The movie "Warm Spring": Be the master of life with a grateful heart

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Accompanied by melodious and graceful music, a little girl holding a paper pinwheel appeared in the dark, she is a small flower; in the lens, an elderly man, a trace of sadness reflected in his eyes, he is a grandfather. This is the film "Warm Spring" that promotes truth, goodness and beauty and calls for the true feelings of the world. On the theme plot of

The movie 'Warm Spring': Be the master of life with a grateful heart - Lujuba

, the theme of "Warm Spring" is taken from the countryside, and the protagonist is set as a disadvantaged group. The story goes through ups and downs in the development, and finally ends in a happy way. The plot of the film is cleverly set, and the pictures are full of emotion, while paying attention to the expressiveness of the details, making it appear flesh and blood. It not only shapes the characteristics of the protagonist, but also highlights the background of the times and highlights the characteristics of the times. The filming of the

movie and the audience’s appreciation process is actually an immersive "empathy" process. The creator transfers his emotions to the audience through the movie, allowing the audience to appreciate the creator’s feelings while paying attention to the fate of the characters. Think about what you think, so as to complete the process of empathy naturally.

The movie 'Warm Spring': Be the master of life with a grateful heart - Lujuba

's narrative technique, "Warm Spring" adopts a warm, delicate and simple creative technique, using light, sound, lines and other groups to form a series of seemingly thick lines but very delicate shots. The perfect combination of form and content makes the film narrate a real touch in the beautiful and smooth picture.

At the same time, the film cleverly uses a spirit to embody emotions and sings a spirit with emotions. In terms of the color of the film, the overall picture of "Warm Spring" is very strong, with warm and cold tones interspersed, and there is still sad music flowing in it. For example, the night and the rainy evening in the film are developed in cool colors; while the large panoramic paintings of crops, houses and other capitals use warm colors. The cold and warm colors have a strong visual impact. Not only fits the theme of the film, but also makes a good visual foil for the storyline.

The movie 'Warm Spring': Be the master of life with a grateful heart - Lujuba

At the climax of the twists and turns, the critical moment when the characters' feelings are about to be released, the background music of the emotional catalyst suddenly sounded like a flood, which instantly touched the heartstrings of the audience. Uncontrollable feelings poured out, allowing the audience's hearts to follow the beat of the music, deeply intoxicated by the touch...

's depiction of the details of life, the description of vitality, and the destiny of life The interpretation of "Warm Spring" has become a beautiful landscape. In a backward mountain village, the ordinary story of two ordinary little people, the film vividly records the life in rural China. Although there is no gorgeous chapter, it is thought-provoking and moving.

was moved by the grandfather's life creed in the play-people can't die without saving, moved by Xiaohua's beautiful heart like a flower, let our almost numb heart be baptized by love, and then wash ourselves dry Be clean and start again. When we enjoy heart-wrenching stories and natural scenes, the film not only brings us unforgettable love and touch, but also has profound social significance! The movie

ends with a monologue by Xiaohua: "Because there are memories and bloody childhoods that I can't erase, there are too many laughs and tears, and there are grandpa's sustenance to me and my grandpa, but I don't take it away. End, endless love.

There is no life without suffering, and love in suffering is a precious treasure in life. Only after hard watering, the inner garden will not wither. With the passage of time, the true wine will become mellow due to the brewing of the years. Winter is here, can spring be far behind? After winter, spring flowers will be greeted.

In this era of impetuous people and material desires The key words of love, sincerity, and kindness seem to have lost their original strength and thickness, but the richness and fullness of the inner world are still more precious than any material things. Let your heart fly in the direction of the wind, even if When a storm is coming, you must make your own posture.

Even if a heart is as hard as a rock, as long as you use your sincerity to influence, it will be slowly melted by the light of sincerity, and then sublimated into "strong love." I am the master of life. I firmly believe in the simple principle of perfection, use my sincerity and kindness to influence others, use the life posture of a media person to examine people and things in this world, and to perceive the emotions in this world. And love!

Tags: movie