The film "The Invisible Man" reveals a special feature behind the scenes, focusing on women's issues and hitting people's hearts

neidi 1921℃

"Invisible Man" released behind-the-scenes special Duration: 01:50 Source: Movie Network


"The Invisible Man" releases behind-the-scenes special pack up

Duration: 01:50 It is recommended to turn on

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1905 Film News The suspenseful thriller "The Invisible Man" produced by Universal Pictures will be officially released on December 4 in the Mainland. In the behind-the-scenes special of the film release, "Thriller Professionals" director Ray Warner and Golden Globe winner Elizabeth Moss joined forces to present an immersive experience of extreme fear for the audience, while focusing on humanity and "Advanced thrillers" on social issues.

The film 'The Invisible Man' reveals a special feature behind the scenes, focusing on women's issues and hitting people's hearts - Lujuba

"The Invisible Man" is a classic IP and iconic image known to countless people. This time, director Ray Warnall has constructed a brand-new story from a female perspective, telling the heroine Cecilia's escape from her boyfriend. Control, and his sudden death triggered a series of incredible horror stories. As director Ray Warner said, facing an invisible character whose threats are everywhere but hard to find, such an experience will greatly increase the audience's sense of fear. For a long time, the number of imported horror movies on the big screen in China is not many. As the most popular work of this year's box office, "The Invisible Man" is a great gift for Chinese movie fans. It can be felt in theaters. The mystery and tension in all directions will also be a rare and enjoyable experience.

The film 'The Invisible Man' reveals a special feature behind the scenes, focusing on women's issues and hitting people's hearts - Lujuba

"The Invisible Man" is not only full of creepy and nervous scenes and emotional renderings, but also transcends horror and bloody traditional routines. In Elizabeth Moss's view, the film tells about "men intimidation" and "women screaming into the air" The two-layered story also reflects the current situation of women's survival that is constantly sparking discussion-how to deal with violence? Is anyone willing to believe you when the distress signal is issued? The depth and realism of the story make it different from other movies of the same type, and it has the power to hit people's hearts. As the well-known American media "Variety" commented: "Excitement not only excites your senses, but also has emotional meaning. This film brings us to an era where thriller movies can also have real meaning."

The film 'The Invisible Man' reveals a special feature behind the scenes, focusing on women's issues and hitting people's hearts - Lujuba

The emotional and psychological changes of the heroine Cecilia are the biggest attraction. Elizabeth Moss, who once had a stunning performance in "Mad Men" and "The Handmaid's Tale", interprets the role of Cecilia with perfect acting skills, will be haggard and nervous, indecisive, collapse crazy, calm and firm The different states are just right. "Rolling Stone" magazine attributed the success of the film to Moss' explosive performance: "She has explored human nature so deeply that her characterization breaks the thriller movieThe boundaries. "

On December 4, I walked into the theater and experienced the excitement of being surrounded by fear.

Tags: neidi