A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people

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female boss is over 60 years old, but her wisdom and vitality still attract countless people.

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

One morning, two kids in the training camp quarreled and scolded each other. The black kid cried the white kid and the white kid came to complain, but my boss didn’t just listen to him, but asked the client first. , And asked other classmates, after understanding the cause of the incident (this can prevent them from adding fuel and jealousy and changing the facts, it is a fair way), she simply calmed the white child, but did not immediately deal with the troublesome child.

at nine o’clock, when everyone is eating breakfast, the boss first greets everyone: "Good morning everyone, how is the breakfast? Is it delicious? How is your day?" The children all answered "Breakfast is delicious. After that, she said, "One thing happened to us today. Two children quarreled. Someone used swear words and cried the other. Here, I hope everyone knows: People often talk before they talk. I haven’t thought about the impact of this sentence. In fact, the lethality of words is very powerful, no less than physical harm. We must be responsible for every word we say..."

At the end, she talked about the importance and lethality of words slowly, without naming names, and never saying anything about the black child. But 40 minutes later, the black child took the initiative to stand up and apologize, and the white child was also very generous: Since you have all sincerely apologized in public, then I will forgive you tolerantly.

Then, in front of everyone, the boss praised the black child who took the initiative to apologize. She said: " I am very grateful to you for taking the initiative to apologize. This is of great significance to me, I will never forget !"

The child showed a convincing look and nodded in agreement. Seeing him, I suddenly realized that a child of made a mistake, but as long as he has the courage to admit his mistake, this attitude is right, and educators should encourage this attitude!

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

recalled that when childhood teachers had conflicts among students, they would often bring troublesome children to small rooms to "chat". After the teacher, children and parents “drank tea” together, it seemed that the children had shaken hands and made peace. In fact, there was no big difference between before and after they walked out of the office. They still had a sigh of relief. There may also be a big fight. Even if you don’t have one, you can’t become friends. From now on, you’re a stranger. It’s better to be out of sight. It can be seen that the private solution does not really resolve conflicts and negative emotions.

If, like my boss, give the whole class a class specifically for this matter, when he is willing to apologize to another person in front of the whole class, and affirm his correct apology in time, it will make him feel, It turns out that it is honorable to take the initiative to admit mistakes. The nature of people is who seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. Children and adults will think this way: If I proactively admit my mistakes and what is waiting for me is punishment, then why should I admit my mistakes? This is probably the reason why the thieves in the class often cannot find it.

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

In the training camp, in addition to the boss and several teachers, there is also a cook who is in charge of meals. The grandson of the boss and the granddaughter of the chef are both 2 years old. The little boy can clearly express what he wants and what he doesn't want, while the little girl can only say "no" in addition to crying.

When I learned that these two children were the same age, I was shocked and kept thinking about why the gap between children was so big. It turned out that the chef thought his child was only two years old and he was not yet the age to learn to speak, so he did not teach her to speak on weekdays. The boss often encourages the child to say: " you are a big boy, you can do it, I believe you. "

When the two face a 2-year-old child who wants to play on the swings, the chef comforts the child. "You are still young, and you can play on the swing again when you grow up"; the boss encourages the child to try new things and takes the child to learn how to use itSwing, instead of crying to adults and saying "I want to play but I won't".

The boss wants her children to know how to be grateful and respect , so she often says thank you to students, employees, and everyone around her, so that everyone can feel that she is grateful for the world and everyone’s dedication. , And these words invisibly inspire everyone, let everyone know how to be grateful, and have more motivation and enthusiasm for work!

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

In my hometown, the child fell down, and some adults hurried forward to see if the child was injured. In order to stop the child's half-truth crying, the adult held the child and scolded the stone and scolded the floor, telling the child time and time again. , It is the fault of others (stone, floor) that will make you fall.

Looking back at the boss’s way of education, Yu Guang saw that the child fell, but just pricked up his ears to hear if the child cried immediately. If he cried immediately, it means that the injury really hurts and requires an adult to deal with and comfort; If you cry, then you start to cry fakely, and you will treat it as if you didn't hear or see it. When the child finds that he is boring in acting, he will silently get up and continue playing.

Therefore, the child that has cultivated by her is not only not squeamish, but also particularly upright . The oldest girl was admitted to a famous local university last year and received a full scholarship.

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

She has made a lot of achievements in education, which also makes me continue to pay attention to and think about the different measures taken by China and the United States in education, and silently compare and measure in my heart, trying to explore the essence of education.

Her training camp is charity and does not charge any fees, but children, parents, and the society treat her respectfully.

I was worried that she had no income, no income, and the training camp would not go on. However, she did not expect that in just one month, she received a total of 7,500 US dollars (approximately RMB 52,500) in donations and bonuses, and was even awarded "California's most influential woman"!

I think her education is successful because in her eyes, educators (teachers, parents) cannot regard education as a task or work, but should regard everything that happens as a good way of educating people. Opportunity , therefore, I sincerely admire her educational wisdom!

A female boss in her 60s, she is still young: everything that happens is a good opportunity to educate people - Lujuba

About the author: Ruoye's green, post-95 postgraduate of the Department of Chinese Painting, 10 years of painting, 5 years of English. Welcome to follow me and give you some direction or energy every day~

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