Korean drama rich defender episode 7 diversity plot (16 episodes in total)

neidi 1217℃

Korean drama rich defender episode 7 diversity plot introduction

Zheng Jinzi obtains key evidence of suicide employees, Yin Heicai and Zheng Jinzi cooperate in the first battle

   Because Yin Xicai went to visit Park Hyuk Kwon and angered him, Song Zhenxiu was arrested in advance. After Jin Yingjun heard the news, he became very arrogant, making Zheng Jinzi unable to think of a countermeasure. Jin Yingjun also said that if Zheng Jinzi met with him in the future, he would complain to the judge that he was threatened or bribed. Zheng Jinzi picked up the phone, Yin Xicai said that Song Jinxiu said that Jin Yingjun framed him, and Zheng Jinzi said that Song Jinxiu was arrested, which proved that he actually did it, and Yin Xicai went to Park Hyuk Kwon and angered him, so Song Jinxiu was put in advance. Apprehend. Yin Xi should go to the prosecutor's office now.

   Zheng Jinzi returned to the conference room and had a meeting with Yin Hee-jae. Jaki-hyuk learned that the appeal against Song Zhenxiu's legality of arrest was rejected. News of Song Zhenxiu's arrest was posted on the Internet, and D&T's stock fell rapidly. Park Hyuk Kwon delivered a speech to the public to show his concern about the case. Zheng Jinzi assigned the task, and the task for Yin Xicai was to meet the representative together. Yin Xicai asked Zheng Jinzi not to be just a group member at will. Zheng Jinzi stunned his vision, and the two began to fight each other again. The reason for the press release to check this detention was because Song Zhenxiu betrayed member information. Zheng Jinzi told the president now that it depends on who the judge listens to, whether it is the witness or Song Zhenxiu's speech, and the truth is not important, it is important to look like the truth. The president reiterated that the ultimate goal is to change Song Zhenxiu to innocence and let D&T go public.

   Yin Xicai arrived at the office, and Jakihe complained to him that his current work seemed to be done by the lawyer below, and Yin Xicai asked him to work hard. Song Jinxiu's father Song Fenghao was very dissatisfied with Park Hyuk Kwon, and he met with the president. Zheng Jinzi got the list of D&T's resigners from his assistants. The list is very long, because D&T is harsh on its subordinates, with low wages and long overtime hours. Attorney Jin Changyu told Yin Xicai that D&T had adopted "gas lamp operation" on its employees, that is, depriving of self-esteem, assigning responsibility to the employees, and exercising mental control. Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai started arguing about the case. Husband Hyun-e entered and said that he had the key evidence, namely, the 4-year log written by Jin Yingjun, which mentioned how Song Zhenxiu operated and leaked member information to obtain high amounts. Bitcoin. Yin Xicai said he was going to see Song Zhenxiu, and Zheng Jinzi asked him to bring Lawyer Luo. When the two saw Song Zhenxiu, Yin Xicai showed him the evidence from the prosecution, but Song Zhenxiu insisted that he did not know, and that the lawyer did not trust the client, and asked him to do what the client should do, and he trusted the lawyer 100%. Should lawyers consider their qualifications? Lawyer Luo apologized to Song Zhenxiu, but Yin Xicai said that it was not important whether he believed him or not. The key was how to win the lawsuit. Song Zhenxiu still emphasized that it was wrong not to believe him; the pure lawyer Luo said that Song Zhenxiu might be telling the truth, and Doesn't look like a bad person.

   Zheng Jinzi didn’t understand why Jin Yingjun had to be fired at the critical moment when the company was about to go public a year ago. Zheng Jinzi asked his assistant to check the list of employees who had resigned during that period and found a blank. Attorney Jin told her that this person had committed suicide. . Yin Xicai said that Song Zhenxiu still emphasized that he was innocent and had no reflection, so that going to court would make the judge dissatisfied, but Zheng Jinzi said that the key lies in who the judge believes. Now Song Zhenxiu is a scumbag, and Yin Xicai reacted. They held a meeting and emphasized that they would seize the point that Jin Yingjun hates Song Zhenxiu. If Jin Yingjun hates Song Zhenxiu very much, he may give false testimony. The key is to reduce Jin Yingjun's credibility.

   Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai are together. Why can Jinjunjun write a four-year journal instead of recording. However, Yin Xicai pretended to be a vacant room and fought back against the doubt raised in this regard. People in the lawyers group watched nervously. Zheng Jinzi focused on the suicidal employee Liu Shuyan and visited her family. It turns out that Liu Shuyan has always been excellent in academics. At the beginning, she told her family to start a company with her predecessor, Jin Yingjun, and everyone was very happy. Unexpectedly, afterwards..., Zheng Jinzi saw Liu Shuyan’s suicide note, which was not made public. And noticing the refurbished animal barn in her house, Liu Shuyan's mother replied that it was Jin Yingjun who had come and said that it was painful that she had failed to prevent such a thing, and had given certain compensation. Before leaving, Liu Shuyan's mother gave Zheng Jinzi a bunch of materials left by Liu Shuyan during his lifetime, and asked her to investigate the cause of her daughter's death.

   Zheng Jinzi took the data for analysis, and got the list of procuratorate staff from the informant. She found that JinThe log provided by Yingjun has not been updated since Liu Shuyan's death. Yin Xicai promised the president that he would win. Zheng Jinzi's assistant restored the broken data left by Liu Shuyan. Zheng Jinzi called and told Yin Xicai that he was past. Now that he believes in Yin Xicai, Yin Xicai told her to drive carefully.

   In the court, the opposite is an old acquaintance, lawyer Quan Yunlong. Jin Yingjun began to testify that Song Zhenxiu's friends had an obscene website. Song Zhenxiu sold data in a playful manner at the beginning, and found that he made a lot of money, so he could do the following operations. He also accused Song Zhenxiu of trying to conduct "on them". Gas lamp control"; Yin Hee-cai started asking questions from Jin Ying-jun’s annual salary. He answered the questions as a victim, describing Song Jin-su as "a guy like a devil." Yin Hee-cai tried to lead Jin Ying-Yung into the trap of hating Song Jin-su. He succeeded. , Jin Yingjun said, "If I can, I will kill him myself." He was caught by Yin Xicai and began to question the authenticity of the log he provided. At this time, Zheng Jinzi finally arrived and heard Yin Xicai's defense. Jin Yingjun emphasized The authenticity of the log was confirmed because of the employee testimony; Zheng Jinzi began to defend, and she and Yin Xicai completed a beautiful handover. Zheng Jinzi began to emphasize the criticality of the log. The judge was a bit irritated, saying that he would judge that Zheng Jinzi’s goal was achieved and immediately handed in new evidence-the recording obtained from Liu Shuyan's data: Liu Shuyan began to understand everything that was illegal. Jin Yingjun did everything. In the recording, Jin Yingjun was very dissatisfied with his annual salary and salary. He also admitted the fact of selling membership information. Liu Shuyan couldn't believe this fact. The log of the day showed that Jin Yingjun was finishing the day. After watching the movie, ordering beer and roasting chicken, there was no meeting with Liu Shuyan at all; Zheng Jinzi started a strong counterattack, and the control room did not provide evidence directly related to Song Zhenxiu, and now the most critical evidence There are also traces of falsification in the log, which cannot be accepted at all. In this way, the first cooperation between Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai ended perfectly.

   Four members of the lawyer team gathered for a late night to analyze the case. Jaki Hyuk said that Zheng Jinzi was really lucky this time. He obtained key evidence such as Liu Shuyan's information. Huo Hyun-e wanted to know the process of Zheng Jinzi obtaining the information, but Jakih said there is no need to go into it.

   Yin Heicai worked overtime at the company, and before leaving, he couldn't help but look at Zheng Jinzi's office. There was no one left. Zheng Jinzi met with Jin Yingjun and asked her if she threatened Liu Shuyan. She guessed that Jin Yingjun threatened Liu Shuyan by listing the program developed by Liu Shuyan as a major mistake in the company and paying 1 billion won. This time it led to Liu Shuyan’s suicide. Liu Shuyan's phone was also broken by Jin Yingjun. Zheng Jinzi told Jin Yingjun not to provoke Song Zhenxiu, and then left.

   The news broadcast Song Zhenxiu apologized for the customer data leakage caused by D&T, and did not hold Jin Yingjun to be held accountable, and promised that such things will not happen again in the future. He even shed tears—in fact, these are all. Zheng Jinzi suggested to him. Song Zhenxiu said that he fired Jin Yingjun because the other party was disrespectful to him. He didn't care about the 4.5 billion bitcoin gains; Zheng Jinxiu knew that Song Zhenxiu knew about the data breach, so she told him not to provoke Jin Yingjun, as he did before. Enough. Song Zhenxiu expressed his appreciation for Zheng Jinzi and wanted to recruit her to work for him, but Zheng Jinzi refused.

  D&T went public, Yoon Heejae and Jeong Jinja received 20 million won each. Lawyer Ma picked up a guest at the airport who was very interested in Zheng Jinzi. Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai appeared at the company together, and they were surprisingly at the same pace.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi