Nine heroes qualified to lift Thor's Hammer, fifth in Vision and fourth in Captain America

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Thor's Hammer is one of Marvel's most iconic weapons. In the nearly 80-year history of Marvel, many Marvel heroes or villains have picked up this artifact.

Nine heroes qualified to lift Thor's Hammer, fifth in Vision and fourth in Captain America - Lujuba

Odin hadn't cast a blessing spell when he just got the Hammer of Mul'nir. After a lot of battles, Odin believed that this destructive force would have unthinkable consequences once it fell into the enemy’s hands, so he cast a magic on Mullnir-anyone with aptitude can move this. hammer. Below

are 9 qualified superheroes who have lifted Mirnier.

9, the black widow

In the parallel universe Earth-23223, the black widow proves that she has the qualification to lift Thor's Hammer.

In Marvel's "Fake Into..." series of comics, Thor is dead and Black Widow becomes the heir of Thor's power. When the enemy invaded, the widow sister raised the hammer and became the new generation of Thor. In the end, the widow sister sacrificed herself and died with the enemy.

Nine heroes qualified to lift Thor's Hammer, fifth in Vision and fourth in Captain America - Lujuba

When the Avengers collectively tried to lift the hammer, only the widow sister did not try, which was a tribute to the comic.

8, Little Naughty

Little Naughty is one of Marvel's most special mutants. Her super power is the ability to absorb others, which makes many heroes stay away from Little Naughty.

Nine heroes qualified to lift Thor's Hammer, fifth in Vision and fourth in Captain America - Lujuba

Many superheroes have been tricked by little mischief. Captain Marvel, Wolverine, Magneto, and Scarlet Witch have all been absorbed by little mischief. Thor is also one of them. When Little Naughty absorbs Thor's power, Mauernier thinks Little Naughty is Thor, so Little Naughty raises Thor's hammer.

7, the Valkyrie

The Valkyrie has also raised Thor's Hammer. In the comics, the Valkyrie is Thor's lover, and Thor once sacrificed himself to save the Valkyrie. When the lover fell, the Valkyrie first tried the Thor's Hammer, and finally the Valkyrie became Asgard's new Thor before Thor returned.

6, Vostag

Vostag is the most bloated and delicious of the three warriors in the fairy palace. Although his image is not good, Vostag has a heart of gold.

Vostag once picked up the Quake in another universe and decided to eliminate the war alone at all costs. When the war was over, Vostag put down Quake again.

5, Vision

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Vision is one of the few superheroes who can pick up Quake. Vision's morality is different from Ultron. He believes that humans are worthy of redemption. Perhaps this is why he can lift Thor's Hammer.

4, Captain America

, whether in the comics or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America has the ability to lift Quake. This is not surprising, Captain America is Marvel's moral benchmark, he has all the qualities a hero should have.

3, horse face Thor

horse face Thor is also a more iconic role.

Originally, the planet of the horse face was destroyed by the planet devourers. As an interstellar refugee, the horse face Lethe still had to wander in the vast universe. When Ma Mian and Thor met, the two clashed. Eventually, Odin discovered that Ma Mian had the same power and quality as Thor, so he gave Ma Mian Thor a new Thor's hammer-Storm Axe.

Horse-faced Thor twice appeared in Marvel movies. It is rumored that in "Guardians of the Galaxy 3", horse-faced Thor may appear.

2, the female Thor, Jane Foster

When Sol lost his personality and couldn't lift Mauer Neil, Jane Foster disbanded Sol. But sadly, at this time Jane Foster suffers from breast cancer and must rely on chemotherapy to continue her life, but when she lifts Thor’s Hammer, Thor’s Hammer will remove all toxins from the host, and chemotherapy is used to kill the cancer. Cellular drugs are no exception.

1, Odin

Odin was the first IDE hero to lift Thor, and prehistoric Odin ordered the dwarves to cast Mirnier. Afterwards, Odin felt the power of Mull'Neil and cast magic on the hammer. Although reckless and stubborn, Odin is also a noble king of gods.

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