Fox once had a Smash Bros. movie that surpassed "Avengers 4", but it was a pity that it was played badly.

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Fox once had a Smash Bros. movie that surpassed 'Avengers 4', but it was a pity that it was played badly. - Lujuba

Marvel Pictures has assembled all its superheroes to shoot "Avengers 4: Endgame." According to their arrogant statement, this film is the most ambitious cross-border collaboration in history. Of course, you may think that this sentence is a bit exaggerated. In fact, as early as 2011, another film company had long thought of another huge superhero crossover project. This super movie will change history and make comics It will take several more years for Granville Pictures to have today's glory. Talking about this movie that we will never see again is really sad-because Fox Pictures has been acquired by Disney.

is not only the "Avengers", there is a super hero cross-border cooperation, actually was born long ago?

"X-Men: First Class", "Thor Thor", and the screenwriter Chuck Stanz of the next "Top Rising Clouds 2", recently told us this great regret in history when he was on the podcast of Kevin Smith :

"When my partner and I were working on Fox Pictures to produce "X-Men: First Class", we were also making a secret movie for them. I can’t reveal the plot of the movie, but I can tell you that this movie Used all the characters we could use at the time, all the Marvel comics characters owned by Fox Pictures in 2011. Including X-Men, including Fantastic Four, including Daredevil, including Deadpool, Daredevil The power was still in Fox’s hands. What’s even better is that we almost let Paul Green Gris direct the film, but he chose another plan at the time. The film was not made in the end, but its script It's finished. This is a script that I am proud of, and it is really a great script."

Fox once had a Smash Bros. movie that surpassed 'Avengers 4', but it was a pity that it was played badly. - Lujuba

Daredevil and Deadpool can come to a red-red showdown

Maybe you once wondered if it was like " "Endgame", a superhero cross-border collaboration movie, should have been born in history long ago. In fact, every film company has this concept of cultivating a series of movies-making many superhero movies, training many superhero characters, and finally making a big movie for all heroes to come in and play. For example, there is such a plan in the Batman World of Warner Pictures: Screenwriter Mark Potosevich thought about holding Gotham City Smash Bros. In his script "Batman Unruly", all the villains of Gotham City, including Joker, Double-faced Man, Penguin, Catwoman, Mystery King, etc., are assembled to fight Batman in a battle in the Arkham Asylum.

Fox once had a Smash Bros. movie that surpassed 'Avengers 4', but it was a pity that it was played badly. - Lujuba

Warner Pictures had many plans to revive Batman during the "Batman Freeze Period" from 1997 to 2005. Among them, there were many cross-border cooperation projects, including the hugely popular " Superman vs. Batman, but none of these plans succeeded in the end. Chuck Snyder picked up this dream many years later, but in the end, relying on the cross-border movie to lift the entire DC universe, it actually stalled the development of the DC universe - just like a powerless locomotive that can't move behind. All carriages are average.

But time goes back. If Fox Pictures really carried out this ambitious plan in 2011, then compared to today's situation, their odds of winning that year were unpredictable.

originally had a chance to surpass Marvel?

First of all, 2011 was a perfect window period for Fox Pictures: the "X-Men" series of films entered a state of stagnation. In 2006, the trilogy of "X-Men: The Last Battle", which completed the trilogy, was inhumane. Bad word-of-mouth, the 2009 rumored movie "X-Men: Wolverine" was a big hit. Originally, Fox Pictures wanted to develop the so-called "" series, telling the origin story of each popular mutant. At that time, almost including popular characters such as Magneto, Professor X and the Blue Devil, it was reported that they wanted to shoot independent personal biography movies. But we all know what happened later. The series ended after one film was made. The filming of "X-Men: Wolverine" was not very good. Therefore, after 2009, the X-Men entered a long holiday, waiting for the powerful to rescue them from the cold palace.

Fantastic Four also has similar problems. In 2007, "Fantastic Four 2" not only suffered a serious decline in word-of-mouth and box office, the comics of the Fantastic Four also entered a reorganization period during this period. Even the King of Wakanda and Panthers The mutant storm girl took the class for Surprise 4 Superman for a short time. Among them, the original team member Pilihuo even died in the big incident in 2011-Blasting Thunder, in fact, is not dead. The Fantastic Four was also forced to take unpaid leave in 2011.

"Surprise 4 Superman: The Silver Surfer Appears" in front of the screenBehind the scenes, it’s horrible to see the situation of

Daredevil is even more tragic. We have introduced to you that Daredevil’s preparations began in 1997. After that, several screenwriters and directors changed for 6 years, and finally a film starring Ben Affleck was filmed. The 2003 movie Daredevil, but what's worse is that the performance of this movie is not as good as expected, destroying Daredevil's road to recovery in one breath. Then for more than 9 years, Fox has not had any idea to reproduce Daredevil. Finally, Marvel Pictures President Kevin Feige announced that Fox Pictures officially lost the adaptation of Daredevil in October 2012. Then, Marvel TV and Netflix cooperated to produce and broadcast an exclusive series of Daredevil.

"Marvel Daredevil"

Until April 2015, "Marvel Daredevil" was officially launched on Netflix. As Chuck Stanz mentioned earlier, in 2011, Fox Pictures did have the role of Daredevil, and Matt Murdoch could certainly join the Fox Super Heroes.

X-Men, Marvel 4, Superman, and Daredevil are all in the unpaid leave period-Deadpool does not need to talk about it, it is very difficult to adapt this whimsical character-and 2011 is of course an excellent time to fight . If Fox is really determined to carry out the plan to the end, it will be a very heavy blow to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In 2011, the superhero movie industry at the time can still be called the Three Kingdoms: Warner Pictures, the superhero movie overlord. At that time their trump card "The Dark Knight: Dawn Rising" was in production, but this movie is by no means pure entertainment. , Unable to meet the needs of all audiences. Moreover, director Christopher Nolan has already wanted to go, and this movie will be the final chapter of the Dark Knight series.

Nolan wants to use "The Dark Knight: Dawn Rising" to bid farewell to Batman

Marvel Pictures has just made a name for itself with "Iron Man" in 2008, but in 2011 they only had "Invincible Hulk" and "Iron Man 2." There are five movies in total, "Thor Thor" and "Captain America". "The Avengers" has not been born yet, and cannot be compared with the superheroes of Fox Pictures who have been in business for ten years.

Now all this is just a thing of the past. History cannot be repeated. Now the Marvel Cinematic Universe has achieved great success, Fox Pictures has been acquired by Disney, and all the Marvel superheroes in Netflix have returned to Marvel. Film industry's hometown. Kevin Feige emphasized that the X-Men will definitely enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it will take at least five years to plan their positioning. This means that we should not see any X-Men in the fourth stage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe-there may be one or two special cases, similar to Spider-Man's flower arrangement in "Captain America: Civil War".

"Captain America 3: Civil War of Heroes" debuts the new Spider-Man

. But then again, although Fox Pictures’ superheroes, Smash Bros. movie, it is very likely that they will be famous, but it is also very likely that they will taste the significance of the DC universe. Frustration, especially for characters like X-Men and Fantastic Four that were not well-represented by the audience at the time. A cross-border co-op movie does not guarantee that it can wash away the bad impression of the audience.

Fox missed this opportunity, but never succeeded. Compared with today's "Avengers 4: Endgame" results and the outcome of Fox Pictures being acquired, this news is particularly embarrassing.

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