Based on real events, the friendship between the two men made this movie's rating soar to Douban 9.2

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has several turning points in his life. For Philip Pozzo di Borgo, 1993 was the turning point in his destiny. Before that, he was a rich man envied by the French. After that, he became a quadriplegic disabled because of a paraglider accident. This means that the rest of his life will be spent in a wheelchair. With this great change, no one can easily regain confidence in life, and Philip is the same. However, there are always a few lucky things in misfortune. For example, Philip met Aberdare, who was an immigrant. This man, whom Philip called "the devil's caretaker", has guarded Philip for ten years and made Philip once again see the hope of life.

This is the true story that happened to Philip. In 2011, this story was adapted into a movie and released in France. The name of the movie was "Unreachable". Why are you talking about this seemingly old-fashioned movie today? On the one hand, it is true, and on the other hand, because this story is being told on the big screen of the movie theater at this moment. It is only the US version of "Unreachable". The classic

Based on real events, the friendship between the two men made this movie's rating soar to Douban 9.2 - Lujuba

is always insurmountable. The US version of "Unreachable" currently has a score of 7.7 on Douban, while the 2011 French version of "Unreachable" has a score of 9.2, even on IMDb with a high score of 8.5. I think this is enough to illustrate the charm of this movie.

Based on real events, the friendship between the two men made this movie's rating soar to Douban 9.2 - Lujuba

01 This kind of person has no sympathy at all. One is a white rich man, and the other is a black man who has just been out of prison. If it were not for the skydiving accident, the probability of Philip and Dries meeting and meeting in the movie might not be much higher than winning the lottery. But now, Dries stands out in Philip's interview for a caregiver. Dries came to the fore not because of his outstanding eloquence or ability. He even molested Philip's female assistant and commented that Philip had no knowledge of music and sense of humor.

Based on real events, the friendship between the two men made this movie's rating soar to Douban 9.2 - Lujuba

Obviously, Dries didn't come for a successful interview. He just wanted a signature to prove that he had come to the interview. After being rejected for three interviews, he can receive unemployment benefits. Even so, Philip still took a fancy to Dries. Everyone does not understand that there are more polite and professional guards, what does Dries have? He looks like a street gangster who doesn't seek to be motivated and unruly, confused and violent.

"This kind of person has no sympathy at all," a good friend advised Philip. But in fact, the last thing Philip, as a disabled person, is the sympathy of others. He doesn't like others to treat himself cautiously as they treat special people. What he needs is that others can forget that they are disabled and treat themselves as normal. Only when Driss could do this, he would hand over the phone to Philip, and then realized that the other party could not touch any objects with his hands.

In the eyes of Dries, Philip can do anything normal people do. Therefore, he took Philip to massage, smoke, and drag racing, all of which were unique experiences that no one could bring to Philip. He revitalized Philip’s long boring life and made Philip’s face more beautiful. More smiles before.

This is the first truth that the movie "Unreachable" tells us. Compared with compassion, respect is obviously more important and rarer, especially when a person is in trouble. So many people sympathized with Philip, they said "you can't do this", but only Deris did not wear "tinted glasses", he told Philip "you can".

02 This is a matter of principle.

people will inevitably experience a kind of "inferiority complex" throughout their lives. Some people suffer from low self-esteem due to physical reasons, while others suffer from low self-esteem due to poverty. Philip's low self-esteem stems from his physical disability, so he dared not send photos of himself in a wheelchair to his favorite pen pal. However, Dries fulfilled him and finally allowed Philip to start a family for the second time. Without Dries, Philip would probably not be able to break his inferiority complex in his life.

Looking back at Dries, although he is poor, he is very cheerful. You can hardly see any inferiority complex in him, because there are no rules to restrain him. Even without Philip, he would be happy. But life is not all you need to be happy. People have to be reasonable in life. This is what Philip taught Dries. So, the Dries who used to talk only with his fists, look againAfter arriving at the illegal parking person, he learned to be patient and persuade him. When his younger brother complained about his nosy, Driss said, "This is a matter of principle."

In solving the problem of his brother's fight, Dries took the same approach. It turns out that things that could only be solved by force in the past can actually be solved peacefully. At the end of the story, Philip won the heart of the beauty, and Dries also found a job as a company director.

Two people whose identities and statuses differ by thousands of miles can also become the most important friends in each other's lives, and a sincere friendship is the salvation of each other. This is the second truth that the movie "Unreachable" tells us.

03 laughed for the whole scene, but finally burst into tears.

Frankly speaking, the story of "Unreachable" is not new at all, and even a bit old. Moreover, the narrative of the whole movie is very plain, not thrilling, and there is no ups and downs, but this kind of story makes me not willing to take a look away from the movie. In addition to the impeccable acting skills of François Cruze and Omar Hey, the film also has many humorous elements interspersed in the warmth. The first half of "Unreachable" is almost a surprise. Haha spent it in laughter. Therefore, "Unreachable" is plain but not boring at all.

has a netizen who commented on this movie like this. I personally think it is very appropriate. He said: "I laughed all the time, but burst into tears at the end." Although I didn't cry, I still remembered it for a long time after the movie ended. Such friendship is really enviable.

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