"Family Cooking Husband" Li An's sad past

movie 1998℃
'Family Cooking Husband' Li An's sad past - Lujuba

text|Hu Muzhi

director Li Ang, once was the family's "receptive bag".

After graduating from New York University with a master's degree, Ang Li signed to an American brokerage company. The brokerage company's positioning for him is "a big production of millions of dollars." It's not that no one invests. Several project script actors are all alive. When the filming started, the investors disappeared. After several tossings, Ang Li was exhausted. Later, he was simply discouraged and became a "family cook" at home. The whole family relied on the subsidies of his wife Lin Huijia to go to Dr. Lin Huijia.

When Li Ang and his wife

were young, Lin Huijia encouraged him at first, so that he should not be discouraged. But seeing Li Ang couldn't receive a film project, she stayed at home every day to read and watch movies, so that she was a woman to earn money to support her family, and the more she thought about it, the more frustrated.

She was embarrassed to complain to outsiders, so she had to make a phone call from overseas to complain to her mother. Her mother persuaded her on the other end of the phone: leave, you are a female doctor, so you don't have to worry about not finding it. After calling

, ​​Lin Huijia started to shake Li Ang's face, neither here nor there. It was so scared that Li An got up early in the morning to clean up the housework and cleaned the windows of the house. Then he sat on the sofa, waiting for Lin Huijia to return for acceptance.

Speaking of it, Ang Lee can't blame himself for being so "not motivated". As the old saying goes, men are strong and women are weak, and women are strong and men are weak. Lin Huijia was not so tough. When

gave birth to her eldest son Li Han, she drove by herself, holding the steering wheel with one hand and covering her belly with the other, and swayed to the hospital. The doctor asked her if she wanted to notify the child's dad. Without even thinking about it, she came up with a sentence: No, why not notify him? Dr.

thought she was a single mother, so he was embarrassed to ask again.

Ke Lin Huijia also had a soft heart. After shaking her face with Ang Lee, she also regretted a little bit. She was also a doctor in the United States somehow, and now she looks like a resentful woman. "The humble Li" also took the initiative to give in, and tried to ask: Should I go to learn computers and repair computers for others.

Lin Huijia glanced at him, with a bit of anger and a bit of affection, and said: "There is no shortage of you in the world who repairs a computer, so you can make your movies." After "Family Cooking", finally wrote the script "Pushing Hands", won a 400,000 bonus sponsored by the Information Bureau, and also received an investment from China Film Corporation.

In 1990, Li Ang's youngest son Li Chun was born. This time it was Lin Huijia's own hospital, but when the doctor asked her if she needed to notify her husband, Lin Huijia's words were already a lot more euphemistic: He won't give birth, and he won't be able to help.

At this time, Ang Lee was on the shooting scene of the movie "Pushing Hands".

Li Ang is with her younger son

When many media write about Lin Huijia, they always portray her as a wise and foolish, willing to give, and never let her husband give up the ideal image of a "strong woman". But in fact, no matter how great love meets "chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea", cinnabar moles will turn into mosquito blood, and Bai Yueguang will turn into yellow face women.

True love is by no means a unilateral long-term contribution, and self-movement regardless of return. It's "You will be more tolerant, and I will compromise more. If you are more considerate, I will care more."

Li Ang's humbleness seems to be born with him.

In 1954, Ang Lee was born in Hualien County, Taiwan Province. His father used the word "安" for him to commemorate his hometown of Jiangxi Dean and the "Yongan" freighter he took when he came to Taiwan.

Li Ang is not an only son, he has two older brothers. But because the brothers are far away in De'an's hometown, his father attaches great importance to Li Ang and trains him as the eldest son, hoping that he can inherit his father's work and become a teacher.

The first right in the front row is Ang Lee

, ​​but Ang Lee is not interested in the content of the textbook, but prefers singing, dancing and painting. Seeing that he likes art, his mother took him to see "Blessed Lovers" directed by Li Hanxiang. Xiao Li Ang burst into tears when he saw it, and his emotions didn't go away when he returned home. His father was so angry that he scolded him: What's the point of crying? Be like a man!

However, Ang Lee, who was given high hopes by his father, always disappointed his father.

When Li Ang was ten years old, his family moved to Tainan. Tainan speaks Hokkien dialect, and the school uses Japanese education. Because of the language barrier, Ang Li often couldn't understand the teacher's lecture. When a teacher asks a question, he can't tell the answer, and he will always be beaten by the teacher. After being beaten, he has to say thank you.

