The best Korean movie?

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Conscience takes you to see the first issue of Han Film

Today, conscience will recommend to you a noir movie that was released in 2013-New World. New World, a movie with three popular themes of crime, undercover, and underworld, has a different humanity, a different ending, and a different world. In the eyes of conscience, this noir film featuring Cui Minzhi, Huang Zhengmin, and Lee Jung Jae is undoubtedly one of the best crime films in recent years. The background story of the

The best Korean movie? - Lujuba

movie takes place in South Korea. It mainly revolves around the largest gangster society at the time-Kinmen. The opening chapter of the Golden Gate Group and the violent organization was killed in a car accident in Shidongchu, a gang leader, and the two remaining forces in the gang were killed. Qing and Li Zhongjiu started a series of battles for their rights. As a result, after Li Zhongjiu was imprisoned, Ding Qing was also killed in a disaster. All of this was arranged by the police. Ding Qing’s best brother, Li Zicheng, was also an undercover police officer and had been under the high pressure and the police. Suspected, Ding Qing was finally killed by the police and his wife was blackened after a miscarriage. He killed the old police officer Jiang and others who arranged for undercover. The story of

The best Korean movie? - Lujuba

is actually not complicated, the subject is also the old-style criminal undercover, but the ending is unexpected, and the control of the details of human nature is even more nuanced.

(1) Copycat gift

After the death of the boss in Kinmen, Ding Qing returned to Korea and Li Zicheng came to pick up the plane. From the attitude of the two of them, you can hardly believe that this is the relationship between the older brother and younger brother, not so much that they are Gang elder brothers are more like brothers. Li Zicheng's attitude is impatient and disgusting. Ding Qing, as the boss's hippie smiley and even flattery, is so natural. When Li Zicheng threw back the counterfeit watch Ding Qing bought in the car, when the two walked side by side at any time, when the younger brother Zhou Bie bowed and Li Zicheng looked impatient, I watched What is here is not the intrigue in the gang, but the feelings that have been integrated into the flesh and blood life. Maybe only when the trust of the relatives is reached, will there be this natural and casual truth of inaction.

The best Korean movie? - Lujuba

(2) Li Zicheng’s torment

Li Zicheng has been calm, rational and serious before his hands, but when the police are connected, he often looks embarrassed, has messy hair, and loses control of his emotions. Cheng saw anger, longing, guilt, and hatred in Cheng's eyes, angering the police's distrust, longing for others' approval, guilty of his betrayal, and hating his identity.

Li Zicheng is contradictory, pitiful, and sad. Although in the end he was the only one who survived and became the new boss of Kinmen, but in the previous years, he had been struggling to survive in the police and gangs, just like being caught in The little fish struggling between the teeth, while enduring inner torture, on the one hand is a subordinate who completely trusts his brother and obedient, but on the other hand is constantly persecuting himself and designing his own "person". Li Zicheng betrayed his brother's siblings in exchange for But it was the distrust and surveillance of the police. Finally, at the moment Ding Qing died, the dike collapsed.

(3) Ding Qing in my eyes

In the whole movie, my favorite role of conscience should be Ding Qing. He fully interprets what is a hero and what a good brother is. In front of outsiders, he is absurd but no one can ignore it, but in front of Zicheng, he is not formal.

said in the gang that he was cruel and cruel, but Li Zicheng alone. In the middle of the film, Ding Qing already knew the identity of Zicheng’s undercover, even he killed all the policemen who joined him, but for Li Zicheng, Ding Qing used his life to teach Zicheng what is a brother and what is a big brother. He awakened Zicheng's rebellious heart with his own life and paved a way for Zicheng with all his own.

(4) Chief Jiang’s words

I believe that many friends did not like the role of Chief Jiang after watching this movie. Indeed, he used Zicheng and forced Zicheng, and even Zicheng’s wife was arranged by him. The tool to monitor Li Zicheng is undoubtedly unscrupulous.

But such a policeman is also worthy of respect, because the purpose of abandoning his inner moral standards is for the country and society. In fact, Section Chief Jiang knows that he is despicable and scolded by others, but he still insists on doing himself and What he doesn’t like may be the responsibility of life for him, even if he gives up his dignity and integrity, even if he knows that he lives in hell, because this is his way, "I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell" is probably like this .

Finally, conscience is here to talk about the acting and details of this movie, It can be said that the acting burst. Whether it's Li Zhongjiu, who is arrogantly going to die and the only one who respects himself, Li Zicheng's hand shaking when he shot his undercover Go teacher, or Section Chief Jiang quit smoking after completing the task. Whether it is the details or acting skills, the conscience has to be sighed.

is all right, the first issue of the movie recommendation is here, if you have not watched it, you can watch it, and your conscience guarantees you will not regret it. Friends who have watched more can also follow me. I am a conscience, I will show you the same movies.

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