One actor a year, a hundred years Stephen Chow!

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01 The king of "fried cold rice"

criticized Zhou Xingchi's ethos of being exhausted not only recently.

In 1992, five of the top ten in the Hong Kong film box office rankings were all works by Stephen Chow.

was also called "The Year of Zhou Xingchi" by the Hong Kong media that year.

However, in 1993, the situation changed.

The movie that swept the list that year was "Jurassic Park".

The answer sheet that Zhou Xingchi handed in that year was "Tang Bohu Pointing Autumn Fragrance". Although

"Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" was the box office champion of local movies that year;

is still rebroadcasting this classic work on TV, twenty years later.

However, for the industry and the media at the time, he failed to beat foreign films, but he was already exhausted by Zhou Xingchi.

So from that day on, the title of "Jiang Lang's Talents Exhausted" was attached to Zhou Xingchi's head, like a shadow.

Zhou Xingchi's every new film is fried rice, and every trailer is filled with Jiang Lang.



One actor a year, a hundred years Stephen Chow! - Lujuba

"Yangtze River Seven" broke the box office record for the Spring Festival that year;

"Journey to the West: Conquering the Devil" broke 23 box office records including the first day box office record for Chinese movies and the second week box office record for Chinese movies, with 2.18 100 million US dollars broke the Chinese box office record;

"Mermaid" made Stephen Chow once again set a Chinese film box office record, becoming the first movie in Mainland China with a box office of more than 3 billion yuan.

, who should have been exhausted, is still the darling of the market.

's "New King of Comedy" in 2019, the box office and word-of-mouth are no longer impressive.

is like the star master who has been stigmatized by the masses and media for decades, finally collapsed.

Yes, Zhou Xingchi's recent three director/producer films: "Mermaid", "Journey to the West" and "New King of Comedy", the box office was 3.3 billion, 1.6 billion and 800 million.

can be said to be a cliff-like vertical fall.

02 There are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people.

? "The New King of Comedy" is the same as the previous works of Xing Ye, and the comment becomes a standard polarization. People who love

can taste the tragedy hidden behind the comedy. People who are bored think this is another commercialized fried rice.

Mr. Lu Xun once said in "Re-discussion on the Falling of Leifeng Tower": "Tragedy is to destroy the valuable things of life for others to see, and comedy is to tear the worthless things to others."

Chen Peisi also Once said: "Comedies have a tragic core."

And Stephen Chow's comedy, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, in fact, every movie is about the tragedy of these little characters.

"The King of Comedy", capable newcomers did not get the opportunity to act, and finally only completed the performance of "Thunderstorm" in the community;


One actor a year, a hundred years Stephen Chow! - Lujuba

"Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier", the unbeatable champion Lang was suddenly a poor beggar


One actor a year, a hundred years Stephen Chow! - Lujuba

The crushed little official in "The Nine Grade Sesame Officials", the poor cook in "The God of Cookery", the pork dealers in "Domestic Lingling Paint", the migrant workers in "Yangtze River Seven"...?

each When a character is taken out alone, it is very sad.

, under his "nonsensical" interpretation, each role is full of drama.

makes people subconsciously ignore the tragic characters, just follow these little characters to make fun.

So Zhou Xingchi's movies can be watched over and over again without feeling boring. When

laughs at the end, the audience may find that Zhou Xingchi's performance is not a comedy at all, but an out-and-out tragedy.

is simple and straightforward funny, clever plot turn, suitable character conflict, exquisite action design, coupled with "Zhou's humor" unique ingenuity.

Zhou Xingchi's work is undoubtedly an exquisite work of art. ?

"The New King of Comedy" is the same.

? Someone analyzes from the lens language and background music that Rumeng is dead long ago.

can explain everything that is unreasonable before and after, because it is just a dream like a dream; some people at

think that the star is not the former star, and the analysis of fans has all been interpreted. In fact, the star just wants to shoot Bad movies sell feelings for money. ?

And this is actually the magic of "Zhou's Humor".

The side that feels like dreams are dead cannot convince the party that feels like dreams are not dead;

who feels like dreams are not dead can't convince the side that feels like dreams are dead at all.

