He was a Leonardo idol, Hollywood’s most influential star that year, fell in his best years

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He was a Leonardo idol, Hollywood’s most influential star that year, fell in his best years - Lujuba

Ruifan Phoenix

is going to talk to you today, is a star who has left a deep influence in Hollywood. He emerges in Hollywood with a supernova-like brilliance, and then disappears at a meteor-like speed, except for the embarrassment. It also changed the life trajectory of many Hollywood stars that we now know.

He was a Leonardo idol, Hollywood’s most influential star that year, fell in his best years - Lujuba

His name is-River Jude Phoenix (River Jude Phoenix). You may feel strange to see this name, because Ruifan Phoenix was mainly active in the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. His popularity was rocket-like with his outstanding acting skills and beautiful appearance in just a few years. The speed soared, and then came to an abrupt halt on October 31, 1993.

He was a Leonardo idol, Hollywood’s most influential star that year, fell in his best years - Lujuba

Ruifan (first from left) and three current Hollywood superstars

Although you may not know the name Ruifan Phoenix, many of the current Hollywood male stars have dealt with him before, and you can even say if he Did not die so early, there may be many male stars in the future will not get the early days, yes, then Ruifan Phoenix is ​​so awesome. Today, Uncle Mei will chat with you about the legendary and short life of Ruifan Phoenix.

rushed and difficult childhood

Phoenix family, the first one is Ruifan

Ruifan Phoenix's birth is legendary: his parents are hippies, wandering around all day long, and Ruifan's mother experienced it on the wandering road 48 hours of hardship produced him.

The young Ruifan who plays the guitar

Ruifan Phoenix has been precocious since he was a child. The reason is that he has a pair of parents who are not worrying and has four younger siblings waiting to be fed. He entered the society early just to feed and clothe his family. Revan Phoenix received his first guitar in his life when he was 5 years old and soon became proficient in playing it. At this time, the Phoenix family did not have a stable source of income. They could only show their talents in exchange for living expenses. A "little guitarist" was naturally more attractive, so Ruifan Phoenix, who was only 5 years old, began acting. To subsidize the family.

Rui Fan (middle) performing in the movie

The Phoenix family moved to Los Angeles when he was 8 years old. Rui Fan’s mother found a secretary job and contacted Paramount to ask Rui Fan to audition, so Rui Fan stepped down Into the showbiz. He led his brothers and sisters to shoot various commercials, and also participated in the audition for TV dramas.

Born actor

Rui Fan (first from left) "Rushing to the Sky" stills

Rui Fan Phoenix's first appearance, and also the film that made him stand out was the sci-fi movie "Rushing to the Sky" released in 1985 (Explorers), the other protagonist in this movie is Ethan Hawke, who was nominated for 4 Oscars.

Ethan and Ruifan’s rivalry

Maybe you are not familiar with the name Ethan Hawke, but Uncle Mei thinks you should have seen the science fiction movie where you had a relationship with yourself and gave birth to your own--" "Predestination", Ethan Hawke is the "self". In an interview with Ethan Hawke many years later, he mentioned that "Rushing to the Sky" was also his first film. During the filming process, even he was impressed by the acting skills of Revan Phoenix.

Although this is the first time Ruifan Phoenix starred in a movie, but because of his previous commercial shooting experience, he was not stage fright at all, and his acting ability was fully utilized. It is logical that he also won because of this movie. More performance opportunities.

Rui Fan (third from left) "Walk with Me" stills

What made Rui Fan Phoenix a blockbuster was the movie "Stand by Me" released in 1986. He participated in this with three other young actors. A film adapted from the short story "The Corpse" in Stephen King's "Different Seasons".

Rob Reiner

The film’s director Rob Reiner said in an interview later that Rui Fan only read the lines for half a minute, and he decided to use Rui Fan because of "his emotional tension It’s deep, all the other young actors I’ve seenWithout his skills. He is talented, he is the real man of choice. "Rivan Phoenix is ​​not the absolute protagonist in this movie, but he has won the recognition of most audiences through his very spiritual acting skills, and he has also made his stardom in the future.

soaring into the sky

Ruifan "Nothing" Stills

With his superb acting skills in "Walk with Me", Ruifan Phoenix's next film appointments continue, and the public seems to see a rising star: "Running on Empty" released in 1988 is Ruifan · Phoenix brought double nominations for Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actor and Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor, and he was only 19 years old at this time.

Ruifan's "Uninhibited Sky" stills

let Ruifan Phoenix reach The pinnacle of his career was the movie "My Own Private Idaho" released in 1991, which allowed him to be named the 48th Venice film actor. At the age of 22, he created the record of the youngest Venice actor. It was not until 3 years later that this record was broken by the 18-year-old Xia Yu with "Sunny Days."

