Why does the US team get old? The director of "Reunion 4" finally gave an official explanation!

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"Avengers 4: Endgame" is like any other blockbuster film, the plot of the movie is very controversial, and fans are arguing whether the science fiction logic of this movie can withstand scrutiny.

Why does the US team get old? The director of 'Reunion 4' finally gave an official explanation! - Lujuba

The ending of "Captain America" ​​has always been a topic of interest. Many people believe that Steve chose to go back in time and settle with Peggy, destroying the continuity of the film. Why does the US team grow old through time and space? The director of "Reunion 4" finally gave an official explanation! In a recent interview, director Joe Russell helped fans to dispel their worries.

Why does the US team get old? The director of 'Reunion 4' finally gave an official explanation! - Lujuba

​​When asked if Captain America’s last return to the past had affected the timeline of "Avengers 4", Russell explained that the lives of the American team and Paget are part of another reality, and this reality does not Affect this movie.

Why does the US team get old? The director of 'Reunion 4' finally gave an official explanation! - Lujuba

"For me, the behavior of the US team was not what he wanted to change, but he made a choice. The US team chose to go back to the past and spend the rest of their lives with the people he loves. In this movie Time travel has created another reality. Captain America lives a completely different life in that world. We don’t know what his life is like, but I want to believe that when the world needs help, the US team still helps. Many people. "

" Yes, there are two American teams in reality. As Dr. Hulk said, what happened in the past has already happened. If you go back to the past, you just create a new reality. This movie The characters in Go back to the past to create a new timeline, but have no influence on the original universe. Everything that happened in the past 22 movies is still a classic.”

Later, someone asked the director whether the plot of "Reunion 4" follows a closed The time loop logic? He replied:

"No, it is not a cycle of time. Both the ancient wizard and the Hulk are right. You can't change the future just by going back to the past, but it is possible to create a different future. Everything done in the past is possible. Decisions are likely to create a new timetable. For example, the Old American Team appears at the end of the movie, although his marriage lives in a world different from the main universe. In the end, he has to return to the main universe again and give the shield to Sam."

Facts have proved that the lives of the US team and Paget took place in a reality different from the main line of "Avengers 4", and he did not return to the original timeline until the end.

Marvel is paving the way for his future movies (TV series). Once there is the premise of traveling through time and space, any seemingly impossible plots will become logical.

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