The thriller that I don’t want to be reprinted so far, how dark the human nature is, how sad this movie is.

movie 2801℃

, a tragic and vicious murder occurred in the Suma District of Kobe City, Japan. The dead were a 10-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy. Their deaths were extremely miserable.

As the police investigated in depth, the truth of the case was finally revealed. To everyone's surprise, it was a 14-year-old boy who committed this series of heinous crimes! The infamous

murder was later called the "Drunkard Rose Saint Fighting Incident." The Japanese Diet also reduced the minimum age for criminal liability from 16 to 14 because of this incident.

Juvenile delinquency stems from external factors under the influence of family, school, society and other environmental factors on the one hand, and on the other hand from internal factors such as one's own unsound outlook on life, values ​​and world outlook.

Today, the editor will take advantage of the topic to recommend a classic horror thriller film on the subject of juvenile crime-"Eden Lake" (Eden Lake).

The thriller that I don’t want to be reprinted so far, how dark the human nature is, how sad this movie is. - Lujuba

has to say, this is a thriller that is extremely sadistic and extremely depressing. In the process of watching the movie, I always mentioned the tension in my throat, as well as the pressure and anger that I can't use.

is no exaggeration to say-this is a movie that I still don't want to do twice. The animation presented in the article was also taken by the editor biting the bullet and fast-forwarding.

The thriller that I don’t want to be reprinted so far, how dark the human nature is, how sad this movie is. - Lujuba

"Lake of Eden" is directed by James Watkins, starring "French Shark" Michael Fassbender and Kelly Reilly. The film was first released in the UK on September 12, 2008. After more than 11 years, it is still as horrified as before, and full of depression. The

film mainly tells the thrilling story of a pair of lovers away from the hustle and bustle of the city, driving to a remote lakeside town, but accidentally clashed with a group of bear children, and eventually led to murder.

The thriller that I don’t want to be reprinted so far, how dark the human nature is, how sad this movie is. - Lujuba

Steve and Jenny are a couple in love. On a free weekend, the two drove to a small town around the lake far from the city, planning a fresh and sweet journey.

crossed the hills, through the jungle, they finally reached their destination-Lake Eden. The two people who were struggling in their boats and cars were attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of them, but they did not realize that a fatal catastrophe was following.

While Steve and Jenny were addicted to the lake scenery, the arrival of a group of rebellious youth broke the calm. They speak unobstructed, and if no one is playing noisy music, they don't care about the feelings of others.

Steve finally couldn't bear it. He came to argue with the group of teenagers, but ended up eating the other side behind closed doors. He was so speechless that he had to leave in embarrassment.

never thought that this trivial dispute would pave the way for the conflict that continued to heat up. The next day, the teenagers stole Steve's wallet and cell phone, and drove away in his jeep, provoking and arrogant.

Steve, who became furious, found these boys in the woods. He wanted to get his wallet, cell phone and car keys back, but was rejected and ridiculed.

Conflict is on the verge of breaking out. The rogue boy relies on a large number of people, pushing and pulling around Steve. During a confrontation, Steve pushed the dagger in the young man's hand to the side and accidentally stabbed their pet dog to death. This avoidable skirmish has since evolved into a life and death dispute.

Seeing that the situation is out of control, Steve picked up the car keys and left the scene quickly with his girlfriend. The vicious teenagers had already lost their minds and chased the jeep all the way.

Dark road danger, coupled with a panic, the jeep crashed into a big tree, Steve was stuck in the trunk of the carriage, unable to move. He ordered his girlfriend Jenny to leave, but he was tied up by the teenagers and subjected to their inhuman torture.

After torturing Steve, the red-eyed teenager "boss" ignored the opposition of his companions and threatened them to continue searching for Jenny.

Steve took advantage of their departure, broke free and staggered away. The boy soon discovered Jenny's whereabouts, and immediately pursued her, like a hungry wolf preying on her, hysterical and inhumane.

After a series of fast-paced and thrilling plots of tracking and escape, escape and imprisonment, these teenagers finally caught the young couple. It's just that Steve has no signs of life due to excessive blood loss.

A sweet love journey has become a sad farewell to life and death. The instigator of this nightmare is a group of young teenagers in the cardamom years. Is this a farce on earth? Or is it a human tragedy?

these frenziedBoy, burned Steve's body in front of Jenny. Their animality is fully manifested, and there is no morality and humanity at all.

's anger and fear further intensified Jenny's desire to survive. After breaking off the rope, she kicked over the oil drum and used torches to build a high-temperature fence to buy herself precious time to escape.

The heartache of losing her lover, coupled with the body pain of steel nails piercing the bone...All kinds of pain accompanied by Jenny's staggering steps, all the way to escape from the jungle, to the town where she imagined that this nightmare could end.

However, the place of redemption she longs for is another bloody purgatory. Behind the hope is despair that has become worse.

As the saying goes, poor mountains and bad waters lead to troublesome people. In such a closed town, everyone is full of inexplicable hostility. This is reflected in the experience of Steve and Jenny when they first entered the town.

The devil can only breed the devil, never give birth to an innocent angel. What kind of terrifying parents are behind these vicious young men?

Jenny, who strayed into the home of the murderer, was held hostage by lies, favoritism, and violence, and instantly lost her identity and rights as a human being.

What she is about to face is the last cold despair and deep-seated resentment in her life.

At this moment, she is just a lamb to be slaughtered. Any heartbreaking rebuttal and shouting will become the noisy "baa" bark in the ears of these butchers. The existence of

"Lake of Eden" allows us to see another form of realistic horror and thriller movies. It is darker than "Dark Invasion" and savager than "Song of Barbarians".

It is depressed, desperate, helpless, and decisive. "Perfect" avoids all the beauty of human nature. It is chilly and chills your back.

Therefore, "Lake of Eden" has become one of the movies that I still don't want to do, let alone do it.

(the source of the picture is deleted if it is infringed on the Internet)

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