Laozi's meditation on culture, the three routes of "Tao De Jing" are in harmony with the dust

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Sima Qian told a story that Confucius, a well-known saint, went all the way to ask questions about Laozi. I didn't refuse to see him. Instead, he taught Confucius in a calm and condescending manner. Confucius was not angry. After he came out, he sighed and said, "I know birds can fly, fish can swim, beasts can walk, but the dragon in the cloud is hard to see. Lao Tzu is such a dragon!"

-Confucius goes , The disciple said: "Birds, I know that they can fly; fish, I know that they can swim; beasts, I know that they can walk. Those who walk can be wanderers, those who swim can be lun, and those who fly can be 矰. As for the dragon, I can’t know that he is riding on the wind and going to the sky. I see Lao Tzu today, it’s like a dragon and evil!” ("Historical Records 63: Biography of Lao Tzu Han Fei No. 3")

When Confucius saw Lao Tzu, all he asked was courtesy. What Lao Tzu said to Confucius was actually "Tao". These two are not the same thing. But this does not mean that Lao Tzu does not understand Confucius. Lao Tzu’s education of Confucius is nothing more than a sentence, you are unrealistic ("What Tzu said, his human and bones are decayed"). Don't be foolish in this era. It's no good to be seduced ("It is useless to remove the arrogance and desires of the son, and the lust and desires of the son.").

Laozi's meditation on culture, the three routes of 'Tao De Jing' are in harmony with the dust - Lujuba

Confucius also understands Lao Tzu, and he understands Lao Tzu's good intentions, so I lament that Lao Tzu is a dragon. Laozi and Confucius are confidants of each other. But the world's understanding of Laozi seems to be biased. People always put Laozi and Zhuangzi together, saying that they do nothing.

Actually, Laozi is not "wuwei" , Zhuangzi is "wuwei". Lao Tzu is actually a kind of reverse thinking, opposite to each other, from the opposite to the right, is a way to point out the line after reflecting on life, culture, and society. Confucius understands this truth, and Sima Qian also understands, so Sima Qian said, "Li Er does nothing but self-reliance, quiet and self-righteous."

01 Lao Tzu is not indisputable, just fighting with the Tao

At this time, we must first clarify the concept. What is inaction? Doing nothing is doing nothing and lying down. The so-called rule by doing nothing is to do nothing, do not interfere, and then rule the world. It's a lie to win.

People have said that Laozi is "ruling by doing nothing", and they say "teaching without words". The so-called self-teaching means that, for example, if you have a son, don’t care if he is naughty or not, just keep him free, don’t talk about him, but interfere with his nature. This is called self-teaching, and the ruler should also educate the people. such.

Judging from Laozi's "Tao De Jing", the truth seems to be like this. But is it really so?

is not.

Since self-teaching can be successful, why did Lao Tzu write "The Tao Te Ching"? There is still something to say.

Do nothing? Not necessarily.

The so-called inaction depends on the purpose. Zhuangzi never pays attention to purpose, it pays attention to conformity to nature, and does not have any purpose. Lao Tzu is different. Lao Tzu talks about purpose, what to do or not to do, and what is ultimately for. Lao Tzu speaks clearly. Moreover, Lao Tzu's purpose is not like Zhuangzi's for inner peace, most of Lao Tzu's purpose is secular.

For example, what is the purpose of "doing nothing"? It is governance. is nothing more than "doing nothing". This is also called the indisputable dispute.

"Whoever is good in ancient times does not take the good of the people, but will be stupid. The people are difficult to rule, and they are more wise. Therefore, the country is governed by wisdom, the thief of the country. Not by wisdom, the country is blessed." Don’t use wisdom. The reason why the people are difficult to manage is because they have learned and are smart. The so-called “policy” and countermeasures are simply stupid. If the people cannot follow suit, they will rule.

So, this is actually not about the purpose but the method. What is the method? Good at learning, learning from water-

"The world is weaker than water. The strong one cannot win. There is no easy way. The weak wins the strong. The soft wins the strong. The world never knows that nothing can be done." The method of

is to learn how to overcome rigidity with softness. There is a strong thing that cannot be overcome, what should I do? Learn water, make a detour if you need to detour, soak if you soak, and use softness to overcome rigidity.

The purpose of learning water is to "keep strong"!

Laozi's meditation on culture, the three routes of 'Tao De Jing' are in harmony with the dust - Lujuba

Therefore, Laozi is contentious and purposeful, but he is very particular about methods and methods .Contention. "Don't fight, you may not be able to fight, simply do not fight, do not fight, the final result is that no one can fight you. Purpose: fight!

In short, Lao Tzu's "inaction" does not aim at "inaction". Instead, he aims at “promising”. He seeks accomplishment by doing nothing.

For this purpose, Lao Tzu has made some “secret” struggles. These methodologies sum up a total of three routes, so as to be with the dust-

02 The first route: Dao

Lao Tzu is a philosopher and always has metaphysical considerations. Or, to be precise, it is a reflection on culture, life, and life. The first word of "Tao De Jing" presents this kind of reflection. That is "Tao".

