Zombie Detective Episode 12 Diversity Plot (24 episodes in total)

hanguo 2954℃

Zombie Detective Episode 12 Diversity Plot Introduction

Jin Wuying kills the zombie Lu Fengzhi, Zhishan establishes a detective agency

   Lu Fengzhi turned himself into a zombie and let the police car accidentally escape. Zhishan used to care about Li Chenglu. The zombie did not stick his teeth into his stomach, so he was not infected. Zhishan told Jiang Minho the news, and he told him not to come back, otherwise it would be dangerous. Jiang Minhao thought that because many of his people were injured, he decided to leave here completely.

   The news of Lu Fengzhi was broadcast in the news, but when he was found missing, Li Chenglu and the two were afraid that Lu Fengzhi would avenge him. Li Chenglu went to the police station to call the police, but the police did not believe what the zombies said, and returned to Li Chenglu's detective agency and found Jiang Minhao waiting for them.

   The next day, Cha Daoxian went to the detective agency to look for Jiang Minho, but when Zhishan came, Zhishan did not tell Cha Daoxian the news of Jiang Minhao, but Cha Daoxian refused to believe the zombie she was talking about and left angrily. Zhishan came to the detective agency and the four people analyzed together, knowing that Lu Fengzhi had turned himself into a zombie.

   Zhishan went home to look for her sister. Her sister knew through gossip that Lu Fengzhi had made all the animals into specimens. Lu Fengzhi was walking on the street when he heard his wife want an autopsy. Li Chenglu knew that the most important thing to Lu Fengzhi was his wife, so he would definitely find his wife's body. Everyone planned to remove the body, tempting Lu Fengzhi to appear.

   Li Chenglu and Wang Wei took the female zombie out, while Jiang Minhao waited for Lu Fengzhi in the morgue. Lu Fengzhi was knocked down because of his slow movement, but because of the look in the female zombie's eyes before death, Lu Fengzhi was choked by Lu Fengzhi for a while. At this time, Zhishan rushed to save Jiang Minho, and Lu Fengzhi took Zhishan away, wanting Jiang Minho to try to lose the taste. Cha Daoxian appeared and wanted to take Jiang Minhao to the police station, but Jiang Minhao directly knocked him out.

   Jiang Minhao took the corpse of the female zombie to the warehouse to find Lu Fengzhi, but Jiang Minhao could not beat Lu Fengzhi now. At this time, Li Chenglu drove to the warehouse, handed them breathing masks, and fainted him with Lu Fengzhi's medicine. Just as Li Chenglu was proud, Lu Fengzhi caught him at once, and Jiang Minhao left and shot Lu Fengzhi when he saw it.

   Jiang Minhao decided to leave human life, but everyone was reluctant to bear him. Zhishan came to the detective agency and found that he had kept the sweater he met for the first time, which was very moved.

Zombie Detective Episode 12 Diversity Plot (24 episodes in total) - Lujuba

   One year later, the brother-in-law finally succeeded, and the sister was able to get down. The family was still noisy as before. Wang Wei succeeded in the Yanbian branch office and successfully confessed to Paula. Zhishan also took down the Jin Wuying office and built his own office.

   Ji Sun came to the Halloween party and met Kang Min Ho again. Jiang Minhao asked Zhishan to help inquire about the scientist. He heard that he was studying the transformation from a zombie to a human. Zhishan was very happy that Jiang Minhao did not give up becoming a human. At this time, the party suddenly changed, and Zhishan hurriedly asked Jiang Minhao to check out that there was an incident where humans killed humans.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo