction. The heat is inside, and the bladder is also knotted." The last two sentences of this article should be read after "Lochie is inexhaustible", which is slightly the same as inverted syntax.

is endless postpartum lochia, stasis is scorched to accumulate blood, which is similar to , which accumulates blood when the sun is in the heat of the channel. Although the source is different, the pathogenesis is slightly the same. The examples cited are "satisfaction with no bowel movements, irritability, delirium, fever during daily feeding, etc.". It is similar to Yangmingfu's empirical test, but the treatment method is different. It is advisable to compare the meaning of identification.

(3) Angelica ginger and mutton soup recipe

"Golden Chamber", the original text "Postpartum pain in the abdomen, Angelica ginger mutton soup is the main one; it also cures a cold hernia in the abdomen, and insufficient fatigue. Also "cold hernia, abdominal pain, and flanks For those who are in a hurry, the angelica ginger and lamb soup is the main one." ("The tenth symptom and treatment of heart disease, cold hernia, food and pulse") These two are a postpartum disease, and the other is a ruffled disease, but the mechanism is blood deficiency The syndrome of abdominal pain in cold coagulation, especially in Jing said, "blood deficiency will cause no pulse, and more cold will cause pulse dysfunction. Therefore, abdominal hypochondriac pain is also urgent." Both use angelica ginger mutton soup, take angelica nourish blood It relieves pain, mutton warming yang, ginger has a pungent taste and dispels cold in the stomach, and can relieve the smell of mutton. The so-called "Internal Classics", "the person with insufficient shape, warm the qi, and the lack of essence, make up for it "Flavour" ("Su Wen·Yin Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun") is also.

In case of women rushing to Ren Su deficiency, the sea of ​​blood is chronically cold, the cold zone is clear and thin, not pregnant for a long time, or the amount of menstruation is low and the color is pale, or Abdomen is often painful, likes temperature and disgusting cold . Poor appetite, frequent loose stools, proof of innocence. Prepared according to the prescription, or add peony to relieve pain, or add atractylodes, tangerine peel to relieve stomach vomiting , Or add astragalus to replenish qi and blood, or add cooked agglomerate to warm the yang to replenish deficiency, adjust the function of the whole body, and replenish the insufficient body. If you insist on taking regular clothes for a long time, you can get good results every time.

( 4) Zhishi Shaoyao San prescription

"Golden Chamber", the original text "postpartum abdominal pain, can not lie down with annoyance, Zhishi Shaoyao Sanzhu". When it is a new birth. Qi stagnation and blood coagulation are the evidence of abdominal pain in Lishi. Prescription Citrus aurantium and peony powder, take the pungent aroma of Citrus aurantium to break the qi and eliminate pimple to disperse lumps, the bitter acid of peony can relieve pain and relieve pain. The two flavors of Citrus aurantium and peony are the most effective in combination with promoting qi and blood. However, there are few people who use it alone at present. It is combined with other prescriptions and medicines.

For example, "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" Dachaihu Decoction treats Shaoyang Jianli, Sini San treats Qi depression and seizure, and Maziren Pills treats spleen and stools. The main carbuncle pus of "Golden Chamber" Papu San , Are both peony and Citrus aurantium and can be compared with each other.

(5) Xiayuxue Decoction

The original text of "Golden Chamber" "After childbirth abdominal pain, the method should be with Citrus aurantium and Shaoyao powder. If it fails to heal, this Because there is dried blood in the abdomen below the umbilical cord, it is advisable to take a blood stasis decoction. It also governs the disadvantage of menstrual water." For women who give birth to new births, the lochia is not exhausted, and the blood is most likely to condense, or even develop into a syndrome of blood accumulation. This syndrome is not healed by taking Citrus aurantium and Shaoyao powder, which means that the disease has gone deep. , Blood stasis is attached to the lower scorch, and because of abdominal pain (when it is the lower abdomen under the umbilical), the method of removing blood and stasis is used. The

prescription uses peach kernel and Xin slippery, slipping away, the main blood is closed, down Blood lumps. sting worms salty cold, salty to soften, to eliminate blood stasis, break blood stasis, blood clot. rhubarb bitter cold, bitter to release stagnation, blood stasis to block cold and heat, accumulation of broken syndrome, Stay for food and drink, promote the old and bring forth the new.

