Wang Junkai bids farewell to fitness after meals and weighs less than 97 kg in height of 1.8 meters

neidi 2084℃

Wang Junkai bids farewell to fitness after meals and weighs less than 97 kg in height of 1.8 meters - Lujuba

Wang Junkai Weight

Wang Junkai bids farewell to fitness after meals and weighs less than 97 kg in height of 1.8 meters - Lujuba

Wang Junkai

Wang Junkai bids farewell to fitness after meals and weighs less than 97 kg in height of 1.8 meters - Lujuba

Reported on November 22 On November 22, Wang Junkai wrote and said "bye bye to eat or not to eat and drink after the fitness meal". Keep it in your heart! It’s time to play this Lele, life is to laugh! It’s time to take this photo, and remember to post it when you have time!" Xiaokai directly replied, "First? There is a lot of room for weight gain, I can Don’t leave it in your heart for a long time," and she also showed her weight, only 48.2 kg! ! ! !

(Editor in charge: Hu Mengyao_NK5655)

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