Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6?

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With the help of the central government, more than one million people in Hong Kong participated in the "Universal Community Testing Program." There were 7 new confirmed cases on September 5, which is the fourth time in 6 days that only a single-digit increase. Being gradually controlled.

Seeing that with the support of the central government, the situation of the epidemic situation in Hong Kong has improved. The chaos groups felt that their safety has improved, and they once again formed cliques and took to the streets to make trouble. Following the "8.31 Incident at Prince Edward Station" in which six people were killed by the police a year ago by the psychic last week, there was another street incident on September 6, claiming to "reignite war."

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

Starting from noon on September 6, dozens of black storms circulated on Nathan Road and nearby side streets in Yau Tsim Mong, chanting "Hong Kong, the Revolution of Time", "Hong Kong Poisons, Only Clothes Out", etc. Poisonous slogans were used to throw cardboard boxes, trash cans and other debris onto the road using previous street vandalism methods to block traffic. However, the police officers quickly arrived at the scene. Under the cover of the black reporters, the black storm had to throw water bottles, umbrellas and other sundries at the police officers, and then fled.

During the dispersal process, the police officers raised yellow, blue and purple flags several times to warn, and fired pepper balls twice to disperse the illegal gathering of black storms...

When the cannon fodder rushed hard, some Hong Kong leaders also One after another. Hong Kong drug monkey Huang Zhifeng, veteran chaos in Hong Kong, Liang Guoxiong, Huang Haoming, and Hong Kong star He Guilan, and some district councillors showed up at the illegal assembly. Many people were intercepted by the Hong Kong police for investigation. In the end, Liang Guoxiong, Huang Homing, Sai Kung District Councillor Cheng Zhongwen and their assistants were taken away by the police.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

According to the Hong Kong police report, as of 21:00 last night, 270 of the persons arrested in Yau Tsim Mong area were involved in illegal assembly, and 19 others were involved in other crimes such as obstruction of office work, police assault, possession of the first poison Wait.

After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, coupled with the cause of the epidemic, street violence in Hong Kong has been greatly reduced. Although the scale of the rally on September 6 was not large, it can be said to be the largest counterattack by the Hong Kong chaos after the July 1 illegal rally on the second day of the National Security Law’s entry into force.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

The so-called counterattack is actually a kind of dying struggle of "incompetent rage", which can't make any big waves. Why choose September 6th? Brother Li and his friends analyze it together.

The troubled Hong Kong forces can be divided into traditional opposition factions and radical Hong Kong drug factions, which can be further subdivided into Hong Kong local radical factions, "Hong Kong independence factions", "brave factions" and other factions. Although the claims are different in name, in fact it is only the difference between mild anti-neutralization and active Hong Kong drugs. They are both poisons and not a thing.

First of all, the traditional opposition is unwilling to launch street protests.

The traditional opposition, which controls the main resources of the chaotic faction, is deterred by Hong Kong’s national security law, the “restriction order” and the risk of the epidemic. In order to protect themselves, they are unwilling to organize large-scale illegal gatherings.

Due to the central aid to Hong Kong medical supplies are in place and the Hong Kong version of the "square cabin" hospitals and other powerful measures to ensure that the overall situation of Hong Kong has been effectively controlled, but the source of confirmed cases is still unknown, some of which are engaged in social service industries , There is a risk of cross infection. In order to show their "opposition", many members of the opposition have questioned the effectiveness of the National Testing Program, and used issues such as public privacy protection to try to discredit and stop the SAR government's epidemic prevention and control plan, inciting its supporters to boycott the government's health promotion.

Code and the National Nucleic Acid Testing Program have increased the risk of uncertain spread in Hong Kong’s epidemic prevention and control.

Although the epidemic has been relieved, there are still daily additions and continuous recurrence. When the government did not abolish the "restriction order", large-scale gathering activities will still not receive a notice of no objection from the police, and they do not have the "jurisprudence and activity basis" for large-scale illegal street protests. Moreover, the low-level opposition supporters who have been brainwashed for many years will also take a wait-and-see attitude and dare not participate in large-scale gatherings due to the current epidemic situation.

With the infectious effect of new coronary pneumonia, several invisible patients can quickly spread to hundreds of people. The opposition and their supporters say they oppose it, but their bodies are very honest, fearing their infection and dare not go to the streets to make trouble.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

Second, the traditional opposition and the radical Hong Kong drug faction are in conflict.

Judging from the network chaos in Hong Kong before and after "8.31" this year, the traditional opposition has rarely participated in the bewilderment and promotion of 8.31 "commemorative" activities. Recently, they are facing the issue of whether to stay in the Legislative Council for one year. debate.

