Shooting the hardest movie, it took three years, three doubles died, shocking every second

movie 1589℃
Hello everyone, welcome to this episode, I am Wenwen. With the continuous development of the film industry, people's requirements for movies are getting higher and higher, so many movies have invested a lot of effort in shooting, and some movies have even more difficult than imagined. For example, the movie we are going to introduce to you today. In order to ensure the authenticity of the shooting effect, the entire movie was shot in real scene and lasted three years. All the extreme sports of the film were done by real-life stuntmen. During the shooting, 3 stuntmen were killed in unexpected accidents. It can be said that this movie is destined to be the most representative historical masterpiece of extreme sports movies! The male protagonist in the

Shooting the hardest movie, it took three years, three doubles died, shocking every second - Lujuba

movie is an extreme sports enthusiast. The first shot is the scene of him riding a motorcycle and flying across the Grand Canyon with a good friend, but the good friend accidentally fell into the cliff, so the hero is in grief Also decided to give up extreme sports. Later, the male lead became an FBI agent. One day, his bald boss gave him a task to investigate a group of robbers. The robbers

Shooting the hardest movie, it took three years, three doubles died, shocking every second - Lujuba

​​are very different. They robbed 100 million worth of diamonds but distributed them to the poor people in the slums of Mumbai. They also robbed the money transport machine in flight, and then dropped coins in the air. Money rain. This group of robbers penetrated directly from the sky into the Swallow Caves in Mexico, the Mexican Swallow Caves, one of the top ten fascinating caves on the earth. It is 426 meters deep, enough to put the entire Empire State Building in, and was discovered in the 1960s. They disappeared without a trace, and no one caught them, which caused the attention and sensation of various departments.

Shooting the hardest movie, it took three years, three doubles died, shocking every second - Lujuba

Later, the male protagonist found out that the robbery method of this group of robbers was actually completing one of the biggest challenges, the Ozaki Eight Sports. It is a test of eight extreme sports that pays tribute to the power of nature. It is said that those who can complete all eight challenges will be able to Nirvana. Therefore, the male protagonist infers that the next time this robber commits a crime must be the next sport. The life of the water is a rare tide in ten years. The robber wants to surf in a huge wave over 80 meters high. This opportunity sneaked into the robbers and joined their team as fans of extreme sports.

Later, the male lead followed them and began to challenge the following sports. The wind moved forever, flying in the Alps with wingsuit, everyone completed it safely; the ice consolidation, downhill skiing in the Alps, a team member slipped off the wrong path Down the cliff died. Later, the leader of the robbers took them to a gold mine, and he was going to blow up the gold mine, with the intention of stopping the ravages of nature by humans. At this time, the male protagonist revealed his FBI identity and wanted to stop the boss, but the boss was not threatened by the male protagonist and still blew up the gold mine, as if he had known that the male protagonist was an undercover agent. After being accepted by these "ecological warriors", the male lead

cultivated an emotional bond with them that transcended life, and this also conflicted with his mission as an FBI agent to break the crime. In the process of the male protagonist being caught in entanglement and conflict, the boss is preparing for the seventh extreme sport: the master of life, climbing the Venezuelan Angel Falls with bare hands. There is only one chance. People who are afraid of heights are advised not to watch it. The visual effects are too shocking. . The

male protagonist and the criminal leader both completed the project very strongly. Just as the male protagonist persuaded the leader, the leader jumped directly down the waterfall and completed the Ozaki eight final items, jumping from the top of the mountain to the waterfall. In order to stop the boss, the male lead also jumped down, but he couldn't find the boss when he came out of the water. At this time, the hero suddenly remembered that the boss had given up in the Giant Wave Challenge in order to save him, so the boss would definitely challenge again.

finally waited for the giant wave 17 months later, the boss met the male lead without any surprise, but this time the giant wave was more dangerous than the last time, the male lead persuaded the boss, but he was not moved Rush in. Since then, no one has seen the robber leader in extreme sports. The male protagonist looked very sad, but at the same time expressed his understanding. As extreme sports fans, this may be their belief. Friends who are interested can check it out.

Tags: movie