Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching

neidi 1873℃

has shown a different temperament from other families since its debut on Netflix, and often releases complete episodes in one go. Compared to the one-episode model of a week, it is not too cool to catch up.

Moreover, Netflix often produces some dramas that will make your eyes shine.

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

This is the one recommended today! The theme of

is rare, and the length is not long. It tells the "old age" American drama of "aging, death, and loneliness" in a joking way-

"Kominsky Theory"

The Kominsky Method

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

"Kominsky" "Theory" tells the old life of two old men. It is a comedy. It tells us about the crisis of old age and how the two protagonists dealt with it in a joking way.

is funny and tears, there is no mourning, there is no madness, I believe that the audience who has seen it will be moved by their story. The main creative lineup of

is extremely strong. The creator of the series is Chuck Lowry, the producer and screenwriter of "The Big Bang Theory" and "Little Shelton". The protagonists of

are two Hollywood bigwigs, one is Alan Akin. ("Little Sunshine" won the Oscar for Best Actor)

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

The other is Michael Douglas. ("Wall Street" won the Oscar for Best Actor)

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

These two are properly recognized in the industry and have won countless awards.

Even if you don’t talk about the life enlightenment, "Kominsky Theory" is also an excellent drama. The performance of the two old drama bones is natural and makes the whole drama very comfortable.

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

Of course, the most fun part of this show is the ridicule and ridicule of the two old men. After watching it, I can't help but laugh.

For example: Is there a pure friendship between men and women?

They say "According to life experience, only love with X is the case." After teasing

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

, ​​I found that suffering is inevitable. After all,

"is born to be human and destined to suffer."

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

But after you understand it, you will find that this is actually nothing.

painSuffering does not mean that you cannot enjoy life.

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

In addition, there is a familiar actor in this show-Hayley Joe Osment, the one in the "Sixth Sense" that makes people wonder how cute they grew up, and how cute they are. actor.

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

But I think no one can recognize him, because he is now like this, time is too devastating.

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

At present, "Kominsky Theory" has two seasons in total, with 9.2 and 9.3 points on Douban.

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

There are only 8 episodes per episode, and one episode only has twenty or thirty minutes.

Laughter with tears, warmth and beauty.

"Kominsky Theory" is not a drama filmed specifically for the elderly, young people should go and watch it.

Produced by Netflix, this American drama is too worth watching - Lujuba

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Tags: neidi