He "let the gods bleed" and "attract the sharks", he let the heroes go down the altar "American Team 3"

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"let the gods bleed" and "attract sharks". His provocation caused the high-ranking Avengers, including the elegant and perfect Captain America, to pull down the mortal world and get into the dust that cannot be shaken off.

He 'let the gods bleed' and 'attract the sharks', he let the heroes go down the altar 'American Team 3' - Lujuba

may be a little bit of a fall in the comparison object now, and in fact, it is not always happy to see such a comparison result, but after reading "Captain America 3: Civil War".

can't help but want to have a "civil war" between the comic publishing duo with "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", and it would be very difficult for audience fans not to compare it. Of course, the best situation for

is that the two sides are equally fighting, and it is difficult to distinguish the pros and cons, but unfortunately, even if I don’t think "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is really that bad, but "Captain America: Civil War" It's really hard to get better in many aspects.

He 'let the gods bleed' and 'attract the sharks', he let the heroes go down the altar 'American Team 3' - Lujuba

Compared with "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", I am afraid that the plot is not rich enough, and I am too impatient and want to put some foreshadowing, which leads to too fast and messy pace. The number of heroes and new characters appearing is no less than the two "Avengers" "Captain America: Civil War" can be so smooth and steady.

and the story is fastened to the main axis without any distractions. There are not too many branches. Almost every hero on the stage has a memory point, and the main characters' hearts have also been filled a lot. The only thing

can be said to be less important is probably only the section introducing the little spider, but that section can also be said to be the humor lubricated by a few of the movies that tend to be heavy and helpless. Although

He 'let the gods bleed' and 'attract the sharks', he let the heroes go down the altar 'American Team 3' - Lujuba

still puts some laughter into it, this film is indeed the heaviest and most distressing, distressed, helpless and helpless one in the entire Marvel universe series.

Almost all the characters in the show have their own life backgrounds to generate their own ideas, and support their own ideas with actions, but almost everyone has a wrong blind spot, no character is perfect, and how to do it is a dilemma . The

​​advertising keeps asking you which side you want to stand on, and the movie also succeeded in preventing the audience from making a choice easily. Although there are many characters on the stage, it is still a personal film of Captain America, starting from his point of view, and even more biased towards his position.

But obviously he couldn't handle this thorny issue very well. The Iron Man on the other side was the same. He put a lot of effort into it. Both inside and outside, he hoped to be perfect, but it was counterproductive.

And the script makes all of this round and reasonable. Every battle and conflict is a matter of course, interlocking, and well-directed. It is really rare under such a huge structure.

is the sequel of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" of the "political thriller", and the political flavor of "Captain America: Civil War" is still strong. It's just that compared to the previous episodes where the protagonists are directly involved in political issues, the superheroes this time are more like chess pieces under political manipulation.

For the sake of a paper agreement, the top leaders of various countries rarely show up. The role of politician even only sent General Ross, who has not seen him for a long time and was full of distrust of superheroes, making the scene seem to be just the differences between superheroes. .

But behind the huge dark clouds of the so-called more than 100 countries and the United Nations that cannot see their faces have always been hanging over the sky, not to mention the innocent people and the vast public opinion.

Even if the witch did her best to divert the explosion to reduce the damage, the damage was done after all. For the victims, they don't care if you are here to fight crime or something, of course they will only regard you as the culprit.

and the civilians implicated because of these lofty "heroic actions", this issue is not uncommonly discussed in the next door "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", but the brewing effects are still different.

Since the topics, roles and levels involved in this film are too wide, I will try to divide them into categories and talk about them one by one.

[Sokovia Agreement]

This is the key to this film. Although it seems that the conflict of ideas that really focuses on this agreement does not seem to be very deep, as mentioned above, this agreement represents exactly that "Political taste", even if this group of superheroes have the ability to reach the earth.

but only one paper, You can be constrained everywhere. There are many exciting martial arts throughout the film, but one of the most exciting sections is actually the place where the Avengers makes a lot of noise about whether or not to sign this agreement. This is also one of the elements of the good-looking hero group drama.

The gathering of heroes depends not only on their cooperation, but also on their fight, just like "Avengers" is inflicted by the influence of the scepter.

In fact, everyone's contradictions and prejudices are all there, and the scepter is just to strengthen the effect.

And this section of the discussion can also see everyone expressing their opinions, and each has its own reason. Perhaps this kind of superhero organization still must have so-called supervision and management, it is one thing to really control this group of superheroes. One of the real goals of

is probably for the public’s "sense of security" and to clarify the ownership of rights and responsibilities (I can't help but think of the phrase "Superman is not responsible to anyone" in "Batman v Superman").

but of course it is more likely to be mixed with the "insecurities" of politicians from various countries, and then want to weaken the lawless power of the Avengers. However, after deducting the complexity of politics, there is nothing wrong with supervision and checks and balances, but things are often not so simple. The plot direction of

can be regarded as a maximal use of "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", which is generally considered to be inferior. There is a little bit of wanting to whitewash the film. After all,

has no foreshadowing of "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" (and of course the efforts made in the previous episodes), and there is no tension of the current paper agreement.

[Captain America]

has gone through three movies, he is still the Steve Rogers, and the phrase "I can spend the whole day with you" appears again. He also laughed at himself, as long as he encountered Bucky-related things, he seemed to have changed back to the 16-year-old Brooklyn guy.

Although he seems to have lived a hundred years old, there is a freezing period of 70 years. In fact, he is still that young boy. He may be the most heroic and charismatic person in the Avengers, and of course there is nothing wrong with his high morale.

But he finally exposed more shortcomings in this episode, all showing that "Captain America" ​​is not a perfect person, and also when there is selfish impulse, not everything can be handled perfectly.

He opposed the Sokovia Agreement because he believed that everyone should have the freedom to make their own decisions, even if the results of the decisions are not necessarily comprehensive. The "olive branch" handed out by Tony in the middle of Iron Man was indeed shaken. At the beginning,

had a meeting at the headquarters. Although his position seemed firm, he specially arranged Peggy Carter's short speech at the funeral. Perhaps that was when he really made up his mind.

For the Winter Soldier, he didn't really want to protect him. Rather than being kidding, it is better to say that he thinks the Winter Soldier is his own responsibility. If I want to catch it, I must personally catch it. Let me ask myself, which Bucky is now?

No matter which one it is, I have to go back with me alive, and after clarifying the truth of the matter, I will come to a fair judgment. Although he grabbed the bridge section of the helicopter to show off his muscles, it was also a "symbol", meaning that he desperately wanted to "pull back" his friend instead of "follow him."

However, because of the terrible record of the Winter Soldier's past and the terrorist attack, everyone was stunned. Of course, such a dangerous person should be killed first, and of course what to say is captured alive.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are deliberate manipulation by behind-the-scenes, but it is also because of the vortex of fear, hatred and other negative emotions that careerists can intervene.

From the perspective of God, the audience can understand how important Bucky is to Steve Rogers, but the other people in the play do not care about so much. Naturally, they treat Captain America as a fellow terrorist. This is also Steve. Rogers never changed his naivety from beginning to end.

[Iron Man]

Tony is very unhappy. He is talented, wealthy, and arrogant. He is a triumphant group in life, but he has been very unhappy because he really tries hard to do things well, but he always backfires.

He sells weapons because he thinks that arms can bring a terror balance to the world, until he finds that these weapons willIt caused more tragedies, and the retribution also swallowed himself, so he decided not to sell weapons, let the company transform, and transformed himself into Iron Man to preside over justice.

, however, annoyed the elders of the company, but the identity of Iron Man attracted more enemies like "whips", or because of the frivolous past, he became a "man of Manchu" (regardless of whether Manchu is true or not) . In "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron",

also wanted to create an artificial intelligence that could protect the entire planet, but in the end it messed up.

So, who always likes to be unrestrained, he actually chose to put the Curse on himself this time, which is not too surprising.

Maybe he hopes to leave the decision to others, so that he can stop his brain impulse and produce irretrievable results. One of the motivations comes from the accusation of the heartbroken mother, that is, a sense of guilt.

He may also want to start trying to "listen to others", because he has never listened to persuasion, just like the black widow called him "too arrogant".

So he was finally willing to put down his figure, understand the trend of politics and public opinion, and try to deal with these annoying and complicated problems and public relations crises. After all, Captain America would certainly not want to manage such trivial matters. After

discovered Zemo’s conspiracy, he immediately lowered his posture and ran to Falcon to apologize. Falcon was surprised that "You would admit wrong!?"

In fact, from his perspective, what he did Because they are actually helping Steve Rogers wipe his butt. He tried every means to exonerate Steve Rogers and the others who followed Captain America, and he had to desperately intercede to the top. Please let me talk to Captain America and the others. Don’t send your special team to send off. .

Even he didn't think that the Winter Soldier should be guilty of death at first. Instead, he made a reasonable suggestion to be sent to a mental health care facility and almost convinced the stubborn captain. It's a pity that the witches under house arrest are a bit insidious, causing Steve Rogers to get upset and turn the table. The last big turning point of

is also reasonable. After all, he was not a naturally good-tempered person. Even if he calms down afterwards, he can understand the difficulties of the Winter Soldier, but at that moment, especially when there are so many bird incidents.

I treat you Captain America as a friend, and I tried my best to redeem the Avengers that we built together. In the end, you still hide from me the enemy who killed my parents?

said that Captain America betrayed Iron Man may be too serious, but Steve Rogers did hurt Tony's trust. In the decisive battle, that punch was like a punch. In addition to the deep hatred of the Winter Soldier, many of them also came from the anger against Steve Rogers.

[Winter Soldier]

still prefers the name Winter Soldier. I am glad that although it is called the "Civil War", it still makes up a lot of Bucky's past as the Winter Soldier. Although

said that the effects of the other fighters of the Winter Soldier Project are similar to smoke bombs, after all, it still makes the audience more aware of his ins and outs, revealing the mystery that was not mentioned in the second episode.

He is almost the same as Steve Rogers. Although he is very old on the surface, they are actually the same young and energetic boy.

When he saw Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter kissing, he and Falcon showed a relieved expression of "Ah, my team leader has finally grown up", as if returning to the carefree time before. It was a rare salvation for the rest of his life.

Finally he faced Tony in a rage, but he didn't know what to do. Regardless of whether he was controlled by Hydra or not, after all, his relatives died because of me, but he couldn't let him kill himself like this, so he had to hide first. After

, perhaps it was also for atonement, and worried that he would not know when he would be used by someone who wanted to. The Winter Soldier decided to go back to hibernation again, but this time he has recovered the good memories of the past and returned to the past. Good brother's side.

has solved the remnants of the "Winter Soldier" project, and even made some new friends. This hibernation is calm and peaceful, so let me take a good rest.

[Black Widow]

Compared with the above three "young" men, the impulsive and irritable black widow, the windy and experienced black widow, is completely a gentle big sister, from time to timeTake care of Captain America and even Iron Man.

Although both of them seem to be older than she is about to come, in reality they are far less experienced than the black widow.

was the only one who was willing to come to comfort Steve when Peggy passed away, and even cared about the black panther who lost her father.

is also the only one who is willing to listen and understand what the two sides say. Although Tony ridiculed it as a double-faced spy, she is the only one who still thinks about how to make both sides give an explanation at a critical moment.

Some people may think that she is hesitant and repetitive, but because of this, she can better show that she is not willing to choose one of black and white, but hopes for other results under compromised communication.

is also playing a role of "I don't know which way to choose" instead of the audience.

【Black Panther】

The exquisite and broad-minded king's bearing is quite heartbreaking, and the action martial arts is also eye-catching. Although

lost his mind due to the pain of losing his father, he was able to self-review after finally realizing the truth, and prevented Zemo from committing suicide, and did not get acquainted with Captain America and the Winter Soldier, and finally reached out to them.

as a new role can be said to be very pleasing, and it also makes people look forward to the independent film of "Black Panther" that will be released later.


The little spider officially returned to the first appearance of "Nanny", and it was not just a soy sauce, but a solid fight. However, although the little spider's mouth is very funny, the action scenes and appearances are still within the expected range, in fact, there is not much surprise. The symbolic meaning of the times when

appeared was much greater than the real effect. At least the audience would still like this Spider-Man. The interaction between

and Tony is very interesting. Tony probably never thought that Nick Fury was recruited in the past, but now it is him who recruits new blood to join.

[Crimson Witch]

, as an orphan in the war, was a twin brother who was lost in the last battle. Fortunately, she has the new family of Avengers.

However, although the partners are not afraid of her, she still feels quite hurt when she sees news reports naming herself a "freak" by name.

Her attitude towards the agreement is actually a bit ambiguous, or maybe the agreement itself is not what she cares about, but Tony and Vision put her under house arrest, which made her feel that she suddenly lost the trust of her partners. .


His idea of ​​the agreement is very "simple", and he simply saw the most "pure" essence of the agreement. If the hero will attract evil, then the hero should converge a little. The similar argument of

is like the "Dark Knight" mentioned that the existence of the clown was born because of the appearance of Batman.

, who likes witches, is still learning everything in the world, and he, who is considered absolutely impossible to make mistakes, accidentally injured the war machine. This somewhat amazing arrangement of

, on the one hand, means that the two sides of such a battle, even if it is just an exhibition match, may still pay a price that no one likes. On the one hand,

also said that there can be people and things that will never go wrong. No matter how much you believe in your own judgment and think you are doing the right thing, who can guarantee that you are 100% correct?

Even Vision may be wrong. Regardless of which party, it is the most painful vigilance.

[Eagle Eye] [Falcon] [Ant-Man] [Gears of War]

These four characters are probably the characters that have to be sacrificed in the plot. After all, there are too many characters to take into account the detailed description of each person.

Hawkeye came to help the witch out of trouble because of the kindness of Quicksilver, Ant-Man was just a helper, Falcon was a follower of Captain America, and War Machine was responsible for the "price". Each of

has been a little bit more, even if there is no ink in the plot, at least there are wonderful special effects and funny martial arts.


The outstanding villain who is finally rare in the Marvel Universe movie, if he is really a villain. Personally think that this role can be said to be Marvel's painful thinkingIn the pain, I racked my brains to write out the impression of the villain that I would not be able to vindicate.

Zemo is actually a fusion of the villains of several previous Marvel movies, and then rewrites and corrects them. In "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", in order to create a sense of despair for Ultron, he was given a test sentence like "Ultron may know each other better than we are present."

But then Ultron just used it for a while, and didn't use it much. This time Zemo spent more than a year carefully studying Captain America, the Winter Soldier and Iron Man, and Shun Fai used the contradictions created by the political agreement to really successfully provoke infighting in the Avengers.

He even had no twins written in "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron". Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver hold hatred for the Avengers because of their involvement in the war and the weapons of Stark Enterprise.

Zemo is also for a similar reason. His relatives were killed in the Battle of Sokovia, which made him want revenge, but his methods, decisiveness, and the final truth were revealed. He repeatedly listened to his family’s final voice messages and that. An uninteresting monologue does not feel disgusting but sympathetic.

He even did what he did in "Iron Man 2" but failed to do it, that is, "let the gods bleed" and "attract sharks". His provocation caused the high-ranking Avengers, including the elegant and perfect Captain America, to pull down the mortal world and get into the dust that cannot be shaken off.

In the end, he failed to commit suicide and was sent to prison. Regardless of whether there is a black hand behind him or not, he has no superpowers. He has only the skill and wisdom of serving as a spy in the past and the perseverance of the ghost of vengeance to successfully kick the Avengers from the altar of the "villain", should be able to A record in the history of Marvel Movies. The excellent script arrangement of

made his real purpose bluff most of the audience, but he inevitably caused some doubts when thinking about it afterwards.

First of all, he can just send the video directly to Iron Man, and there is no need to spend so much time. Furthermore, for his big plan to succeed, a prerequisite is that he must know that Iron Man has not yet learned the cause of death and the murderer of his parents.

However, the skill of the screenwriter and the tight rhythm of the narrative did not have time to take into account these bones when watching the movie. In order to create the final drama tension, these problems should be forgiven.

[action scene]

inherited the outstanding martial arts of "Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier". From the very beginning, the episode was immediately eye-catching. The close hand-to-hand martial arts tricks, the various heroes fighting for beauty, the weight and design Coincidentally, it is not under the previous episode, or even worse.

Airport battle because everyone is more like playing the All-Star game, not like playing the playoffs to death. Although there is a certain degree of urgency, it can be considered as exhausting, but it is more like a happy chaos.

and the disadvantage is that Vision almost didn't make any shots. It seemed that he was just watching a movie next to him, and even the camera was not brought to him. I was probably worried that his participation would make the fight impossible to evenly match.

Falcon is relatively quiet after showing off the magical effect of wings in the opening scene. Spider-Man is quite satisfactory. The most impressive thing is that the Black Panthers participated in the chase, which reminds us of Tangiers in "The Bournemouth 3". The black widow also showed off the light skills of parkour in the opening.

In the end, Captain America and the Winter Soldier teamed up to fight Iron Man. It was a combination of emotion, story tension and martial arts, and a classic slow motion scene appeared. As far as the action scenes are concerned, Marvel really used its own way to create very exciting results.


Maybe Zemo's goal is successful. But Steve Rogers is still the kind Steve Rogers after all.

He also indeed apologized to Tony in the letter. But now the situation is reasonable and he can't return to the Avengers.

After calming down, Tony should be able to understand how much responsibility for the death of his parents is to blame on the Winter Soldier. The disintegration of the Avengers is more like in the end, Captain America turns the light into darkness and is not controlled by legal regulations.

​​and the Avengers led by Iron Man continue to carry out "legal" actions on the table, and by the way, it also lays an opportunity for the future to work together whether on the table or under the table.

let the whole episodeIn the end, the downturn still retains the bright future, and at the same time allows the audience to see the endless hope of the future "Avengers: Infinite War".

The next issue of "Doctor Strange" with the best visual effects

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