"Shaolin Football", there must be repercussions if you never forget, a middle-aged man's entrepreneurial salvation

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'Shaolin Football', there must be repercussions if you never forget, a middle-aged man's entrepreneurial salvation - Lujuba

doesn't want to be a general's soldier, not a good soldier. The

movie "Shaolin Football" is an entrepreneurial film, and the entrepreneurial project is called "Shaolin Kungfu+". It is like a term that was more popular before, called "Internet +". Yes, this movie does not give the protagonist a "Internet +" thinking, but a "Shaolin Kung Fu +" thinking. The

movie "Shaolin Football", a middle-aged man’s entrepreneurial salvation, tells the story of how a tattered King Kong leg turned himself into a successful man.

'Shaolin Football', there must be repercussions if you never forget, a middle-aged man's entrepreneurial salvation - Lujuba

In the movie "Shaolin Football", Zhou Xingchi played the fifth brother is a middle-aged man with entrepreneurial fire in his heart. At the end of the film, we all know that the fifth brother has succeeded in starting his business. He has gone further and further on the road of picking up the tatters. An excellent football Kung Fu star. So, before the five brothers succeeded in starting a business, what were the necessary factors that led to his success?

These are all necessary factors for a successful entrepreneur. The success of

stems from desire, dare to try and make mistakes

In the movie "Shaolin Football", although the fifth brother has the powerful Vajra legs of Shaolin Kungfu, at first he did not know how to make his thighs show its greatest glory. However, in the heart of Senior Brother Five, he has always been obsessed with carrying forward Shaolin Kungfu. He firmly believes that Shaolin Kungfu has his abilities, but he has not used it in the right place.

once went to find the opportunity of the big brother iron head skill, Zhou Xingchi came up with a combination of Shaolin Kungfu and karaoke. This is the classic hilarious performance song of "Shaolin Kungfu is good, it's really good! I am King Kong Kung Fu, he is Iron Head Kungfu".

'Shaolin Football', there must be repercussions if you never forget, a middle-aged man's entrepreneurial salvation - Lujuba

Obviously, this entrepreneurship failed. The failure of did not extinguish the flame in Zhou Xingchi's heart, but continued to search for a path that can perfectly integrate Kung Fu with other industries.

success stems from desire and dare to try and make mistakes. This point provided the role of thinking correction for later Zhou Xingchi's "Shaolin Kungfu+", indicating that this path is not feasible and requires another path.

success requires opportunities, immediate action

In the movie "Shaolin Football", Stephen Chow is actually a great horse. It was the "Golden Right Foot" played by Bole Wu Mengda that made this Maxima run. The "Golden Right Foot" discovered the power of Zhou Xingchi's vigorous vajra leg. While patting Zhou Xingchi's thigh, he spit, and wiped it with his hand, as if to see if this leg would reflect light and could it be used as Mirror use. Zhou Xingchi and the "Golden Right Foot" hit it off instantly, and strongly urged the "Golden Right Foot" not to wait any longer and start practicing football immediately, otherwise the sun will soon go down.

Under the wise eyes of "Golden Right Foot", Zhou Xingchi's powerful vajra legs finally have his place, that is to play football! The success of requires opportunities and immediate action. Those who have been watching on the shore cannot cross the rapids of life.

has everything in place, and owes manpower.

success stems from unity and good use of people

When an entrepreneurial project is established, what we need is the support of talents. Playing football is not something that one person can accomplish. It needs a team and a team of talents. And Zhou Xingchi's five other seniors who graduated together at Shaolin Temple that year happened to be an excellent demand for entrepreneurial talents.

Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, and Zhuge Liang only came out, so he can have a three-point position in the world. Similarly, the other five brothers of Stephen Chow have been invincible under the hard work of Stephen Chow and the "Golden Right Foot".

"Devil Team" is a big obstacle or a hurdle in the entrepreneurial process of Stephen Chow's team. When the entire entrepreneurial team was about to fall apart, the "Tai Chi Kung Fu Girl" played by Zhao Wei appeared, turning the tide and saving the entire entrepreneurial team. talent is one of the most important factors for the success of a team.

"Shaolin Football", there must be repercussions if you never forget it, a middle-aged man’s entrepreneurial salvation, after the above analysis, we can draw a truth, that is, entrepreneurship is not a joke, if you and your friends are or Prepare to start a business, maybe you can find some answers you want in this "Shaolin Football" movie.

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