Pneumonia panic in the Hong Kong entertainment circle wirelessly locks TV city! Many people infected with the disease Xue Kaiqi J.Arie high risk

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The third wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong is critical, and the entertainment industry bursts out for the first time!

Guide: singer Shi Kuangqiao became the first Hong Kong artist to be diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia. The manager Liang Liping (Apple) who was in close contact, her boyfriend Medrow, and the propaganda staff Ajia were also recruited. The four are currently in hospital. Shi Kuangqiao and A Jia have been in and out of the three major radio and TV cities in recent months, and they have been exposed to many singers, DJs, artists and behind-the-scenes staff. They immediately cause panic and everyone is in danger. Among them, the radio has issued a "city closure order"!

Pneumonia panic in the Hong Kong entertainment circle wirelessly locks TV city! Many people infected with the disease Xue Kaiqi J.Arie high risk - Lujuba

24-year-old singer Shi Kuangqiao, his manager Liang Liping, her boyfriend Medrow and propagandist Ajia were diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia. After the news was exposed, it caused panic in the entertainment industry! The new crown virus is extremely contagious, with an incubation period of up to 14 days. Shi Kuangqiao has been publicized as early as July 5, while A Jia has contacted many singers, and even had a meal with the staff behind the scenes in TV City. It is suspected that as many as dozens of people, the virus transmission chain has grown again. Yesterday (18th) Shi Kuangqiao wrote:

Pneumonia panic in the Hong Kong entertainment circle wirelessly locks TV city! Many people infected with the disease Xue Kaiqi J.Arie high risk - Lujuba

Metro was admitted to hospital for observation

. Four people are currently undergoing observation, testing and treatment in the isolation ward. When interviewed by Metro, it was revealed that 30 people had been held in a private club in Tsim Sha Tsui on the 16th of this month. At the fan gathering, the next day, she felt unwell. She was admitted to the hospital early yesterday morning and was initially diagnosed. His girlfriend, Apple, was tested and found to be infected. He is now in the Shatin Wells Hospital and his voice is weak. He started to develop symptoms in two days, including headache, sore throat, diarrhea, fever, and fatigue. (Not surprised) I was surprised, but I hope to get better soon. He also stated that the two had to be admitted to different hospitals due to insufficient beds.

As for Shi Kuangqiao and Apple’s spokesperson said: Shi Kuangqiao is ill, but most of the people around him are fine. The check is first found out, and everyone who has been in contact with her is called on for testing. In fact, one month before the outbreak of the third wave, the company had ordered its field colleagues to return to the company, so most of the field workers, such as artists, managers, and publicity workers, had returned to the company a month ago.

Pneumonia panic in the Hong Kong entertainment circle wirelessly locks TV city! Many people infected with the disease Xue Kaiqi J.Arie high risk - Lujuba

More than one hundred potential patients

Since Shi Kuangqiao and Ajia visited TV City, it immediately caused a panic! The Propaganda Section of the Wireless Corporate Communications Department immediately issued a "City Closure" notice last night, stating that reporters on the station will not be admitted to the TV Broadcast City today and tomorrow, and the live broadcast of today’s program "TVB Teaser Malaysia" and the evening’s "Charm" will be cancelled. "Condensing the New Era" video exploration class to avoid cross-infection. Yesterday, there was a list of people who had contact with Shi Kuangqiao and A Jia who needed to be tested for the virus from the wireless inside. Among them, there were nearly 20 artists who had contact with her, plus more than 100 people in front and behind the scenes!

Full disinfection of high-risk places

In addition to TV City, Shi Kuangqiao also went to Metro Radio to accept an interview with DJ Lin Ziqian, making the place a high-risk place. Radio public relations said yesterday that after learning the news, although it did not "close the station," it has been Notify non-duty and logistics staff to work at home and spray disinfectants throughout the company to clean them, including live broadcast rooms, recording studios, lobby and relevant chair seats, etc. Lin Ziqian has also been tested for the new crown pneumonia virus. As for the commercial station, Shi Kuangqiao had not visited the radio station within 14 days, but the staff member A Jia had visited the radio station with another singer under his banner, so cleaning and disinfection had been arranged.