Lao Tzu's "Tao" has made a great contribution to Chinese culture. This word affects people's lives and thinking later on. Until now, we will say: you are unreasonable; humane; this child Don’t talk about filial piety.

shows that the influence of Tao has lasted for thousands of years.

Laozi's meditation on culture, the three routes of 'Tao De Jing' are in harmony with the dust - Lujuba

We know that Chinese mythology says that people are made by the Nvwa, but who made the Nvwa? No one is talking about the original question. I said, yes. Dao! Dao is the origin of the universe, a thing that exists before the heaven and the earth, is completely natural, lonely and independent, does not neglect every week, and creates everything... invisible, invisible, invisible, intangible, but it exists. It is everywhere.

This kind of reflection pointed out a spiritual path and a bright path for later people. Chinese people really think about themselves from the origin.

Although this is a kind of abstract thinking. It has great cultural and spiritual significance.

Moreover, I understand that the way of life is virtue. And virtue is the natural attribute of all things. All things, including people.

This is a kind of nature, innate, and natural. It is not made by man.

That Lao Tzu’s Isn’t the first route the return of man’s inner spirit to nature?! And it’s the return of the integration of Tao and morality!

03 The second route: No

"Nothing" is the lever of Laozi’s philosophy. It is a twist Lao Tzu speaks of “being” through “nothing”. As Lao Tzu said, all things in the world are born from being, and being born from nothing.

This is equivalent to saying that the essence of Tao is nothing. Therefore, there is boundless and unlimited. The reason is also obvious. The cup is empty to pour water in, and the house is empty to live in. Therefore, nothing is the creator.

This returns to the problem discussed in 01, Inaction, and governance by inaction. It is just a way and method. Lao Tzu gave this line to say that the way and method must conform to the nature of nature to achieve the goal. Because he believes that the way of heaven is virtue, and virtue is Self-contained, the so-called "I don't do anything but people are self-contained". 1z

Lao Tzu is very trustworthy. The guidance and enlightenment that others think too much is to destroy the Tao, because it violates nature. Therefore, don't pursue the purposeful wisdom or behavior that damages the great virtue too much, it is harmful. He even said: "Wisdom comes out, there are big falsehoods."

Laozi's meditation on culture, the three routes of 'Tao De Jing' are in harmony with the dust - Lujuba

Legend has it that when I left Wuguan, he rode a blue ox

. At this level, the method he talked about was "Natural Taoism." Let's go along and find another way. Although you won't get any benefits from your own perspective, you can actually get unexpected benefits. Of course, with this method, one must gain insight into the nature of things and people. Then choose a more feminine way to finally achieve the goal.

04 The third route: the opposite of

, the movement of the Tao.

Lao Tzu means that in order to make the Tao move, it needs to be reversed. This seems to make sense. The rocket's speed is so fast because of the reverse thrust.

Moreover, is because the "Tao" does not go in a straight line, but in a circle and a loop. If you can't get it at this point, you will definitely be transferred back to it at the next point.

In this sense, everything will develop in the opposite direction. On the contrary. Therefore, great success is lacking, great straightforwardness is wrong, great skill is not clumsy, and great argument is not good.

Consummation is the lack of everything. Just like "Kanglong has regrets" and "the elephant is invisible" in the "Book of Changes".

This reverse thinking method is an important contribution of Lao Tzu's wisdom. It is also an important source of Chinese wisdom.

Through "anti", Lao Tzu allows people to understand themselves from the perspective of interdependence and mutual transformation of everything. After cognition, there is one operation-"know its male, guard its female", "know its white, guard its black", "know its glory, guard its decline".

This is like our life. The nutrition and wisdom given to our cultural life by this route of is simply incalculable.

Laozi's meditation on culture, the three routes of 'Tao De Jing' are in harmony with the dust - Lujuba

The Tao Te Ching by Zhao Mengfu, partial

line combination: Tongchen and light

Laozi’s wisdom is actually the wisdom of the people. Because most people are actually in a disadvantaged position, they must pay attention to methods and methods in life. Laozi's thinking about future generations is meditation. Use virtuality and quietness to control reality and movement.

, with a weak attitude, recognizes oneself clearly and chooses the right method, is the strong in life. Laozi's speculative wisdom lies here. As he said to Confucius, "Yau, life is between heaven and earth, which is a part of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are born naturally, and people are born naturally. They are one, you see, there are young and young people. , Strong, old, gradual changes, the world has spring, summer, autumn, and winter constantly alternate, this is normal, what is the sigh. Born in nature, die in nature, let it be natural, as long as people live in nature without chaos Just like you, you don’t understand what kind of benevolence and justice lectures you are busy with every day. It is a kind of fetters. To talk about benevolence and justice, you have to rely on power and fame. There are high and low levels of this stuff, and you will feel anxious , And slowly let the desire to invade the heart, then it will be annoying.” All the wisdom of

Lao Tzu is justified by anyway, in fact it is positive. It's just that he is not willing to forcibly toss and treat the world with the softness in his heart and wisdom. To seduce it, close its door, frustrate its sharpness, resolve its disputes, and its light, and its dust are the same as the mystery.

dissolve yourself in the light and dust, you can know the world without going out of your house, and see the way of heaven without going out. This is Lao Tzu's meditation on culture! It is also the heartfelt words of the general public.

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