35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation

news 2433℃

On November 2, according to media reports, the 35-year-old South Korean comedian Park Ji-sun was found dead at home today.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

At the same time, her mother was also found dead at home. The mother and daughter died together so strangely that the outside world speculated that they might have committed suicide, but the real cause of death still needs to be investigated in depth to confirm.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

Park Ji Sun’s name may be a bit unfamiliar to many people. In fact, she graduated from a prestigious university and is a veritable academic bully. However, she prefers the colorful life before the curtain, so she entered the entertainment industry early.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

Park Ji-sun, who has made his debut for many years, works as an actor and host, and is also a regular guest on variety shows. In the past, she played an English teacher in the sitcom " Short-legged Counterattack ".

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

She often hosts press conferences of major idol groups as a host. Because she understands the voice of fans, fans like her very much.

Recently, Park Jixuan has suffered from an illness and has been recuperating at home. His mother also came from home to accompany her daughter. This morning, Park Ji Sun’s father called, but neither mother nor daughter answered. So she ran to her daughter's house, only to find that the mother and daughter had both died.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

lost his daughter and wife at the same time, you can imagine how sad Park's father is. It is reported that tomorrow is Park Ji Sun’s 36th birthday, fans also expressed disbelief and grief after hearing the bad news.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

Speaking of it, the Japanese and Korean entertainment circles have been really bad news for a while. In September of this year, Wu Renhui, who had performed in many film and television dramas, was found in a coma at home. He was declared dead after being sent to the hospital at the age of 36.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

died about the same time as Wu Renhui, and Japanese actress Ashina star , she was found to have committed suicide at home. Coincidentally, Ashina was also 36 years old when he died.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

In addition, Haruma Miura and Takashi Fujiki, who collaborated with Ashinastar in the Japanese drama "Blood Monday", also chose to commit suicide in recent months and eventually passed away forever.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

Haruma Miura is very popular in Japan, and he is also well-known in the mainland. He also worked with Liu Shishi as a couple before. After the news of his death came to light, netizens were very sad.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

performed with Haruma Miura last year and took a picture of Yuko Takeuchi, who died at the end of September. Both she and Haruma Miura chose to hang themselves in the closet. It is reported that when she died, the child was not yet one year old. It is so pitiful to lose my mother forever at such a young age.

35-year-old South Korean actress Park Ji-sun died at home, her mother died together strangely, the cause of death is still under investigation - Lujuba

Kimura Takuya , who once worked with Yuko Takeuchi in the classic Japanese drama "Ice Lovers", cried directly on the set after learning of the sudden death of his friend.

In the end, no matter what, I hope these stars will go all the way, so that such tragedies will not happen again.

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