Each party feels that he is just, and each party feels that the other party is a fool.

can cause such a discussion, in fact, it has proved that "The New King of Comedy" is not a failure.

, because at least someone can analyze it.

After all, for those real bad movies, the audience just wants to extract some connotations, but they can't do it.

Zhou Xingchi once said in an interview: "I am acting obviously a tragedy, but they all think it is a comedy."

Zhou Xingchi's focus is on the little people. He always emphasizes the little people's hard work, struggle and hard work. ?

If the point of "The King of Comedy" lies in that paragraph: "Hey, the front is dark and you can't see anything." "Not anymore, it will be beautiful after dawn".

"The new king of comedy" should focus on this paragraph: "You will never have a chance from now until the destruction of the universe" "What about after the destruction of the universe?" "The greatest disaster for mankind is this kind of person, and it's impossible. Without self-knowledge, I still don’t give up, come out and do things all day."

Xingye doesn't seem to want to hide it anymore, he doesn't know the evaluation of his "fried rice".

he once ridiculed himself and said, "At my age, every new film will be said to be the end of Jiang Lang."

He understands that the allure of his film lies in its non-copyability. ?

But he still "plagiarized".

"plagiarized" his classic work, and realized his notoriety of "fried cold rice".

is like he wanted to make "The King of Comedy" a tragedy twenty years ago. Twenty years later, he may have really moved the idea of ​​making "The New King of Comedy" a tragedy.

But Yin Tianchou survived the gun battle 20 years ago, and Rumeng woke up in a car accident.


?? Image source: Internet

We don't understand whether the star is using the staff to imply that "The New King of Comedy" should actually be a cruel story.

We don’t understand whether this is another reading comprehension that allows us to brainstorm what the author is thinking. The best thing about

's film and television works is this. It doesn't really matter what the director wants to express after shooting. The important thing about

is that after reading it, everyone can combine their own experiences to appreciate different things.

Nothing is certain, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

is like the debate about "salty tofu brain or sweet tofu brain which is the orthodox", and it hasn't come to fruition yet.

03 A niche carnival?

Today, Stephen Chow's works seem to be a carnival for a small group of people.

They think that the books of saints are for saints, but Zhou Xingchi's works are for ordinary people.

They love Zhou Xingchi's work, and they happen to be able to poke the softest piece of meat in the center of Zhou Xingchi's work.

So they didn't think that the star had changed, they felt that the star was still the star, the star who liked to wrap the cruel reality into the shell of fairy tales.

has been twenty years old, and Master Xing is no longer the same Zhou Xingxing before, and we are not the one who would only smirk at "tragedy".

time can change a lot. Friends of

ten years ago may not be friends, and the interests ten years ago are not necessarily still persisting today. The junk food that you liked ten years ago may not be acceptable today. ?

What's more, there is a full twenty years between "The King of Comedy" and "The New King of Comedy".

Everyone’s experience is different, and everyone sees the world differently.

And it is precisely because they once loved that they feel that today's "living" is a bit unsightly. The

era is no longer that era.

42-year-old Gisébe Tonadore made "The Pianist on the Sea";

46-year-old Bernardo Bertolucci was able to make "The Last Emperor";

57-year-old Li Ang made "The Youth "Fantasy Drifting of Pie";

and the 57-year-old Stephen Chow has long lost its former glory.

Maybe he doesn’t care about brilliance, maybe he doesn’t care what the audience thinks, maybe heJust want to make a film that belongs to Stephen Chow, maybe he doesn't want to be the king of comedy in the eyes of others.

It's also time for us to put aside his former light and treat him peacefully. ?

Regardless of whether he is full of talents or not, but for more viewers, he represents an indelible memory of an era.

Maybe Zhou Xingchi's light as the star master will not come back again, but we still hope that one day we can see the light Zhou Xingchi really wants to bloom.

Even if that light can only be seen by a small number of people, it is the light that belongs to him alone.

rather than the light emitted by the "Star Lord" who was pushed to the altar by the public.

"One actor per year, Stephen Chow in a hundred years."

He is worth it.

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