Fill the industry gap! Tianneng’s "Provincial Key Project" has made new breakthroughs...

news 1828℃

Recently, there has been good news again, the key research and development project undertaken by Tianneng in Zhejiang Province-"Efficient Control Technology and Demonstration of Industrial Source Flue Gas Pollution-Key Technologies for Synergistic Treatment and Resource Utilization of Multi-pollutants from Regenerated Lead Smelting Flue Gas "Research and Demonstration", successfully passed the review and acceptance of the expert group. The project is led by Zhejiang Tianneng Power Material Co., Ltd. After three years of hard work, it has led the industry in terms of technology research and development investment and industrial cultivation, filling the technical gap of the domestic waste lead battery industry and leading the high-quality development of the industry.

Fill the industry gap! Tianneng’s 'Provincial Key Project' has made new breakthroughs... - Lujuba

Zhejiang Tianneng Power Material Co., Ltd.

project introduction

Tianneng’s "Industrial Source Flue Gas Pollution Efficient Control Technology and Demonstration-Research and Demonstration of Key Technologies for Coordinated Treatment of Multi-pollutants from Regenerated Lead Smelting Flue Gas and Resource Utilization" project was approved It is the key R&D project of Zhejiang Province in 2018.

The project focuses on the high-value utilization of lead and sulfur resources in waste lead batteries, and innovatively develops a complete set of technologies for smelting of waste lead batteries with pure oxygen-assisted combustion and high-temperature smelting of waste lead batteries, and sulphuric acid production from flue gas. Gas-based sulphuric acid demonstration project. During the implementation period of the

project, technical and economic indicators were in a steady state, 3 invention patents were applied for, 20 utility model patents were authorized, 1 academic paper was published, and 1 industry standard was formulated. It was awarded the National Circular Economy Technology Center, China Science and Technology Award of Circular Economy Association, Science and Technology Progress Award of China Business Federation and other honors.

Fill the industry gap! Tianneng’s 'Provincial Key Project' has made new breakthroughs... - Lujuba

Fill the industry gap! Tianneng’s 'Provincial Key Project' has made new breakthroughs... - Lujuba

lead smelting site with pure oxygen side blowing

After three years of hard work, Tianneng has successfully completed various assessment indicators and has greatly improved the level of scientific research and technology, providing strong support for the high-quality and sustainable development of the enterprise. In recent years, Tianneng has forged ahead, transformed its independent research and development capabilities into scientific and technological achievements, strived to strengthen the deep integration of the industrial chain and the innovation chain, overcome many key technical barriers in the industry, released a steady stream of innovative vitality, and led the high-quality development of the enterprise. The transformation and upgrading of the industry has produced a huge boost.

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