Jackie Phoenix's "Master" stills

However, there is another record set by Revan Phoenix at the Golden Lion Awards. People break: The two brothers both won the laurels of the Venetian actor. It is estimated that everyone should be able to guess from his rare surname when you see here. The brother of Rui Fan who also won the Golden Lion Award is the popular movie "Joker" this year. Starring Joaquin Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix). Twenty years after Ruifan won the Golden Lion Award (2012), Joaquin was also ordained in Venice with "The Master".

This Ruifan Phoenix acting Another starring star in the career peak movie is Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves). The two had a very close relationship before that. They once starred in the 1990 movie "I Really Love You" (I Love You to Death). Although neither of them is the main coffee of this movie, they met and formed a deep friendship. The performance of

in "Uninhibited Sky"

Rui Fan once in an interview Said a passage like: "At the time, Keanu Reeves and I were filming "I Really Love You", and both got the script of "Boostruck Sky". We both drove on Santa Monica Avenue Car, probably going to a club. We discussed the script quickly and we were very excited, like a dream that no one promised and could not realize. I said:'Well, if you do, I will do it, you don’t If I act, I won’t act. “We shook each other’s hands and started this movie.” The sudden explosion of

's many celebrity fans

Depp and Ruifan

did not make Ruifan Phoenix lose his mind. Fame didn't bring him trouble Disturbance, on the contrary, became his help for charity. Ruifan Phoenix is ​​a vegetarian and an environmentalist. After he became famous, he had more energy to promote environmental protection.

He even spent huge sums of money to purchase hundreds of acres of tropical rainforest in Brazil and Costa Rica in order to protect the trees from being felled, and then leave the trees there intact. The reporter once asked him: "Is Hollywood easy to make people feel dizzy?" His answer is: "No, it's not for me." It can also be seen that in the face of huge fame and wealth, Ruifan. Phoenix kept his heart.

Leonardo and Ruifan's influence at the time

Ruifan can't even imagine young people today. Almost every teenager regards him as an idol. Rui Fan not only has a large number of fans, many of them have become influential stars today. The most dazzling star among his fans is Leonardo DiCaprio. In order to shake hands with his idol, Xiao Li struggled to squeeze ahead of the crowd, but in the end he failed.

Stills of "My Own Rui Fan"

James Franco is one of Rui Fan’s most die-hard fans. To commemorate his idol, he wrote, directed and acted in 2012. The title is "My Own Rui Fan"(My Own Private River)’s own idol in the movie for several years. The name of the movie is taken from Ruifan Fengdi’s movie "My Own Private Idaho" (My Own Private Idaho). No lens selected in Sky. Someone commented on James Franco, and when a fan is like this, it is no one.

died unexpectedly

Because of his huge influence, coupled with skilled acting skills, Rui Fan’s film appointments have also continued. It seems that Rui Fan Phoenix will have a very bright future, but God is jealous of talents, all this in 1993 Halloween day (October 31) came to an abrupt end.

Rescue Ruifan scene

The official cause of death of Ruifan Phoenix was due to OD (Over Drugs), but what happened before he died and how he was exposed to drugs is still the same. Mystery, Uncle Mei has seen two theories, here are some of them:

Gavin Edwards

The first one is from Gavin Edwards's "The Last Night in the Viper House: Revan Phoenix and Hollywood behind him. In this biography, Gavin synthesized the narratives of multiple eyewitnesses and restored the scene at the time: On October 30, Rui Fan brought his girlfriend, his brother Jacques and his sister Ryan to Johnny Depp. (Johnny Depp) opened the club-The Viper Room (TheViperRoom).

Viper House

Originally, Rui Fan brought his own guitar to perform on stage, but the stage was occupied by Depp’s friends, so Rui Fan brought his girlfriend and younger siblings back to the table. A "friend" handed over a drink, Rui Fan took it and drank it. This "friend" had been to the drug rehabilitation center twice before, and the drink he handed over was Speedball, which was an alcoholic beverage mixed with cocaine and heroin.

Ryan was calling Ruifan

After a while, Ruifan began to vomit and fell on the chair. Ruifan's state frightened Jackie. Jackie, who was drunk at the time, hurriedly helped Rui Fan out of the bar, and fell on the sidewalk. A group of drunk people had no idea how urgent the situation was at the time: Jacques kept emphasizing that everything was fine; sister Ryan sat on his chest in order to wake up Rui Fan; Rui Fan's girlfriend was anxiously aside Hit the wall with his head...

