Suggestions on marriage, vomiting blood and sorting out, suggest collection

movie 1979℃

Now more and more young people are beginning to fear getting married, and unmarried people have become popular. In fact, getting married is easy and easy to say, but hard to say.

said that it is easy to get a permanent residence card, two people go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register and stamp, that is, get married, the law will take effect; if it is difficult, each other must make sure that the other party is the person who wants to spend the rest of his life. , And form a new family with it, and share the ups and downs in the future, regardless of poverty or wealth, disease or health, we will share the good and the bad, and we will never give up. Therefore, the editor believes that marriage should be prudent. The following is a small suggestion compiled by the editor on how couples should manage a marriage. I suggest you collect them.

  1. Love is like the foundation, it is the foundation of marriage. Good love makes marriage stronger. Nothing can manage a marriage better than two people who truly love each other. So what is love? Love is like, what is his attraction to you, he wants to be with him. "All beings are vegetation, but you are the green mountain" This is probably the most beautiful appearance in love.

Suggestions on marriage, vomiting blood and sorting out, suggest collection - Lujuba

  1. understand and respect each other. Before you get married, your lifestyle may be very different. After getting married and living together, the two are about to break in. For example, we can dislike each other's little habits and habits, but we must understand and respect each other. For example, your lover likes to keep cats, but you don't. At this time, you respect your lover, agree with her to raise a cat, and make it clear to her that you may not like it very much, but you will try to accept it; but you can't express your dissatisfaction in extreme ways, saying that the cat is annoying , Jump up and down. This not only hurts your lover, but also discredited her hobby.
  2. must have the ability to empathize and understand empathy. Two people living together will inevitably have various small problems, and quarrels are inevitable. But try not to talk when you are impulsive. You are the closest people. You know how to talk that can hurt each other the most. If you are not careful, language may become a weapon to hurt people. So the first thing we need to do is to find a way to calm down, try empathy after calm, and blindly vent our emotions, which can only hurt others and ourselves.
  3. To have a sense of ritual in life, it is necessary to create a little romance occasionally. Some people may say: life is true. In fact, it is not like this. When there is only firewood, rice, oil and salt left in life, the two sides may wipe out the original enthusiasm and passion little by little, and deplete the feelings little by little and turn them into family love. So occasionally make some small romantic surprises to keep the marriage fresh.
  4. Cultivate some small hobbies together, or stick to a small habit. The longer you live together, the fewer topics you can talk about, and the less to say. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate a small hobby together. Increasing common topics can also increase your relationship with each other. For example, climbing the mountain together every weekend and so on.

Suggestions on marriage, vomiting blood and sorting out, suggest collection - Lujuba

  1. We share good fortune and misfortune, and we are sure of each other. Whenever you encounter something, you should share it with him, no matter the good or the bad. He may not be able to help us solve the problem, but it will make him feel that you trust him, and even if the matter is not resolved, it can increase mutual affection. Don't think that a person is very strong when he carries everything, so what do you take him for? Can we only share the joys but not the sufferings? Don't think that this will be very uninspiring. Is it not good to have someone who can rely on and trust? When I recalled it later, it was also full of happiness.
  2. trust each other. It is really important to trust each other, whether it is between husband and wife, lovers, or friends, trust is the bridge to the soul. Since you have chosen to marry him, you have been firmly chosen by each other, and become an exception to each other. The trust between you is not comparable to others.
  3. Use appropriate actions or words to express love. A person's actions are the least deceptive, it will reflect the person's thoughts. Actually most people in life. All have the desire to love, but lack the ability to express love. Often you love him very much, and you can only show four to five points. This is the wrong way to express love. So how can you let the other person know that you love him? For example, if you pass by a fruit stand and see the fruit he likes on the stand, you can buy it as a gift to him. What they care about is not the substance itself, but your subconscious thoughts. Of course, don't be stingy with our language, love must be said, let the other party know that you love him.

Suggestions on marriage, vomiting blood and sorting out, suggest collection - Lujuba

is not easy to organize, I hope it will help everyone. z1in

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