Film review "Will you marry my husband?": Your own life is your own decision

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Oscar actress Julianne Moore x Golden Globe actress Michelle Williams hand in hand to create a touching chapter | Adapted from 2007 Oscar Best Foreign Language Film Nominated Danish Film "After the Wedding"-"Will you marry my husband" ? ".

Film review 'Will you marry my husband?': Your own life is your own decision - Lujuba

Plot introduction:

Isabel (Michelle Williams) is keen on public welfare, works in an orphanage in India, and devotes herself to charity, but her small income makes it difficult for her to continue.

One day, the well-known and well-known entrepreneur Teresa (Julian Moore) expressed the possibility of huge sponsorship, so Isabel decided to fly to New York for the opportunity, and was invited to participate in Teresa’s daughter’s The wedding banquet does not seem to have much to do with it, but after Isabel and the old love met unexpectedly, a storm was set off, and the previous disputes surfaced again. Who can bear the price of feelings.

Film review 'Will you marry my husband?': Your own life is your own decision - Lujuba

After reading "Will you marry my husband?" "After that, I still wonder why Michelle Williams hasn't won the Oscar?

"After the Wedding", a representative of the "Denmark New Wave Female Director", launched in 2006, the work "After the Wedding", both at the box office and word of mouth, has achieved good results. In addition to being the runner-up of the most popular Danish movie of the year, it was also in the award season. There are many gains, not only won the Danish Film Festival Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress Double Awards, Susanna Bill also won the European Film Award for Best Director for this film, and "After the Wedding" became the Danish Oscar for Best Foreign Language The representative of the film, unfortunately, finally lost the German representative "Eavesdropping Storm." "Will you marry my husband?" directed by Bart Fleering District "Is adapted from this Danish classic. Because I was late to the movie, I never watched "After the Wedding". I found the information and related comments and plot introductions on the Internet. Basically "Will you marry my husband" ? "The plot is the same as "After the Wedding", except that the gender roles have changed and the genders of the three main characters have been reversed. uses a softer female perspective to touch related topics, including maternal love, marriage and love. At the same time, it also cares about social issues that have been cared about since the original version, and through many choices and entanglements, it points out "Your own life is your own decision." "It is important and necessary.

has never seen the Danish version, so I can’t compare it. This is purely from the impression of the American version. I thought "Will you marry my husband?" "It’s easy to watch, but the issues it touches are quite serious. The choice of the two heroines Isabel and Teresa, and even the actor Oscar, is heavy due to the development of the plot. This is like a plot of dog-blood at 8 o’clock. I don’t understand the interaction between the three or the offense and defense. However, as many things are explained one by one, the movie gives Isabel and Teresa time to think and settle down. The audience I was able to catch my breath, follow them, look at many things from their standpoint, and make many decisions that may not be recognized by others but are the most correct decision for them. And the plot rhythm is also relatively fast in the first half, quickly cut to the main point without being muddled, so that the audience is curious about the relationship between the three people and the past. In the middle, the rhythm starts to slow down. After explaining the reasons, spend the remaining time to depict the three people (specially Is the inner world of the two heroines.

Film review 'Will you marry my husband?': Your own life is your own decision - Lujuba

Isabel has been dedicated to public welfare for many years and served in an orphanage in India. However, like many public welfare organizations, she will face many problems. The most troublesome issue is funding. Isabel wants to help more people and children, but Suffering from insufficient resources, she had to seek sponsorship from entrepreneurs. Soon the orphanage received a reply. A well-known company in New York expressed interest in sponsoring the orphanage. In order to discuss more details, the other party asked Isabel to go to New York in person. One trip. Even though he was reluctant to leave the orphanage and the little boy Ajie, whom she had taken care of since childhood, she had to fly to New York to sponsor Kim Isabel. But after actually meeting and talking with Teresa, the person in charge of the company, Isabel quickly discovered that the other party was very generous in sponsoring, but not very concerned about the "what" sponsored. Teresa's attitude made her suspicious. But she originally wanted to get the sponsorship as soon as possible and then fly back to India to attend Ajie’s birthday party, so no matter what the sponsorship is the best, she did not expect that Teresa postponed it for other reasons. Talking about sponsorship, she not only asked her to stay in New York for a few more days, but also invited her to attend her daughter's wedding.

