Zombie Detective Episode 6 Diversity Plot (24 episodes in total)

hanguo 689℃

Zombie Detective Episode 6 Diversity Plot Introduction

Lost vs. Wild Boar Jin Wuying thinks of the memory of Suri

   Cha Daoxian just came to thank Jin Wuying for the case, and made Zhishan a false alarm. Cha Do-hyun invited them to dinner at night, but Ji Sun knew that the president could not eat normal food, so he quickly rejected him.


   Grilled Fatty Sausage Restaurant, Zhishan asked Paula about amnesia, and Paula told her that many people never think of memories. Jin Wuying watched the amnesia in the TV series and imagined that he might also be a chaebol. In the villa, eating his favorite grilled sausage, there are many servants serving him, Jin Wuying has become a human, but suddenly a fork is inserted in his foot, but he does not feel any pain, Jin Wuying comes out of fantasy.

   After Jin Wuying returned, Junyou sent the walnuts back. Jin Wuying feels more hungry when he sees Walnut, but Zhishan thinks Jin Wuying misses his family when he sees it. Zhishan wanted to try hypnosis to remind Jin Wuying of her memory, but in the end she fell asleep.

   This day, my sister was sending lactic acid bacteria on the road. Li Chenglu called her to buy the lactic acid bacteria and sent it to the police station. He wanted to learn about Jin Wuying, but he heard that the police had a good impression of Jin Wuying and did not say anything about the investigation.

   Zhishan looked at the belongings he had brought before and found a limited edition lighter. Zhishan proposed to post it on the Internet to look for clues. He saw that the buttons on Jin Wuying's suit were neatly stitched, and analyzed that someone had taken care of him. Jin Wuying could see the scene before his death, but looked down on the murderer's face and didn't know why he killed himself. Just when the two were lost, there was information on Zhishan's SNS. Netizens said they had seen the lighter a year ago.

Zombie Detective Episode 6 Diversity Plot (24 episodes in total) - Lujuba

   Zhishan and Jin Wuying made an appointment to meet with the netizen, but the netizen did not show up. The two met Hyung Cheol, and Ji Sun introduced Jin Wuying to Hyung Cheol and handed him his business card. Hyung-zhe received a call and his wife said that his mother had gone missing in the mountains. Zhishan did not wait for Jin Wuying to say anything, so he would take him to help find someone, because Zhishan still feels guilty for Hyung-zhe. Li Chenglu led Wang Wei to follow Jin Wuying until he reached the mountains.

   Jin Wuying got hungry as he searched in the woods, and smelled the smell of rabbits in the woods. Li Chenglu was too fat to keep up with Jin Wuying's footsteps, so he gave up on tracking. Jin Wuying found the old man in the woods, but he asked for a wild boar. The wild boar was about to attack Zhishan and was rescued by Jin Wuying. Jin Wuying settled the old man Zhishan aside and told Zhishan to count a hundred and he would return. Jin Wuying led the wild boar to the edge of the cliff. In order to attack him, the wild boar jumped directly off the cliff.

   Jin Wuying brought the wild boar down the mountain with Zhishan. News soon reported that Jin Wuying was deeply loved by the citizens. Hengzhe came to pick up his mother. The old man suffered from Alzheimer's. He regarded Jin Wuying as his son and cried and missed him when he held him. Hengzhe apologized to Jin Wuying and took his mother away.

   Zhishan returned home, thinking of the scene where Jin Wuying rescued him during the day, and was a little tempted. Li Chenglu saw Jin Wuying's news on the Internet, and just wanted to write a vicious comment, he was discovered by Wang Wei. Wang Wei said to Li Chenglu and advised him not to investigate good people like Jin Wuying, but Li Chenglu still felt strange and refused to give up the investigation.

   The next day, Zhishan hurriedly took Jin Wuying to the witch for fortune-telling. The witch was about to lie to the two, and Zhishan recognized that the witch was a liar and little prodigy. Zhishan shook the witch's bell, Jin Wuying thought of some memories, and left with a splitting headache. Jin Wuying's memory is the girl killed by Santa Claus. He thinks it must be something to give you a little girl. There is a rabbit doll in Jin Wuying's memory, but Zhishan contacted Cha Daoxian for information. There is no rabbit doll in the girl's relic.

   Zhishan brought Jin Wuying to the girl’s house, but the girl’s father was not at home, so Zhishan took Jin Wuying to the cemetery. Ji Sun told Kim Wu-ying that Suri's most precious thing was his father, because his mother passed away very early and his father was very busy outside, so Suri was counting his fingers and waiting for his father to come home. The reason why Ji Sun has been struggling with the Santa Claus case is that he interviewed Su Li's father a month before his disappearance. It was because of the report that Su Li was abducted to death. At this time, Ji Sun regretted his meddling for the first time.

   Brother-in-law knows through the news that the wild boar's brain is missing. The brother-in-law always feels that there are zombies nearby. Through observation, he feels that this zombie's appetite has increased. I wonder if he will eat humans in the future.

   LaneHyun's colleague found the rabbit doll Suri was holding in the photo, but did not find it at home or on the spot. He was suspicious of Ji Sun's inquiry and sent the photo to Ji Sun. Jin Wuying saw the doll and confirmed that it was this doll in his memory. Jin Wuying returned to the office and found that the house had been turned over and the lighter had disappeared.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo