"Daily mobile phone repair class" iPhone6S SP cover current

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iPhone6S SP top cover current

'Daily mobile phone repair class' iPhone6S SP cover current - Lujuba

'Daily mobile phone repair class' iPhone6S SP cover current - Lujuba

fault description

peer sent to the maintenance department for an iPhone6S machine customer description machine before normal water flooding before opening and powering on the top cover current

fault analysis

we know this machine is described by the customer. The current of the upper cover caused by the water entering first consider the direction bus that caused the current of the upper cover, which will cause the upper cover to be short-circuited, which will lead to the solution step

1. First, exclude the external board to see the current

2. According to the schematic diagram, measure whether the power supply of the upper cover is short-circuited.

3. Consider the bus. By observing the main board, you can see that the vibrating IC is a little bit corroded. Take off the vibrating IC. The foot of the vibrating IC is severely corroded.

4. See the vibration IC mounted on the bus through the schematic diagram. Replace with a vibrating IC.


'Daily mobile phone repair class' iPhone6S SP cover current - Lujuba

'Daily mobile phone repair class' iPhone6S SP cover current - Lujuba

fault description

sent to the maintenance department of an iPhone6SP machine customer described the machine before it was used normally and it was not turned on when the machine was turned on after it was turned on and did not turn on the DFU mode

'Daily mobile phone repair class' iPhone6S SP cover current - Lujuba

fault description

For an iPhone6SP machine, we know that this machine is not turned on when it is turned on after a fall, and there is an error 4014 when the machine is turned on. The machine that has been dropped first considers the solution of the broken wire, etc.


1. First remove the hard disk to test whether it is damaged. Measure the hard disk to the CPU PCIE bus

3 through the schematic diagram. Through the measurement, it is found that the coupling capacitor on the line to the CPU is caused by the virtual welding of the coupling capacitor.

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