" is we moving in this world, or the world from usFlowing by? "

At the wedding Isabel met her young lover, Teresa’s current husband Oscar. After listening to what their daughter Grace said, she realized that Grace was in front of her. She thought she had been The shocking fact of the daughter who was sent away made her unacceptable. She went to Oscar to find out the truth, because at the age of 18, she realized that she could not and could not take care of her upcoming daughter. The result of their discussion was to let her daughter She was adopted by others, so after the birth of her daughter, she left and left Oscar and left New York. But Oscar finally regretted it. He left his daughter to take care of him. He couldn't get in touch with Isabel to prevent Grace from being sad. The mother who lied to her daughter has passed away and married Teresa, who has a good relationship with each other, in order to give Grace a complete family. Neither Isabel nor Oscar can consider the reunion this time to be accidental. They both felt that they knew it a long time ago. What Teresa is planning. After the story was told, it was obvious that there was a change between the three of them, and it also affected Grace. She couldn’t understand her father’s behavior and wanted to understand why her biological mother abandoned her and abandoned her. Time’s thoughts and anxiety after marriage both tortured her repeatedly. Grace tried to get answers from the two mothers, as if what happened to her was what they had experienced.

"This is your life, decide for yourself . "

"Will you marry my husband?" converts the original two male protagonists into females, looking at love and marriage from the perspectives of "woman", "mother" and "wife". Of course The choices and opinions made by each identity are naturally different, and the choices and opinions made by different people are also different. After all, what has been experienced in the past and what is happening now have an impact. Isabel is too young She was about to turn from a woman to a mother. The fear and worries about the unknown identity made her unable to play well. This identity made her decide to run away. It was not until many years later that she grew up and matured, and only picked up her mother again after meeting Ajie in India. This identity, from learning how to be a mother to realizing how important a mother is to her child, in a way, she seems to regret that she abandoned her daughter and left, so she chose to serve in the orphanage, as if she wanted to make up for it. I want to know if I have the ability to be a mother, but in fact, after she met Grace again, I think she didn’t take her daughter from Teresa. She was just angry that Oscar abandoned their decision. She asked Telling the truth is also to let Grace understand that her decision back then was because of her fear rather than not wanting her. The most frequent appearance of

in movies are decisions and choices. From the past to the present and even the future that has not happened, everything Almost everyone has to face this move. Isabel's decision to send her daughter away is a decision. Oscar's decision to repent and leave her daughter is a decision. Teresa's decision to arrange for the two to meet is a decision. Grace will marry regardless of her parents' fears that she is too young. Giving a boyfriend is also a kind of decision. It often has to go through a tormented decision period before deciding. The action of "decision" is difficult to debate the wrong and the right. "Will you marry my husband?" Through plot arrangement, The role dialogue makes the audience realize this again. As I said before, many factors will affect "the current decision." Others may not understand or regret even seeing it many years later, but for the self at the time. In other words, the decision at that time was the most suitable. Isabel Han Teresa exposed each other's scars and poked each other's wounds several times, but at the same time they were too weak to refute them, because when they changed their identities and stood at each other If you look at it from a different perspective, you will know that the other party has a reason, and those who don’t understand are understandable. Of course, it is also because of this that they can give "daughter" Grace a different view but cannot decide for her. Life is her own, and only she knows how to decide to be good for herself.

Since Grace is mentioned, I will say that I don’t know Grace the most in the whole movie. She thanked Teresa so much at the wedding, but she was so After the mythical mother Isabel did not die, she not only quickly accepted that Isabel wanted to be closer to her, but also confided to her if she had any concerns, as if the mother-daughter relationship with Tyrese was as thin as ice, but when she knew Terry Not long after becoming sick, Si burst into tears, saying that she loves her so much that she does not want her to leave, the mood of Grace's character is really confusing.

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"Will you marry my husband?" "To IsabelIn contrast, there is a little bit more drama, to use her to express the issues of concern, and to see the contrast through her eyes. For example, the most obvious is the wealth of New York and the poverty of India. Isabel once said that the hotel she was arranged to stay in could feed several Indian children in one night. At the end of the film, she decided to agree to Teresa staying in New York. It may seem to confuse people, thinking that she is such a realistic person, but she made this decision because she knew the "reality", if she could help even more people in the orphanage because of her stay in New York , Why is it wrong?

finally wants to mention it again, Michelle Williams really deserves an Oscar.

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