Ang LeeHis grades were poor from elementary school to high school. When he was in high school, he went to Tainan No. 1 High School where his father was the principal. He felt that he had lost face to his father. When he saw him in school, he always walked around.

When Li Ang was young and his father was together in the first year of college entrance examination, Li Ang was no accident. Repeated the second year but failed again. Unable to do so, he had to go to a college. From then on, Ang Lee's dream became firm: he wanted to learn movies.

However, when he was preparing to apply for the Drama Department of the University of Illinois, he was strongly opposed by his father. His father gave him a statistic:

has only 200 roles on Broadway in the United States each year, but there are 50,000 people who want to fight together for this rare prize. Poor character.

But this time, Ang Lee did not follow his father's advice, but chose to follow his own heart. After graduating from the University of Illinois with a major in drama, Ang Lee was admitted to the New York University Film Production Institute.

Since then, Ang Lee’s director talent has begun to highlight. His graduation work "Boundary Line" won the New York University Wasserman Award for Best Director and Best Picture Award. As soon as I graduated, I signed to an American brokerage company.

Li Ang thought that this time he could finally exhale, but in the end, the reality of "let him stay at home for 6 years" once again defeated him in life. During that period of depression, the relationship between Li Ang and his father reached freezing point again, and his father even wrote to him specifically to scold him, making him look like a man. Under

resentment, Ang Lee took his relationship with his father as a blueprint and wrote the script of "Pushing Hands". In this movie, "Old Zhu" is the incarnation of his father, stubborn and rigid. And he himself is more like a foreign daughter-in-law Martha, who often stays at home and writes to take care of his children. After

"Pushing Hands", Ang Lee shot "Wedding Banquet" and "Diet Men and Women" one after another. The role of "father" appeared in all three movies, from the "stubborn" old man to the "compromising" Gao father to the "living out of myself" old Zhu.

After Ang Lee and his father

filmed the "Father Trilogy", Ang Lee has become a well-known director in the Chinese film industry. At this time, he also completed the reconciliation with his father in his heart.

In 2004, when Lee Ang was filming "Brokeback Mountain", his father died. Before his death, what he had always thought was:

waits for you to be fifty years old, you should get an Oscar, then you will retire and go to teach.

Li An's sadness seems to be born with him.

His smile always reveals a sense of "bitterness and deep hatred".

The light-colored eyebrows curled into horoscopes, the tear ditch that is connected to the channel, and the helpless deep eyes are hidden. It seems that if you use more force, the tears will catch your eyes and "escape."

A few days ago, his newly filmed "Gemini Killer" was released. Although the promotion said that the new technology of 120 frames was used, the doubts still exceeded the applause. Someone asked Ang Lee, "Is it healed that the scars and the pain were forgotten, and forgot to be scolded when filming "The Hulk"?"

Ang Lee certainly did not forget, because of the failure of "The Hulk", he even wanted to give up. Director career. He also called his father and said he wanted to retire.

But Ang Lee, who looks gentle on the surface, has a giant beast hidden inside. He doesn't want to stay the same, he always wants to make a breakthrough in a field he is not familiar with.

Some people say that he is a feature film director and should not play with technology. Therefore, Ang Lee, who was unconvinced, used 3D technology to shoot the Oscar-winning "Fantasy Drifting of Juvenile Pie".

Some people say that he is a Chinese director and cannot make English films. Therefore, Li Ang, who was not convinced, made the English film "Sense and Emotion" and won the Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award.

He does not admit that he is a genius, only that he has a little talent, and he has come to today step by step by hard work. When filming "Lust Caution", because of the pursuit of the extreme, I forced my heart to collapse. When I saw my idol Bergman on Faroe Island, I couldn't help crying in my arms.

After crying, Ang Lee "is not afraid of scolding" and devotes himself to a brand new field, continuing to develop new things. When

is free, Ang Lee will still go to the vegetable market to buy food with Lin Huijia. When she meets acquaintances, she jokes:

Huijia is so lucky. Director Li is so famous now that he is willing to accompany you to buy food.

Lin Huijia pouted and corrected: You made a mistake. I took the time to buy groceries with him.

Li An stands beside, standing "humble", said: My greatest happiness is that my wife can smile at me.

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