Ruifan was unconscious when he was carried on the stretcher

It was not until Christina Applegate passed by to see the situation and let out a scream, and Jackie was a little more sober and took out the phone. Dial 911: "Please come quickly, he is dying, please hurry up!" Rui Fan was then taken to the hospital and was pronounced dead at 1:51 the next morning. Fans who heard the news went to the entrance of the Viper House to pay homage, and Depp only then learned about Rui Fan's death.

Rui Fan and Samantha Mathis

The second argument comes from Rui Fan’s girlfriend Samantha Mathis (Samantha Mathis), on the occasion of Rui Fan’s death 25 years (2018), Samantha · Marsis accepted an exclusive telephone interview with The Guardian, revealing the last moments of Revan Phoenix's life for the first time, but her narrative is quite different from the content in Gavin Edwards' book.

Ruifan’s rescue process

is in Samantha Mathis’s narration. At the moment when Ruifan’s OD was caused, she was not by his side but in the dressing room. She said: “I know he ate that night. Medicine, but the killer heroin only appeared in the snake room. I was a little suspicious of the situation at the time, but I didn't see anything." When she walked out of the dressing room, she saw Rui Fan seem to be having a fight with another person. In a conflict, the two were pushed out through the side door by the club's bodyguard. When she followed them outside, what she saw was Rui Fan falling to the ground and convulsing on the sidewalk.

The yellow hair on the second right is young Jacques

"What did you do? What medicine did you take?" She shouted to the other person. "Don't pay attention to him, you are making him happy." The man replied. Samantha is anxious to return to the club to find someone to help, but the side door has beenAfter closing. She ran around to the front door and entered, looking for Rui Fan's younger brother and sister in the club. The 19-year-old Jacques called 911, and the content of the cry for help appeared on various news channels: "He has a seizure! Please come here! He is dying, please." When the paramedics arrived, Fenix ​​had no breathing and heartbeat. He was pronounced dead after arriving in the hospital. No one knows which of these two theories is the closest to the truth, but the death of Revan Phoenix has become a heartbreaking fact. Ironically, the last word Rui Fan left to the world was: "No paparazzi, I want to be quiet". But this wish was broken by a greedy paparazzi: The day before Ruifan's cremation, a paparazzi sneaked into the funeral site, re-arranged Ruifan's body and took photos, and then sold the photos for $5,000!

The influence that continues to this day

Leonardo DiCaprio

As mentioned above, Leonardo DiCaprio used to fought forward in the crowd to shake hands with Revan Phoenix Squeezed, but in the end it did not happen. The place where this incident happened was in the Viper House, and it happened on October 30, 1993. Rui Fan’s death deeply shocked the young Leonardo, and he has stayed away from drugs ever since ( This was very rare in Hollywood back then). Rui Fan's friend Keanu Reeves also had the experience of taking drugs at the time. After Rui Fan's death, he completely gave up drug addiction.

"Total Eclipse of Love" stills

In addition, the film that was originally signed with Revan Phoenix had to be changed to other people to play the role he should have played. Among them, Leonardo DiCaprio has benefited the most: Two movies originally starring Rui Fan, starring in "The Basketball Diaries" and "Total Eclipse" Replaced by Leonardo.

Stills from "Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles"

"Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles" (Malloy) originally starred by Rui Fan was replaced by Christian Slater (Christian Slater) After the performance, Kristen Slater donated all the remuneration to several charities that Ruifan had funded.

"Sweet Betrayal" stills

Revan Phoenix will play the role of Izzy in the "Sweet Betrayal" (Safe Passage) to Sean Astin, who later The role of Sam in The Lord of the Rings is impressive.

When he was young, Jacques Phoenix

Of course, the most affected should be Jacques Phoenix. He witnessed his brother's death in front of him, and the 911 call became nationally known under the spread of various media. Although he embarked on the path of acting under the influence of his brother, it was because of all this that he had a deep resistance to the profession of journalism.

Stills of "The Joker" by Jacques Phoenix

After Rui Fan died, Jacques quit the show business for a long time, and after he returned, he began to face endless questions from reporters: "What impact does your brother's death have on you? Before Rui Fan died, Jacques had been living under Rui Fan's light, after Rui Fan passed away, Jacques had been living in Rui Fan's shadow again. Later, Jacques Phoenix often played many gloomy characters perfectly, and perhaps it was inseparable from this experience.

The superstars who were still young

Ruifan Phoenix has left this world for 26 years. We can’t imagine what he would be like if he were alive. After all, Johnny Depp and Tom. Cruise (Tom Cruise) and Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt) are now famous, and their influence was far less than Rui Fan.

Rui Fan is a 23-year-old young man who lives forever in his works, allowing future generations to pay their respects. And his death also sounded the alarm for everyone: Cherish life, stay away from drugs!


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