Shi Kuangqiao, 24, was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia and became the first artist to be diagnosed. Its manager Liu Liping (Sister Apple) and her boyfriend Madero were both sued. Shi Kuangqiao will host a radio program once a week and meet many artists and singers. On July 15th, she also had close contact with Xue Kaiqi and took pictures together, making Xue Kaiqi a dangerous person and will be tested! In view of the fact that a male propaganda officer was also diagnosed, the singers who had worked with the other party did not dare to neglect and line up for testing. Because the artists and propaganda officers had to contact different media from time to time, commercial stations, Metro Radio and Wu were also implicated. In a hurry! In the third wave of new crown pneumonia in Hong Kong, Shi Kuangqiao, sister Apple, her boyfriend Madero, and a male propaganda staff have been diagnosed. Due to the wide contact, many artists, radio and TV stations and other media are all in danger!

Pneumonia panic in the Hong Kong entertainment circle wirelessly locks TV city! Many people infected with the disease Xue Kaiqi J.Arie high risk - Lujuba

There is no confirmed diagnosis in the same company

Shi Kuangqiao’s manager, Apple sister, personally recognized through the company spokespersonShe and her boyfriends Madero, Shi Kuangqiao, and a publicity officer confirmed the diagnosis after testing, and said that they did not want to conceal anything, and called on people who had contact with her and her artists during this period to be tested as soon as possible; Artist Xie Gaojin and other colleagues are all fine, and another artist Jiang Jiaying has yet to report. Medro, who is currently undergoing treatment in the isolation ward of Shatin Wales Hospital, said during the interview that he had fever and throat discomfort. He felt hard the previous day, but he is better after taking the medicine and hopes to recover soon. As for the Apple sister, she is in good spirits and is completely asymptomatic. She is ashamed of the affected people and hopes that those who have been in contact with them will also be tested for safety.

Cancel the two-day event

As for the male publicity officer who was diagnosed not only cooperated with Apple’s company, but also promoted for many singers. Among them, J.Arie (Lei Shenru) said that he needed an fasting test, so he would go to the hospital at night During the test, she revealed that she had met with the propaganda staff 3 days ago and got along for 2 to 3 hours, but did not eat together, and pointed out that she had no new coronary pneumonia-related symptoms for the time being. Su Huien said that she had met the propaganda staff the night before and was tested under the company's arrangement. She was waiting for a report in the hospital. She also said that she had always had nasal allergies and had stomach pains. It is unknown whether it is related. Due to the frequent visits of publicity personnel to radio and television stations, male publicity personnel have recently been to commercial channels or become high-risk places. The number of front and backstage actors who have had the opportunity to contact cannot be estimated, and there are at least dozens of artists; Dear Jane on 16 Ri Zaiwu has been with the male publicity staff. They said they have received inquiries from all walks of life and the media, and the company has also notified them to take the test. However, there were two event announcements scheduled to be cancelled immediately due to the visit of confirmed persons, and reporters were not allowed to enter the TV station, and the production team was also required to be tested.

Xincheng Radio learned that a guest was diagnosed and immediately carried out a spray cleaning and disinfection throughout the station. Non-duty and logistics staff will arrange home work. The host of the show has also been tested for COVID-19 to ensure the safety of colleagues.

Close contact

■ Xue Kaiqi had a close photo with Shi Kuangqiao. She said that she would go to the hospital for testing.

Medro is currently receiving treatment in the isolation ward of Shatin Wales Hospital.

■ Sister Apple has been admitted to the hospital for treatment, and she apologizes to those affected.

■ Xie Gaojin went to the hospital for an examination, but fortunately he was not diagnosed.

■Medro and his girlfriend Apple both "success".

■J.Arie met with the propaganda staff who was diagnosed with the disease a few days ago, and frankly said that he has no new coronary pneumonia related illnesses.

■Su Huien has also been in contact with the confirmed propaganda staff.

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