Xiayuxue Decoction is a commonly used prescription for activating blood and removing blood stasis. Its combination of prescriptions, preparations, and administration methods are similar to Dangdang pills, and the power is relatively stable, regardless of internal and external traumaThe evidence of blood stasis accumulation can be used. Lu Yuanlei pointed out that blood stasis is characterized as "pain in lower abdomen, wrong skin, blue eyes, tight pulse or astringent tongue purple, or purple spots" , for reference.

(6) Bamboo Leaf Decoction

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "Postpartum stroke, fever, red face, panting and headache, bamboo leaf soup is the master". This is the evidence of the deficiency of yang on the surface in the postpartum wind. Therefore, use Guizhi Qushaoyao plus aconite decoction to consolidate Yuanyang, ginseng to benefit qi, bamboo leaves, kudzu root, fangfeng, platycodon to clear wind heat. "Golden Chamber" says: "The new birth has blood deficiency, excessive sweating, love stroke, so the disease convulsions." The prescription of this prescription says: "Neck is strong, use one large aconite", Pueraria lobata root is a medicine, "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" mainly treats "Xiang back strong".

is tested by the prescription, can cure the mild cases of postpartum apoplexy. However, all six qi can cause fever and can cause convulsions.

If the newly produced blood is weak, and you feel the evil of warmth, dryness and fire, and the heat is scorching and the body is convulsed, you should refer to the treatment of febrile disease. This method is not applicable.

(7) Bamboo Skin Daimaru Recipe

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "Women who breasts are weak, upset and vomiting, Anzhong replenishes qi, bamboo skin Daimaru is the master". Special note: "At the time of naughty, qi deficiency and fire prevail over internal strife and qi is against." Recipe with bamboo ru, gypsum sweet cold to clear away troubles and reduce adverse qi, white wei bitter and salty cold to clear floating heat, cassia twig to warm the sun, and to relieve the disadvantages of too heavy cold and cold medicine . You Miao is reusing licorice with jujube meat and pills, which really means to stabilize the palace. Stomach heat is clear, which can avoid the suspicion of strong fire and gas, so it is called "safety and nourishing qi". If "Bei Baiwei who has heat" clears away heat, "Jabashi, who has annoying asthma" clears the heart and stops annoyance, and can be a method.

(8) Pulsatilla plus licorice and donkey-hide gelatin soup recipe

Pulsatilla decoction in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" treats yin and heat benefits. In the prescription, Pulsatilla, Qinpi, Coptis, Phellodendron chinense and other bitter and cold products have the effect of clearing heat, removing dampness and strengthening intestines. "Golden Chamber" says: "After giving birth, there is a lot of benefit and deficiency, and the mainstay of Pulsatilla and Ejiao soup with licorice." It is this that the benefits also belong to the category of heat benefits. With the new production of blood deficiency, the next benefit is also seen, and the yin fluid is injected, so the cloud "empty extreme" has the meaning of exhaustion.

So on the basis of pasqueweng soup , add donkey-hide gelatin to nourish the intestines and have the effect of hemostasis. Zhicao and middle, urgency. Baitouweng decoction and this prescription are effective in treating blood dysentery. Such as taking Heying plus angelica, peony, rose , regulating Qi plus Amomum villosum, woody and so on. Foolish treatment of women with metrorrhagia, blood deficiency and heat prosperous, also use this prescription to recover.

3. Women's Miscellaneous Diseases

Women's Miscellaneous Diseases have three methods of treating heat into the blood room. For details, see "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". The main purpose of the Xiaoqinglong and Xiexin Tang Tiao is in the statement of the rule of succession, which are not recorded. Although Yu Ru Didang, Xiao Jianzhong, Shenqi Pills, Zhu Gao Fajian are used to treat typhoid fever and miscellaneous diseases, they still have certain practical significance in treating women's miscellaneous diseases. According to the original book, we will analyze it in turn.

(1) Banxia Houpu Soup Recipe

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "If there is sunburn in a woman's throat, it is the master of Banxia Houpu soup." "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions" described the main evidence in more detail, as "breast full, heart firm, swallow paste, if there is roasted meat, can not vomit out, can not swallow." This certificate was later called "Mei nuclear gas." The main pathogenesis of

is mostly caused by women's emotional depression, phlegm and gas phase. For the prescription, use Pinellia ginger Xin Sanshui to drink to reduce the adverse qi, Poria light seepage and diuresis, magnolia full of vitality, perilla leaf to open the stasis and disperse the knot. The combination is the method of dispelling phlegm, promoting qi and dispelling stagnation. This disease mostly occurs in women, but it also occurs in men. If the syndrome is a combination of phlegm and fire, this prescription is invalid.

(2) Ganmai and Jujube Soup.

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "a woman who is dirty and irritable, happy and sorrowful and crying, like a god, who is not stretched out, and the master of Ganmai and Jujube soup." This syndrome is more common in women. The main reason for is depression of emotions, or excessive worry and thought, blood deficiency and irritability, and inflammation of the fire, which affects the gods. The so-called "sorrowful heart is anxious" in 's Nei Jing, in fact, the mechanism of this syndrome is roughly Match. Use wheat, licorice, jujube three flavors to replenish the qi of the heart and spleen, relieve the urgency and stabilize the mind. To cure this syndrome, it is often used to add dragon tooth, keel, oyster to Qianyang, or angelica, Shengdi, Danshen to nourish blood, or add white peony, cornus, schisandra to grab the liver, or add jujube seed, baiziren, longan meat to nourish the heart, or add lily, night vine to cure insomnia, Soothe the nerves, or add Chuanbei, Zhiyuanzhi, Albizia to relieve depression and phlegm, etc. It is effective to take multiple servings for a long time, and the accomplishment is very great. Don't ignore it with "fruit medicine".

(3) Wenjing Decoction

"Golden Chamber" says that "a woman's disease, due to deficiency, cold accumulation, and qi formation, is cut off from all menstrual waters. Until the past years, blood cold accumulation, sacral colds, and meridians "Condensation", should be the outline of women with irregular menstrual flow and metrorrhagia. "Golden Chamber" Wenjing Decoction, which mainly treats acute abdomen, fullness of the abdomen (pain), collapse of the middle and lower blood is the syndrome of lower cold; fever at dusk, irritated palms and dry lips are syndromes of upper heat. The

disease was caused by a half-birth with blood, incomplete blood stasis, difficulty in regenerating new blood, wind and cold in the cell, and the incompatibility between the camp and the health, and then presented a mixed condition of cold and heat. In Wenjing Decoction, Wuyu, Guizhi, Danpi warm blood to dissipate cold and eliminate blood stasis; return, Xiong, peony, donkey-hide gelatin, Ophiopogon japonicus nourish yin and camp to produce new blood; pinellia, Ginger can harm the stomach and reduce the adverse effect; ginseng and burnt grass can nourish the vitality.

You Yi said, "People with chronic blood stasis will fail, and those with too much blood will hurt their spleen." Later the host "women have less abdominal cold, will not have a fetus for a long time, will also remove blood from collapse, or have too much moon water, and will not come by the end." It has a certain practical significance in clinical practice for reference.

(4) Tugua Gen Sanfang

The original text of "Golden Chamber" "Brings bad menstrual flow, less abdomen full of pain, and those who see you in one month, Tugua Gen San is the main one." "Yin epilepsy is also the main one." This is an agent for activating meridians, activating collaterals, regulating qi, and relieving pain.

sees you after a month, it is the opportunity to relieve blood stasis, so its medicinal power is lighter than that of Xiayuxue Decoction. The

prescription uses earth melon root to pass the meridians and pass the moon water; sting insects to eliminate blood stasis and break the disease; peony and Ying to relieve pain; Guizhi to pass Yang Xingbi. In clinical medicine, Yuchang is mixed with Xiayuxue Decoction or Guizhi Fuling Pill to administer . Cucumbers are used as cucumbers, no. Wu Qijun made red hailstones. Can be used as a reference. This pharmacy is not available. People nowadays use melon root instead.

