Xie Hexian apologizes to Xiong Zi and Zhou Tanghao: Forgive me! "Sunken cheeks" exposed

neidi 776℃

reporter Tian Weiwei/Comprehensive report

Xie Hexian (A Kou) has a straightforward style and is loved by a large number of fans. During the Chinese New Year because of "bipolar disorder", he was temporarily suspended from work and admitted to the hospital. Recently, it seems that his condition has improved. Zhou Tanghao, who had choked, apologized to Xiong Tsai, "I let you hit me when you see me! Forgive me for losing control!" He also rarely exposed the recent situation. He only saw his cheeks slightly sunken, his face pale, and he looked a lot thinner. .

Xie Hexian and Zhou Tanghao have known each other at the age of 15 and have established a deep friendship, but in January he named each other as "Pretend to be ABC" and "Why don’t Zhou Tanghao pretend again." After that, he even dissed his good brother Xiong Zi. On the 15th, he issued an apology to the two friends, "Tang Hao bear I'm sorry, hurt you because I love you, a fight for the brothers, look forward to some day see fit me better than I let you beat everyone GO Please forgive me outta Hamon" .

In response, Warner Records to which Xie Hexian belongs: "After two weeks of hospitalization, Xie Hexian has been approved to be discharged from the hospital to recuperate at home under the professional evaluation of the doctors. Thank you for your concern. Ah Kou is very good. He will be treated for better mental and physical conditions. After being healthy, I will see you soon."

Xie Hexian apologizes to Xiong Zi and Zhou Tanghao: Forgive me! 'Sunken cheeks' exposed - Lujuba

Xie Hexian apologized to Xiong Zi and Zhou Tanghao. (Photo/Retrieved from Xie Hexian, Xiong Tsai, Zhou Tanghao's Facebook)

found out that he was ill and hurt his brothers by speaking out. Xie Hexian blamed himself for this, and wrote a post hoping to be forgiven by his friends. In fact, when the bear was choked earlier, he wrote a special poem in reply. Many people thought that he would "choke" the other party, but looking closely at the content of the poem, it was actually full of distress and reluctance, knowing the psychology of Xie Hexian. When something goes wrong, it says "Hope U Get Better" at the beginning (hope you get better).

Xie Hexian apologizes to Xiong Zi and Zhou Tanghao: Forgive me! 'Sunken cheeks' exposed - Lujuba

Xie chord. (Photo/Reversed from Xie Hexian's Facebook)

Xie Hexian also recently appeared in IG's limited-time dynamic PO in recent videos. I saw him singing to the camera, his emotions seemed to be much more stable, but his cheeks were more sunken than before admission His face was also quite pale. It seemed that he had been tortured a lot and made fans feel very distressed. They left messages supporting "Waiting for you back", "Come on, health is the most important", "It's great to be able to sincerely apologize."

Xie Hexian apologizes to Xiong Zi and Zhou Tanghao: Forgive me! 'Sunken cheeks' exposed - Lujuba

Xie Chord has sunken cheeks. (Photo/Reversed from Xie Hexian IG)

Tags: neidi