Movie "Blind Well": What is the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, and what is the false, evil and ugly of human nature

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In the land of Meihai Shanxi, there are many small coal mines, and there are many peasant miners in the small coal mines. These laborers living at the bottom of Chinese society are struggling to survive in this small world forgotten by the sun. The pressure of life swallows their will and spirit, and changes their original heart. Only that The inborn desire has never been consumed. Thus, there is the story of "Blind Well", there is Song Jinming, there is Tang Chaoyang, there are the souls of the underground...

Movie 'Blind Well': What is the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, and what is the false, evil and ugly of human nature - Lujuba

In "Blind Well", Song Jinming is deliberately portrayed A major character has the most contradictions, conflicts and struggles in him. In order to shoulder the burden of supporting the family, he had to take risks and blackmail the pension with Tang Chaoyang. In the depths of Song Jinming's heart, he has never stopped struggling, and his numb conscience that has been suppressed for a long time is stimulating him all the time. The experience he lived with Yuan Fengming gradually awakened his conscience. The first encounter between him and Yuan Fengming was at the station. Faced with the victims of Tang Chaoyang, he just felt angry and unbearable.

Movie 'Blind Well': What is the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, and what is the false, evil and ugly of human nature - Lujuba

​​This is not only because he doesn't want to use such a young life in exchange for pensions, but also because he thinks of his own children and compares his heart to heart, which is an extension of his love for his son. However, Tang Chaoyang caught his weakness and forced him to submit: "If you don't have money to pay the tuition, you have to go out to work as a child." So, for the next few days, he kept beating Yuan Feng. Later, he was horrified to find that after a long time of contact, he unexpectedly fell in love with the child. He went to great lengths to delay the hands-on time, and came up with all kinds of reasonable or absurd excuses to stop Tang Chaoyang’s actions: waiting for the opportunity, Yuan Fengming had not touched a woman, had not eaten a farewell meal, had no see-off wine, and could not destroy Rules... If we say that the previous hesitations still have some elements to find a favorable opportunity, then these later delays are entirely for procrastination and procrastination, out of guilt, pity and intolerance. These actions undoubtedly made Tang Chaoyang more affirmed that he "sympathizes with the child", made him a stumbling block to Tang Chaoyang's fortune, intentionally or unconsciously, and laid the roots of his own destiny later. The last time he went down the well, he turned a blind eye to Tang Chaoyang's hints again and again, still immersed in pain and intolerance, refusing to do it. This was the strongest struggle deep in his heart. In Song Jinming, desire and conscience have been entangled with each other endlessly, but in the end, conscience defeated desire, even though it was the price of life.

Movie 'Blind Well': What is the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, and what is the false, evil and ugly of human nature - Lujuba

is different from Song Jinming, Tang Chaoyang represents evil thoughts and greed. He doesn't have the family responsibility of Song Jinming. His responsibility to the family seems to be just out of habit of sending back a few money from time to time. He can use the blackmailed pension to watch the video to find the "Miss" to enjoy, and he will not think about it like Song Jinming. Life made him numb, cold, and vulgar. If Sister Ma, Song Jinming, and the miners’ vulgar words are a cynicism in a helpless life to get a little sense of contentment, then his vulgar words are a reflection of his nonchalant attitude towards life’s vulgarity. . In order to continue to blackmail the pension, he deceived Yuan Fengming, who was only 16 years old, into the mines, as long as he made money, "the child would be in the middle." He doesn't have much responsibility for the family in his heart. He is indifferent to his children and let him go, just to make money. In order to make money, he and Song Jinming killed "Tang Zhaoxia", killed the workers who went to the mine together, and stunned Song Jinming. The reason was that "I will take care of whoever blocks my money." He regards human life as a waste, without humanity. In order to eliminate the roots without leaving any future troubles, he tore up Yuan Fengming’s family letter, and pretended not to know the relationship between "Tang Zhaoxia" and Yuan Fengming. As long as there is money to make money, "their family will never stop, what does it have to do with us" . Regarding the few lives that he carried on his body, he didn't have a trace of conscience, but was extremely cold and insensitive. In the face of out-of-school children, contrary to Song Jinming and Yuan Fengming’s generous donation, he was only suspicious that “it must be fake” and “this year, everything is fake, only the child’s mother is true”. He simply doesn't believe that there will be real things in the world, there will be true feelings and warmth, he scorns and dismisses innocence and kindness, he only knows that "this year, as long as you have money, you will get everything." When Yuan Fengming, who had just been lost because of buying chickens, had just been found, his heart may have been moved by the simplicity and kindness of his children, but it was only a moment. That touch was quickly ingrained in his heart with contemptSu Yu didn't care about breaking it up: "It's a fool. It won't hurt to die." He still doesn't care about his children, let alone a stranger. Continue to squander money in the mine, go out to the restaurant, and look for the "lady". This is Tang Chaoyang's ideal life. He lives just to survive, not even to live. He doesn't even know what life is, let alone so many beautiful things in life. The ancients said: "We know the etiquette in the warehouse, and we know the honor and disgrace when we have enough food and clothing." This is probably the truth.

Similarly, in other people, we will also find some ugly things more or less: mine bosses only care about making money, and don’t care about the construction of safety facilities. “If you want to make money, you have to die.” They treat life like Use money to settle everything. Even Yuan Fengming, the representative of the pure and kind image in the film, also has a desire for sex. Behind that instinctive shyness lies an adult-like disguise. When he finally stood in front of the incinerator and looked at the puff of gray smoke, what was he thinking? Tang Chaoyang's son is idle and not doing business, will he be like his father? Song Jinming's son is diligent and studious, and he is admitted to middle school, but without his father, will he go out to work like his father? Will he follow in his father's footsteps? Perhaps this is the beginning of a vicious circle again.

However, the film does not only focus on the ugliness of human nature, but also has many beautiful flashes: Sister Ma, who is boiling water in the mine, looks vulgar and indecent in conversation, but sincerely cares about Yuan Fengming; she has had a relationship with Yuan Fengming. Xiaohong, who was in contact once, would greet him friendly when he met him at the post office; Song Jinming tried his best to rescue Yuan Fengming at the last moment of his life, and his conscience finally defeated greed... Does all this mean that there is still true love in the world? But in the end, after the 30,000 yuan pension was turned around, he returned to the Yuan family. Does this also show that good and evil are rewarded, and that good and beautiful things are more than ugly? There is so much greed, desire and ugliness in this corner forgotten by the sun, but there is also truth, kindness and beauty. The blind well let us know what is true, good and beautiful in human nature, and what is false, evil and ugly in human nature.

Blind wells are not blind.

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