Create the most classic bridge section! The first Bond girl in "007" dies at the age of 90

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007 series of films has 26 titles since its debut in 1962. Seven James Bonds have become popular, and there is a Bond girl around them. The first actor Eunice Gayson died on the 8th. , At the age of 90.

Create the most classic bridge section! The first Bond girl in '007' dies at the age of 90 - Lujuba

Create the most classic bridge section! The first Bond girl in '007' dies at the age of 90 - Lujuba

The first Bond girl in the "007" series of films passed away on the 8th

According to the British media "BBC", Unis Gayson was born in London in 1928 and became the first "Bond girl" in 1962, starring in the first 007 film " "Informer No. 7" took over the next year in the sequel "Informer No. 7 Sequel", becoming the only actress in this series who played the Bond girl twice in the film. After her death, the film Both the producer and Bond's official Twitter posted mourning.

Create the most classic bridge section! The first Bond girl in '007' dies at the age of 90 - Lujuba

In addition to being the first Bond girl, Unice Gayson is regarded by the outside world as assisting Sean Connery in creating the classic section of "007". In the movie, she asked: "Who are you?" The other party replied: " Bond, James Bond..." In a series of movies since then, this passage and lines have become a classic must-have. In addition, after the film, Unis Gessen also entered the television circle, shooting including "The Detective Simon" and "The Avengers".

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