Judging from the current situation, the traditional opposition, radical Hong Kong drug factions and other political parties have differences in the distribution of votes when the so-called "primary elections" are held. However, as the Legislative Council elections are postponed for one year, the current Legislative Council’s The issue of whether or not opposition members will stay has become a new focus of disagreement among the traditional opposition and radical parties.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

The chaotic Hong Kong factions have expressed their respective positions: Zhu Kaidi and Chen Zhiquan expressed their rejection of the postponement arrangement, but did not decide whether to resign. Zhu Kaidi also publicly expressed on social platforms that they decided to support the collective boycott of the "Provisional Legislative Council" and encouraged the democrats to vote in a referendum. Or take the polls to make the decision; Chen Zhiquan’s latest response to his own position is the same, and whether to extend his appointment is decided according to the polls; and the Democratic Party chairman Hu Zhiwei, the Labour Party founding chairman Li Zhuoren, the Social Democrats and the Civic Party all expressed doubts about the effect of collective resignation. It is believed that the “parliamentary front” still has a huge objective objectively and that the Legislative Council cannot be given a “vacuum period” with only establishment members. The temporary legislative council can continue to play a role and prevent the establishment of the Legislative Council from taking advantage of the postponement of elections. The Legislative Council in which the opposition is absent passes more laws against the opposition, putting it in an extremely passive situation.

said above that these opposition members who entered the Legislative Council belong to the traditional opposition.

The radical gangsters who are not in the Legislative Council want to let the Legislative Council members resign to express their stance against the central government, while the traditional opposition members in the Legislative Council are unwilling to resign under various excuses. It is hard to be willing, and there has been a huge disagreement with the radical Hong Kong drug faction.

Once again, the factions fell apart, and the Hong Kong drug faction struggled.

gradually follow the national security lawTo play a role in stopping riots and fighting chaos, the Hong Kong police have taken many arrests against individuals and groups of "Hong Kong independence" forces, including the arrest of Li Zhiying and others involved in colluding with foreign forces on August 10 and August 26. Members of the Legislative Council of the Democratic Party of Japan Lin Zhuoting and Xu Zhifeng and Tan Dezhi were arrested on September 6.

is the most eye-catching thing about the recent 12 Hong Kong drug activists who intend to abscond from Taiwan by boat. After entering the inland waters, they were intercepted by the Guangdong Coast Guard and sent to mainland custody. More and more rioters in Hong Kong were arrested in violation of the law, which greatly dampened the arrogance of the opposition and effectively deterred most of the opposition supporters.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

Therefore, the radical Hong Kong drug faction instigated the "8.31" campaign and did not receive a wide response on that day. Only a few gangsters slogized Hong Kong drug slogans to protest at two shopping malls in Mong Kok. They were dispelled by the police on suspicion of violating the gathering restriction order. It did not achieve the effect of its fantasy; and the action on the day of "8.31" was more like a test of the waters, and the black storm forces wanted to observe the situation from it before proceeding with the next conspiracy. Judging from the situation on the 31st, "public opinion" is not high. Although the Hong Kong drug faction wants to instigate a larger-scale social movement again, the real social situation in Hong Kong is not as they imagined.

However, in order to show that they still exist and are not marginalized, the radical Hong Kong drug faction has tried their best to call on all the forces, on the excuse that September 6 is the reason for the original Legislative Council election, to launch a demonstration. In fact, a more realistic situation is that September 6th is a Sunday when Japan comes to facilitate crowds. However, we saw that compared with last year's violent violence, the intensity of illegal activities was low, the number of people was small, and they were quickly dispersed.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

Finally, the radical Hong Kong drug faction took the opportunity to create violent conflicts to win support from the United States and the West.

As the November election in the United States is approaching, in order to win the votes of domestic voters, divert the severe domestic epidemic situation and racial conflicts, the United States has gradually escalated its dumping actions against China, deliberately creating tensions in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, and encouraging India to deliberately create at the border. friction.

Compared with the traditional opposition which controls most of the resources of the "Democracy Fund" and controls some seats in the Legislative Council, the radical Hong Kong drug faction has also seen this global pattern in the crowded out and is eager to express itself. I hope to launch a fierce protest on the streets, deliberately create a tense and confrontational social situation in Hong Kong, and use "9.6" to organize demonstrations, hype and discredit the arrests of the police for illegal demonstrations, and let the "Democracy Fund" take part in itself so as to get politics from it. Capital and interests can use the situation in China and the United States to increase their political bargaining chips against the central government and the SAR government.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

Yesterday, on the streets of Hong Kong, a man pretending to be shot and fallen behind the policeman was a "Internet media reporter" who pretended to be shot and fell. This hype deployment is being implemented. A gay journalist who pretended to be shot by the police and fell to the ground in pain is in line with Western political correctness in many respects. It is a pity that the whole process was accidentally recorded by the official Hong Kong media East Net live broadcast during the performance, and the pompous touch of the porcelain went straight through.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

Affected by factors such as the new crown epidemic, the "restriction order" (police can arrest offenders), and the basis of "public opinion" (there is not much cannon fodder willing to take risks in illegal actions), large-scale illegal gatherings in Hong Kong are unsustainable and opposed. The overall number of participants in the "9.6" campaign launched by Paicong on the Internet is not too large.

Why did the chaos in Hong Kong choose to counterattack on September 6? - Lujuba

Although the scale of this counterattack is small, it is already a dying struggle of the radical Hong Kong drug faction under the deterrence of the National Security Law and the suppression of the traditional opposition. However, this blog was once again swept back by the Hong Kong Police Force, which not only damaged the soldiers but also failed to achieve the "propaganda" effect. I believe that in the future, it will be more difficult for the Hong Kong drug faction to launch large-scale black violence rallies and sabotage. The final outcome must be cast aside and abandoned by Hong Kong society.

picture from the network

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