(5) Gum Ginger Soup Recipe

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "The woman who is trapped in the warp and leaks the black and is puzzled, the glue and ginger soup is the master. This strip should have been dull in color, dripping continuously, and prolonged as a disease of leakage. However, dried ginger warms up blood, donkey-hide gelatin and nourishes yin and stops bleeding, and the two flavors are matched, and they are combined into warming and nourishing blood. It can cure the deficiency of the middle and can not control it, forming the diseases of uterine middle and leakage, and the effect is outstanding.

foolishly uses "Golden Chamber" Huangtu Tang to treat blood in the stool, and every time it uses Paojiangyifuzi, it is derived from this. Yannian Zhuche Wan, (dry ginger, donkey-hide glue, angelica, coptis) ginger and glue are used together. Lin Yi said that he thought it was Jiao Ai Tang, and Geyin's "Thousand Gold Recipes" Jiao Ai Tang had dried ginger. Also refer to spare.

(6) Rhubarb Gansui Decoction

The original text of "Golden Chamber" "Women's abdomen is full of dullness, and it is difficult to urinate but not thirsty. The latter is the result of water and blood in the blood chamber. Rhubarb Gan So the Lord of Tang". Covered by the endless lochia after childbirth, it forms the evidence of the combination of water and blood in the blood chamber with water.

use rhubarb to remove blood stasis and remove knots, gansui to break knots with diarrhea, donkey-hide gelatin to nourish yin and blood, and urgently. It is a dual-purpose method for removing water and stasis, and it is also a method for removing evil and strengthening the body. All males and females with the actual heat syndromes in the lower Jiao can be used, and they do not have to be restricted to the postpartum period.

This article in "Golden Chamber" is listed in women's miscellaneous diseases and not in postpartum. Forgiveness also sees here. This prescription treats water and heat all in the blood chamber, so the lower abdomen is hard and full and it is difficult to urinate; if the treatment of Dangtang soup is purely blood accumulation, the syndrome is that the lower abdomen is hard and full, and the consciousness is disordered and it is self-interested to urinate. You Daxianxiong Decoction treats water and heat and the disease is in the thoracic diaphragm, and this prescription treats water and heat and the disease is in the Shao abdomen . Take this as goodbye.

(7) Dangtang Decoction

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "Women whose menstrual water is not good, so Dangtang is the master of soup. It also treats men with anxious bladder and blood stasis". According to the unfavorable menstrual water, the blood heat is strong and deep, the method of removing blood and removing blood stasis can be used. The peach kernel in the recipe is smooth and beneficial, removing blood stasis and bleeding. Rhubarb has bitter cold to relieve heat, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Leeches, horsefly insects and insects can break blood and remove blood stasis, which is quite violent.

If the general blood knot is evidence, it is suitableTugua Gensan or Xiayuxue Decoction is sufficient; this blood-breaking agent is not necessary. In addition, in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", there are symptoms of weak abdomen, such as madness or forgetfulness, and self-interest in urination. Or black stool. Can participate.

(8) Red and Blue Flower Wine Recipe

The original text of "Golden Chamber" is "a woman with sixty-two winds, and blood tingling in the abdomen, which is the owner of red and blue flowers." Red and blue flowers are safflowers. "Kaibao's Materia Medica" contains its indications of "postpartum blood supply and mouth silence, inexhaustible malignant blood in the abdomen, fetal death, and boiled with wine". Safflower is an important medicine for dispelling blood stasis and relieving coagulation, and when combined with sake, it can better promote blood circulation. The meaning of the sixty-two winds is unclear. The tingling of blood in the woman's abdomen is a disease of blood stasis and qi coagulation. Using safflower wine also means that the wind should be cured before the blood.

In modern times, Wang Qingren used Taohong Siwu Decoction to increase the loss in "Yi Lin Jiacuo" to treat various diseases of blood stasis, which is very creative. However, later generations of "Materia Medica" said that safflower used less to nourish blood, and more used to produce blood. Excessive use can make blood flow more and more. It is also a talk of experience. Once treated a postpartum child with pillow pain, self-administered too much safflower wine, bleeding continued, and the disease was dying. Yuyong Dajiguipi Decoction plus Paojiang, donkey-hide gelatin, cuttlefish bone, madder root charcoal and other medicines were taken frequently, but the bleeding stopped by fluke, but the look was exhausted, and he would recover after years. It is known that the medicine should be used carefully.

(9) Xiaojianzhong Decoction

"Treatise on Febrile Diseases" The Sun Chapter says "typhoid fever, yang pulse astringent, yin pulse string, the method of acute pain in the abdomen, first with Xiaojianzhong soup..." (100 articles) " "Golden Chamber" says: "Insufficiency, palpitations, constipation, abdominal pain, dream loss of sperm, sore limbs, irritated hands and feet, dry throat, dry mouth, Xiaojianzhong soup is the main one." ("Blood Bi Deficiency and Labor Disease and Pulse Syndrome Treatment Sixth") Therefore, this article "Women's abdominal pain, Xiaojianzhong soup is the master". The mechanism should be cross-referenced with the above provisions.

disease is caused by deficiency in the middle and cold, stagnation of qi and blood coagulation, discordant spleen and collaterals, and continuous pain in the abdomen; Both can be used Xiaojianzhong soup. Xiaojianzhong Decoction is based on the main medicine of Daganzhimeitang to build Zhongqi, reintroduced into Guizhi plus peony soup , function to promote qi and blood, heying and Wei, Tonglida table, strengthening the body and eliminating evil; The soil suppresses the wood, reconciles the liver and spleen, and has the effect of relieving abdominal pain. However, the "extreme heat of the hands and feet, dryness of the throat and dry mouth" seen in this syndrome are due to the disharmony between the camp and the guard. It should not be mistaken for yin deficiency and heat.

(10) Shenqi Pill Recipe

"Golden Chamber" Shenqi Pill Recipe, which can be seen everywhere in the book, is used to treat women's disease and transfer. Women’s Miscellaneous Diseases: “Question Day: Women who are sick and eat as usual, can’t lie down because of the heat, but instead lean on the rest, why not?” Shiri: This is the name of a transborn, not drowning, but a siege. Therefore, it causes this disease, but when it is beneficial to urinate, it is healed by Shenqi Pills."

This syndrome is due to the deficiency of both kidney yin and yang, yin and yin deficiency can not be moisturized, and yang qi deficiency can not be cured, so it causes water qi No, it stays in Xiajiao, the cell line is dysfunctional, so you can't urinate, so the name of the disease is transcytosis. Shenqi Pill is an agent for supplementing kidney yin and kidney yang, and can also dissipate qi and promote water, so that the disease can be cured by itself.

(11) The Decoction of Pig Paste

"Golden Chamber" contains two recipes for decoction of pig paste: One is "all yellows, pig paste decoction is the main one." (The 15th "Combined Treatment of Yellow Gangren Disease") The first is this article about women's miscellaneous diseases, "Stomach qi vents, yin blowing and noisy, this valley qi is real, ointment and decoction guide it." The yellowing of the treatment is due to the dry body fluid and stagnation. There are different syndromes of yellowing due to damp-heat. If overcast is more common in women, it is generally not treated with medicine. This syndrome is gluten-qi deficiency, so it can imitate the treatment of asthenia yellow cases, and use the pig ointment to moisten the intestines to dry and reduce blood stasis to decoct for guidance

(12) Fanshiwan prescription

"Golden Chamber", the original text "Women's menstrual fluid is not good, the visceral obsessiveness does not stop, there is dry blood in the body, the white matter, the fanshi pills are the main cause." Zang Jian addiction is blood stasis, not only refers to the white things, but also has a similar syntax in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases." Because of the blood stasis for a long time, it will become damp and heat, and it will rot for a long time, resulting in leucorrhea nowadays. Fanshi pills take alum. Calcined is alum, which has the function of drying dampness and solidifying; almonds are smooth and have insecticidal effect. And honey is used as a suppository, which is absorbed in the vagina, and it has the effect of preventing the sore surface.

(13) Cnidium Sanfang

"Golden Chamber", the original text "Women's Yin and cold, warm yin Chinese medicine, Cnidium vulgaris is used to disperse the master". Cnidium is a pungent heat warming yang medicine, functional to warm the child dirty, remove the cold; also has insecticide stop The effect of itching. It is suitable for treating uterine deficiency and cold, irregular moon water, cold and cold, years of infertility, and itching and insects in the vagina. It is very suitable as a medicine for warming and killing insects. It is better to take medicine and cure it.

(14) Langya soup recipe

The original text of "Golden Chamber" "Shaoyin pulse is slippery and counts, sores in the yin will develop, and those who eat sores in the yin will be washed by Langya soup." Pennisetum and chamaejasme are both poisonous weeds, which have the effect of killing insects and relieving itching. Therefore, they can be used as external treatment and washing prescriptions to treat women who decay due to damp heat and cause sores and ulcers in the yin. But this pharmacy is not available. To cure itching, it is often used to decoct Cnidium, Sophora flavescens, Mugwort, Crane louse, Nepeta and other medicinal water, and pour it into a basin by heat, smoke it first, and then wash it. It also has a good effect.


"Inner Classics" says that "women's two sevenths and the Tianguizhizhi, the Ren pulse is through, the Taichong pulse is strong, the menstruation is in the current time, so there are sons." "The Qiqi Ren pulse is weak, the Taichong pulse is less decayed, the sky is exhausted, the tunnel is unreasonable, so the shape is bad and there is no child." ("Suwen·Ancient innocence") Gai Chong is a sea of ​​blood, and he is the host of the fetus. The liver is the organ where the blood is stored. Most women's diseases are caused by the liver. Therefore, the pathogenesis of fetal bands and breast disease in gynecology are all related to the physiological dysfunction of Chong, Ren, and liver, which causes pathological changes. In the "Golden Chamber" three prescriptions for women's disease, there are various methods of warming the liver, clearing the liver, nourishing the liver, suppressing the liver, and soothing the liver. The doctor knows the origin of the disease and then knows the establishment of the treatment.

Women are mainly blood; blood diseases are irregular in menstruation, and all kinds of diseases are proliferating. "Golden Chamber" treats various prescriptions of blood syndrome in gynecology, such as blood stasis and blood stasis with Xiuxue Decoction and Didang Decoction, Guizhi Fuling Pills for activating blood to eliminate symptom, Tugua root powder for promoting blood circulation and nourishing blood, such as Wenjing Decoction, Nourishing blood and stopping leakage, such as Jiao Ai Decoction, are commonly used in gynecology. It is the treatment of blood syndrome, and the "Golden Chamber" is roughly prepared. But blood and air are closely related. Such as Tugua Gen San, Guizhi Fuling Pills using Guizhi to promote qi to relieve qi, Jiaoai Siwu Decoction of Chuanxiong and Angelica, and nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation can regulate qi and promote stagnation. Therefore, one side of blood disease cannot be grasped in the treatment method, while the other side of "qi" is left behind.

"Golden Chamber" says that "Shaoyang pulse is low, Shaoyin pulse is thin, men have trouble urinating, women have no menstrual flow; menstruation is blood, blood is bad, water is water, the name is blood". (The Fourteenth "Mai Jing") "Mai Jing" says that "the menstrual water is broken before the water, and then the water is sick after the water. The name is blood, this disease is refractory; Water, this disease is easy to treat. Why? If water is removed, its history will follow." According to this paragraph of "Pulse Meridian", the mechanism, treatment and prognosis of gynecological diseases are distinguished from water and blood, which is Zhongjing's legacy. However, water and blood diseases are often mixed. In gynecological prescriptions, such as Danggui Shaoyao San for activating blood and diuresis, Rhubarb Gansui Decoction for breaking blood and removing water, and Guizhi Fuling Pills for activating blood and eliminating symptoms, they are also the prescriptions for treating both water and blood. If it is only blood or water, there is another special prescription for treatment.

Gynecological pregnancy diseases, the focus is on lower blood abdominal pain. "Golden Chamber" this article is like Jiao Ai Tang Wen Jing nourishing blood, ingestion leakage, management of abdominal pain. Fuzi Decoction warms the yang and warms the cells, invigorates the deficiency and solidifies the blood, and cures the abdominal pain of the depression and cold. He is like Danggui Shaoyao San to harmonize the liver and spleen, blood and water diuresis, as well as "Ordinary Service" of Danggui Sanyun and "Nourishing Fetus" of Baizhu San. The prescription is used to test the evidence, and it should be designed for the symptoms of the pain in the heart and belly. In addition, Guizhi Fuling Pills are used to promote blood circulation to eliminate symptoms, and are used for the blood of pregnancy with concurrent diseases. It also implies "there is no cause for death". Regarding pregnancy drug taboos, such as the popular "Pregnancy Drugs Taboo Song", although it is not exactly as stated, it should be taken seriously. The product that hinders the fetal origin under the violent and violent attack of foolishness is always to be used with caution.

Angelica sinensis is bitter, sweet, pungent and warm, with the pungent scent of Chuanxiong, nourishing blood and invigorating blood, and has the effect of rationalizing and soothing depression. Then enter the peony, bitter acid and slightly cold, to condense the liver and camp, and relieve pain. Add rehmannia, bitter, sweet and cold to nourish yin and blood. The four flavors are in harmony, warm but not dry, cold but not greasy, the most universal prescription for regulating menstruation and nourishing blood and regulating qi. "Golden Chamber" Jiao Ai Decoction, Wen Jing Decoction, Danggui Shaoyao San and other prescriptions are mainly used to get a glimpse of its meaning. Later generations of Siwu Decoction and Liuhe Decoction have evolved and developed from then on. The multi-effects used are also one of the advancements in Chinese medicine gynecology. In Siwu Decoction, the three flavors of peony (white peony or red peony root), rehmannia glutinosa (raw or rehmannia), angelica (all angelica, guishen or guiwei), and the entire drug dosage can be changed according to the syndrome and used flexibly.

"Newborn women have three diseases: one is sick with cramps, two is sick with depression, and the three has difficulty defecation." Its Zhuye Decoction should be used for convulsions for treating yang deficiency and wind evil, but not for convulsions of wind and fire. If "the blood dies and sweats, there is more cold, so it will make depression." When it is a body with blood deficiency and cold, so according to the example of "typhoid fever and stroke, there is Bupleurum, but you don't need to know it when you see one syndrome", and the reconciliation method is different from the postpartum blood halo treatment. Its "death body fluid, dry stomach, so it is difficult to defecate." When using the method of moisturizing the intestines and leading the stool, generally do not use Dachengqi Decoction. Covering the two books "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Golden Chamber", they often use the brushwork of mutual comparison. For details, please refer to the complete book of Zhongjing.

The fetal belt and miscellaneous diseases contained in the third chapter of "Golden Chamber" Women's Diseases are all common clinical diseases. The prescriptions and medicinal preparations used for oral administration include soups, pills, powders, decoctions, and external treatments include acupuncture, sitting medicine, and washing prescriptions. The medication is simple and effective. To this day, it still has practical value and deserves attention.

The prescriptions used in the three chapters of "Golden Chamber" for women's diseases, such as Guizhi Decoction, Fuzi Decoction, Xiao Chaihu Decoction, etc. are the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". Xiaojianzhong Decoction Shenqi Pills, etc. are also the main prescriptions of "Golden Chamber" for treating miscellaneous internal diseases. Explain that the theory and clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine is an important part when there is a comprehensive and comprehensive understanding. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases must be fully grasped before they can be used freely. However, gynecological diseases have their own special aspects. In addition, gynecological prescriptions, such as Guizhi Fuling Pills, Xiayuxue Decoction, Danggui Shaoyao San, etc., are commonly used in internal and external traumatology and other aspects, and have good results.

This article is excerpted from "Li Peisheng Medical Collection", China Medical Science and Technology Press, Chief Editor of Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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