The best potential script of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television "Oriental Sacred Jade", which lasted four years, will finally be unveiled

neidi 1674℃

The black humorous comedy " Oriental Sacred Jade " prepared by in 2016 is about to start shooting. The movie "Oriental Sacred Jade" is jointly produced by Entertainment Star Films Co., Ltd. and Anhui Infinite Wonderful Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Wang Xiaobai screenwriter, Wang Xiaobai producer and director, the domestic top team is responsible for production, and will participate in the competition for next year’s major film and television Awards. "Oriental Sacred Jade" tells the story of a mysterious collector bringing a high-priced sculpture to the auction company owner Jiang Dianru for auction. Jiang Dianru was overjoyed for the high auction commissions he was about to get, but he was helplessly surprised by the high price sculpture before the auction. Under pressure, Jiang Dianru went to the depths of the mountain to search for turquoise. After several hardships, Jiang Dianru returned to his original aspirations and established a story about the protection of the oriental sacred jade—turquoise cultural heritage protection base in a turquoise mining area with serious illegal mining and destruction of the ecological environment.

The best potential script of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television 'Oriental Sacred Jade', which lasted four years, will finally be unveiled - Lujuba

"Oriental Sacred Jade" in 2016 won the Chinese movie screenwriter has an Oscar-winning "Xia Yan Cup" excellent movie screenplay award for the most promising script. It is reported that the "Xia Yan Cup" was formerly known as the Xia Yan Film Literature Award. The award is sponsored by the Film Bureau of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, the Screen Script Center, and the China Xia Yan Film Society. It is a national first-level award approved by the Central Propaganda Department. The highest award for film literature, has the reputation of Oscar in the Chinese film screenwriter industry. The award criteria require that the works are unified in ideology, artistry and appreciation, and can actively promote patriotism, collectivism, revolutionary heroism and the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. More than 1,000 works across the country participated in the "Xia Yan Cup" excellent film script evaluation. In the end, expert judges produced 37 award-winning film scripts through multiple rounds of selection. "Oriental Sacred Jade" was successfully selected and was awarded the "Xia Yan Cup " film script potential Screenplay award.

The best potential script of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television 'Oriental Sacred Jade', which lasted four years, will finally be unveiled - Lujuba

The film has been crafted for many years, with a social and global perspective, and with a black humor, the eternal love, friendship, and heroism of the protagonist are combined with the most popular wilderness adventures, business battles, fashion workplaces, etc. The elements are fully integrated. Through the contrast of black and white and color pictures, the comic, ugly, and absurdity of the society is infinitely magnified, showing a strong humanistic social care and philosophical thinking, showing the sense of belonging and identity of the Chinese people to the traditional culture. Thinking about the deep-seated relationship between Chinese traditional culture and the protection of the ecological environment. Look forward to the cinematic movie "Oriental Sacred Jade" to show the charm of film and television on the big screen.

Tags: neidi