The Return of Silver Lightning "Marvel: Super Contest" Marvel Universe's most beautiful superhero debut

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If you ask who is the person with the highest appearance in the Marvel Universe, I think it will be difficult to find the answer. After all, some people like small fresh meat, some like handsome uncles, and some like the muscular tough guy like the Hulk Captain America. Everyone may be talking about it. Of course, the brand new superhero who joined the "Marvel: Super Contest" is a superhero who joined the Marvel universe because of his high looks. A supporting role, and a villain, because his unique appearance makes him a permanent superhero of Marvel, and later he also joined the Avengers, who is this super hero? ? Yes, all players must have thought of it-Silver Shadowman.

The Return of Silver Lightning 'Marvel: Super Contest' Marvel Universe's most beautiful superhero debut - Lujuba

Silver Shadowman was originally named Norlin Ryder, he was originally an alien young astronomer. In order to save his planet from being swallowed by planet devourers, he volunteered to become his subordinate forever. The Planet Devourer gave him cosmic energy to turn his body into a silver appearance so that he could control the cosmic energy. Silver Shadow Man has superhuman strength, invulnerable body and eternal life. As long as the Silver Shadowman is connected to the surfboard, he can have endless cosmic energy, and can use the cosmic energy to attack, defend and fly. Silver Shadow Man does not need to eat, drink, sleep and other means of supplementing energy for ordinary people. Of course, the cosmic energy was also captured by Doctor Destruction.

The Return of Silver Lightning 'Marvel: Super Contest' Marvel Universe's most beautiful superhero debut - Lujuba

Compared with other superheroes, the story of becoming a god, the story of the Silver Shadow Man is a lot more bumpy. He usually finds some unmanned planets for the planet devourers to devour, until the planet devourers order him to come to earth. On the earth, he met the Fantastic Four and became friends and rebelled against the Planet Devourer. In order to punish the Silver Shadowman, he cast a spell to prevent him from leaving the earth.

He was cheated of the cosmic energy by Doctor Doom while he was on Earth, but when Doctor Doom was about to leave the Earth, the energy returned to the Silver Shadowman. Later, he discovered the ugly and insidious side of mankind on Earth. He knew that to connect mankind together, there must be a common enemy. So I decided to join the villain, and then joined the reunion because of the villain's bad behavior. It can be said that this hero is definitely or the most difficult superhero.

The Return of Silver Lightning 'Marvel: Super Contest' Marvel Universe's most beautiful superhero debut - Lujuba

in December's "Marvel: Super Contest" in order to protect his planet from annihilation, Norin Ryder sacrificed himself and became the pioneer of Silver Shadowman, the planet devourer. He searched all corners of the battlefield to find friends. Now that they are finally reunited, they need to unite against a different threat on the battlefield. Of course, this is similar to the story in the comics. I believe it can attract everyone who loves watching Marvel movies to the game to find out. In addition, the new adventure will be shown to you by signing in. 12 The sign-in package at the end of the month is not so generous!

​​The last thing I want to say is that it is still the day when the American shopping festival "Black Friday" is about to end. In the same way, in "Marvel: Super Contest", our players and superheroes have to become shopaholics and buy themselves. You need the props to improve your abilities, otherwise the battle of your league will be delayed. I hope you can have fun in the Marvel Universe in the last month!

Tags: movie