My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 20 Diversity Plot (16 in total)

hanguo 1917℃

My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 20 Diversity Plot Introduction

Xu Zhen believes that Rui Zhi and Xu Huan have an adulterous relationship, Xu's mother decided to give way to Xu Zhen

   Under the guidance of his father, Xu Zhen came to the commercial street. When Xu Huan saw Xu Zhen, he took the initiative to introduce Jin Gaoyun to him. Unexpectedly, Xu Zhen was very indifferent to Jin Gaoyun.

   Xu Zhen asked Rui Zhi when Jin Gaoyun was released from prison and made it clear that he did not want Rui Zhi to have any contact with Jin Gaoyun.

   Rui Zhi didn't understand why Xu Zhen cared so much. He contacted her mother and felt that Xu Zhen did not respect her mother like Xu Huan. Xu Zhen was very annoyed when Rui Zhi compared him with Xu Huan.

   He angrily asked Xu Huan, Rui Zhi’s life, how much he was involved in, just like last time, Xu Huan was still talking about him, just answering, how much did the teacher suffer during Xu Zhen’s absence bitter.

   Xu Zhen was angry and left the commercial street alone. After returning home, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he decided to go upstairs to see what the hell Xu Huan and Rui Zhi had, the secret.

   Xu Zhen just grabbed the stairs and fell off the wheelchair, but he endured the pain and insisted on climbing up the steps to the second floor.

   Xu Zhen first came to Rui Zhi’s room and threw out all the things in Rui Zhi’s drawer. He did not find any suspicious objects. The only thing that made him displeased was the lamp beside Rui Zhi’s bed. .

   Xu Zhen knew that Xu Huan gave Rui Zhi the lamp, so he threw the lamp to the ground, and after falling the lamp, he went to Xu Huan's room again.

   On the computer in Xu Huan's room, he found photos of Xu Huan and Rui Zhi on Puji Island. When he saw those photos, his eyes were dark, and he thought Rui Zhi and Xu Huan had also gone there for their honeymoon.


   Ruizhi returned home, he did not find Xu Zhen on the first floor, so he went to the second floor. Seeing a mess in his room, he immediately guessed what was going on, so he looked for Xu Zhen everywhere.

   Xu Zhen sits in a wheelchair and sits alone by the pond. The surrounding night is as gloomy as his psychology. When Rui Zhi walked to him and persuaded him to go back to the room, he angrily questioned Rui Zhi, Pu Ji Dao What's the matter, has she already slept with Xu Huan.

   After Xu Huan came home, he just heard Xu Zhen’s words and told his brother angrily that he and the teacher were innocent. Xu Zhen’s words were not only insulting him and the teacher, but also insulting Xu Zhen. Oneself;

   Xu Zhen had already called his mother. While they were talking, Secretary Yin drove the car over. Xu Zhen got in the car and left without looking back.

   Xu's mother and Xu Zhen discussed that the company should be handed over to Xu Huan to manage, because now Chairman Fang and Executive Jin have already focused on the company. They will definitely not give up unless they achieve their goals. She must not let Executive Jin take things outside. Successfully, I'm going to let Xu Huan do the representative of this position.

   Xu Zhen believes that Xu Huan is still too tender to deal with Chairman Fang and others. He must be unable to do what he wants and is willing to take over the company on behalf of his mother. Xu's mother was very pleased after hearing this.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo