Douban 8. 7 points, 320,000 evaluations, romance movies can also be so inspirational!

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Douban 8. 7 points, 320,000 evaluations, romance movies can also be so inspirational! - Lujuba

is cool, I want to use it to meet girls!

Douban 8. 7 points, 320,000 evaluations, romance movies can also be so inspirational! - Lujuba

Just looking at the above-mentioned father-son dialogue, coupled with this tacky film title "Time and Space Traveler" , you will definitely think this is a fast-food comedy romance.

Douban 8. 7 points, 320,000 evaluations, romance movies can also be so inspirational! - Lujuba

But in fact, the seemingly unremarkable film contains a deep core, coupled with the superb interpretation of the actors, a masterpiece that is enough to make people see the mix of sadness and joy was born.

This film is on the domestic film and television platform, and more than 32 million people participated in the evaluation, and scored 8.7 points , foreign platform IMDb exceeded 27 million people participated, and finally got 7.8 points , a little more proof of this film By no means ordinary.

As for the box office of the film, it cannot be said to be a big hit, but as a small-cost production, it has also achieved the same excellent results. The global box office is 87.1 million US dollars (about 620 million yuan), which is more than 7 times the production cost. The

film uses humorous shooting techniques to touch the love , family affection , friendship and other elements in life, so that the viewers can empathize with each other, and they can still experience the wonders of life from it.

The protagonist Tim has just turned 21 this year and is about to start another phase of his life. He gets a big secret of " cool " from his father. He can " travel through time and space ".

Although this ability is not omnipotent, it can make life easier, such as arranging a perfect encounter for oneself and the person in love, creating a touching and romantic marriage proposal, and easily saving a friend's career.

Tim often uses it to change some of the past regrets, but like most time-space movies, this film also has the same drawbacks and the same settings, which is the fatal consequence of " butterfly effect ".

Tim's roommate is a stage playwright. He is obsessed with the creation of stage play and devoted his life to it. However, contrary to his wishes, an accident occurred during an extremely important performance, which put his career in crisis.

In order to help this friend, Tim used his abilities, and of course eventually helped him through the crisis, but he missed the moment of encountering his love. If

changes something and affects another, is it worthwhile to exchange for ? The film brings us thinking with the plot.

" life is not perfect, but there are always many perfect fragments in life. It is better to enjoy instead of persistence." Although this sentence is a spiritual chicken soup, it is also a true portrayal of people.

After all, "No matter how hard you work, you cannot solve all the problems in your life. The reason why life is worth remembering is its shortcomings and imperfections ." The

film not only expresses friendship and love, but also vital family affection. Tim's father is also a time traveler. In Tim's eyes, his father always flies calmly and comfortably with time.

didn't pass the secret to himself until his father reached the end of his life: " try to pass twice every day."

Go to for the first time to experience the unknown every day , and for the second time go to to taste the details of each day .

In the editor’s opinion, living twice in life can actually be experienced in one day. People in today's society are always too worried and worried. They worry about the unknown every day, and miss the little details that are happening around them. And these details are often the fun and meaning in life.

Just use the second method to experience life, then you can challenge the unknown and enjoy the present every day. The

film also brings out this kind of thinking, that is, " actively goes to every day and regards it as the last day of life ".

In the end, Tim seemed to break the family's curse. He slowly didn't need to travel through time and space to perfect his life, but greeted every day with a challenge and a positive attitude.

Time travel has always been a pipe dream for many people, who want to go back to the past and change some regrets; want to see the future and verify the present.

Time travel is really whimsical?

actualAbove, as the film says, don’t we travel in time every day?

can rely on memories by closing his eyes, goes back to the past , straightens his chest and can move forward, moves into the future .

It is worth mentioning that the English name of the film "about time" can better reflect the theme of the film, it is not literally "about time", but tells you "it's time" faces life challenge.

If you are not ready before, maybe it is "time" to experience this seemingly ordinary but unique every day.

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