There is no truly amazing person I have met in my life who can't speak well.

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In our daily life and work, we cannot do without all kinds of conversations, ranging from communicating how to do things to negotiating about business. Therefore, speaking well is one of the yardsticks to measure a person's level.

Whether you are an expert or a scholar or a celebrity entrepreneur, I have met many truly powerful people, and none of them can speak well. Because speaking is the display of skills, professional performance, and insights, all of which need to be expressed and conveyed in language first. We often use language to establish the initial impression and get the final answer.

Therefore, speaking well is an important subject. So, in the workplace, how do you say that you can speak well? Here, I will summarize 8 of my learning and use experience, and I will talk about them one by one below.

There is no truly amazing person I have met in my life who can't speak well. - Lujuba

1, concise and clear

Frank Lentz, a famous American political and business planning master, wrote a book called "The Power of Speaking". Among the ten communication principles he introduced, the first one he put forward is simplicity.

should use words that can only be understood by looking up the dictionary so that people will not misunderstand. Frank said that in the past 50 years, the most memorable buzzwords in the United States have been simple-sounding words. For example, KFC is called KFC and Ice Queen ice cream is called DQ. In addition to conciseness,

must be concise, and the more concise, the better. You can use short sentences instead of long sentences. You can use three words to explain clearly, instead of four words to describe. For effective communication, small is better than big, short is better than long, and easy is better than difficult.

2, true and credible

credibility not only refers to seeking truth from facts, but also includes credible words, not ambiguous, not evasive, and speaks him regardless of right and left. If the language is credible, people will buy your account. If your words lack credibility, the facts are different from the actual situation, or even the opposite, then the previous efforts are equivalent to nothing.

is not difficult to establish credibility, as long as you are consistent with your words and what kind of person you are, just tell the other person what kind of person you are. Then, the other person will feel and judge who you are. When you fulfill your promise, the other party's credibility for you will continue to deepen. To put it simply, what is emphasized here is that the words are the same.

There is no truly amazing person I have met in my life who can't speak well. - Lujuba

3, Contour Conversation

In communicating with others, it is very important to make things clear. How can I make it clear? Here not only depends on you expressing clearly, there is also a challenge, is whether the other party fully understands and understands.

Because language is relatively abstract, you speak, there is a problem of expression choice, so there will be errors, and the other party listens and understands, there is a process of accepting language information, and then according to your own knowledge to imagine and restore.

If there is a knowledge gap between you and the other party, and he cannot restore what you are talking about, he cannot understand, he cannot understand, and if you express it clearly, it is equivalent to not expressing it clearly. What about

? Japanese communication expert Takashi Saito gave a very practical technique called "River Mode". He compares communication to crossing a river. The prerequisite for a smooth crossing is that people are taller than water and cannot be washed away by anyone. If you find that the opponent is shorter than the water, you must find a way to give the opponent a stepping stone and let him stand on the stepping stone to understand, it is easy to eliminate the gap in understanding.

For example, if you ask a kid who just learned addition and subtraction how much "1-2" is, he must say that you are wrong, because he has no concept of negative numbers, so you must first explain to him what a negative number is, too To understand this question. Similarly, in more professional communication, if the other party has a gap in understanding, you must first give the other party a stepping stone to let the other party grasp the point.

4, make good use of numbers

You must have heard Edison’s famous saying: genius is 1% inspiration plus 99% hard work . Believe that you must understand the meaning of this sentence, that is: For the so-called genius, hard work is more important than inspiration .

However, if the meaning of this sentence is really expressed in the latter way, you will definitely not have the same deep impression as the previous sentence, and the meaning is far worse than the previous sentence.

This is the charm of making good use of numbers. Yes, compared with words, using numbers to convey information is faster, using numbers to give people a stronger impression, and it also helps improve understanding.

and alsoA secret you may not know is: uses numbers first, and then makes assertions. You will have a deeper memory of the subsequent assertions . For example, "3 Minutes Cooking" and "101 Dalmatians", is it easy to remember?

There is no truly amazing person I have met in my life who can't speak well. - Lujuba

5, implied communication

We all know that when you speak, you must not sin against the other person, and the other party will easily accept your suggestions and opinions. But sometimes, if you say something and some content, you will definitely offend others, but if you don't say it, the other party can't get the information. What should I do? Use suggestion to convey.

For example, if your friend was hit, you want to express comfort, but if you talk about the hit he was hit, it often sounds cold and even a little bit of salt on the wound. You may go around this pit and use a euphemistic way to speak, such as: "It's okay, I'm a person here, and I will pass." You think it should be good to comfort the other party in this way. But in fact, from his perspective, he feels that you can't stand up and talk.

If you really want to comfort this friend, you might as well try to change "Don't be sad, it will pass" to "I know you have spent a lot of time and effort, and it turns out to be like this. It's a shame." This expression changes. It's much warmer, because you put people first, you really care about people, rather than comfort for comfort.

6, what do you mean by words

? Simply put, it means that you have to say what people want to hear, and you have to tell people's inner hopes, worries, and dreams, so as to touch the most fundamental and primitive part of people.

For example, Roosevelt once said a classic saying: "The only thing worth fearing is fear itself." Kennedy also said: "Don't ask what the country can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for the country." These words of Roosevelt and Kennedy were intended to arouse the most idealized self-understanding of Americans.

In fact, these two statements are essentially a similar reminder. They express that Americans are patriotic, have a spirit of self-sacrifice, and then make people pay more. At the psychological level, these words are like parents saying to their children, "You can do it, I believe you." The expression

is also used at the end of the movie "Wolf Warrior 2". Friends of Wolf Warriors who have seen it should be impressed by Wu Jing's extra line at the back of his Chinese passport: When you encounter danger overseas, do not give up. Please remember that there is a powerful motherland behind you.

Wu Jing is obviously promising. For the strength of the motherland, I believe those Chinese who have lived in other countries and experienced various humiliation experiences, especially those Chinese who are waiting for rescue in war-torn countries, will have a deeper understanding and feelings.

7, the logic is consistent

speech can jump, but the logic must be consistent, otherwise the other party will have a sense of fragmentation or misunderstanding. For example, you have to tell the other party the "reason" first, and then the "consequence" and "outcome". This will explain why what you say is important. The so-called logical consistency of

also includes communicating in the same context. Don’t jump directly from the A context to the B context to talk about the topic. This will cause errors in the other party’s understanding.

You must have seen a movie, right? In the film, there is a technique to teach montage, which is to show two unrelated shots in sequence to make people associate.

For example, if the first shot shows a man holding a knife, and the back shot shows a woman with an open mouth, this tells us that the woman is frightened. But if the clock in the front shows three o'clock in the morning, and a woman with her mouth open in the back, we would think that this woman is yawning.

This is the importance of expression logic. When speaking, you must pay attention to what to say first, then what to say.

8. Surprisingly wins

There is a certain popular program in Japan called "The Most Wanted Class in the World". The program has invited Nobel Prize winners and celebrities from Japan and the world to be lecturers. The content is relaxed and inspirational. If

is named according to the content of the program, it is nothing more than "a class that everyone really wants to take". But if the name is really named like this, I am afraid it will be difficult for this program to maintain a high ratings. It is precisely because

took the outstanding program name "the most wanted class in the world" that made this program stand out, be remembered by everyone, and caused a sensation.

is similar to the name of this show, but fireArrow Army’s image promotion film "Dongfeng Express, the mission must be reached." A propaganda film, a new high-tech service, was remembered by everyone because of the cleverly borrowed the image of express delivery.

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