Zu Feng describes the director’s debut "Six Desires": an imperfect child

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Zu Feng describes the director’s debut 'Six Desires': an imperfect child - Lujuba

Original title: Zu Feng described the new work as "Imperfect Child"

Although the director's debut "Six Desires" has so far only exceeded one million yuan at the box office, Zu Feng is still grateful for being able to shoot a work that makes him express his desire. Recently, Zu Feng's "Six Desires" was selected by the theater as the first film to entertain the audience. This may be another highlight after "Six Desires" was shortlisted for the "A Kind of Concern" unit at the Cannes Film Festival. Zu Feng himself also solemnly attended.

In Zu Feng's view, the more important thing about a movie is not the two-hour "lively", "however you have to talk to the audience". He said "Six Desires" is like his own child, "not perfect, but I still love it". The producer Li Rui, who came to Guangzhou with him, still believes that it is the right choice to let Zu Feng direct "Six Desires": "Zu Feng is qualified as a director. Some things he expressed are very advanced. The audience may now I don't understand, but I will definitely recognize him in the future."


Movies are communication, not too simple

"Life is a long process, and you can't evaluate it with a period of gains and losses. People who make movies are all to pass on something. "Li Rui, the producer of "Six Desires" who came to Guangzhou with Zu Feng that day, believes that regardless of the commercial performance of the film, the artistic charm is beyond doubt. He said: "I don't know much about commercial films, but as an art film, it can be selected for the Cannes Film Festival. It must be of high quality." He even mentioned Martin Scorser who criticized "Marvel movies are not movies" a while ago. Si, thinks "Six Desires" "may not be entertaining enough, but it is indeed the kind of movie that fits Martin Scorsese's definition".

Compared with Li Rui, Zu Feng himself does not seem to be very concerned about the commercial success and failure of the film in the unexpected world. He said: "We are storytellers and love to watch stories. I don't like that kind of particularly lively movies-two hours, will these things be easier? So are crime-solving thrillers and suspense films. Similarly, if you only shoot these, it’s just that the creator is doing a guessing game with the audience. It’s a bit too simple. The movie should still talk to the audience a little bit, let two hours be the process of communicating with the audience. At least, I That’s how I think.”


Not only did I choose it, it also chose me as the director

. Suddenly, it was not because of the “restrictions” of being an actor. Zu Feng called it fate: “I chose this story. , It also chose me.”

Zu Feng said that this story came from a student’s graduation script, and was first discovered by his wife Liu Tianchi. “She felt very good after reading it, and the actor suits me well.” Later, Li Rui bought the copyright. In the process of communication and discussion, he found that Zu Feng had already thought thoroughly about how to shoot this scene. Therefore, Li Rui and Liu Tianchi both persuaded him to direct.

Zu Feng was hesitant at first: "I thought about it for a long time. My job is an actor. Although it is more fashionable to be an actor as a director, I am not a person who likes to follow the fashion. My personality is also not very good. It’s too difficult for me to love to communicate with others, to communicate with so many departments and people, and to spend so much time on transactional matters.” But he finally accepted this challenge because this story made him sure Very expressive.

and Li Rui was surprised to find that Zu Feng has the commanding ability on the set: "90% of Chinese directors will curse people on set, but Zu Feng will not. He knows how to communicate with people because he has a lot of experience in acting and on set. , He can make the wholeThe filming process was smooth. "


has also been depressed, nothing can't say that

"Six Desires" is a story about depression, the policeman played by Zu Feng got depression, the family of the victims he met also got depression, and the two souls were therefore depressed. Slowly approaching. Zu Feng said that he had a certain understanding of depression before the filming: "Someone around me suffers from depression, and I have heard that friends of friends have passed away because of this disease. I also experienced depression in the first two years. Although I was not at the level of depression, I also experienced depression. "

Zu Feng feels that depression is not something that cannot be said: "Humans are emotional animals." If it's too detached, like wood, what's the point? This is also the beauty of life. "He found that many people with depression only dared to go to the psychologist sneakily, fearing that they would become an alien in the eyes of others: "I really want to use this movie to tell everyone that you can go with dignity and there is nothing shameful about depression. . "

Perhaps because of this idea, the film follows the path of "a person's inner war". He revealed that the original script has a heavy ending, but before filming started, he added some bright positive energy to the ending, hoping to do so. Influencing those who are immersed in pain, "shook hands with the unforgettable experience in the past, instead of just avoiding it."


Acting in this matter, you can't do it in a row. His understanding is more holistic: "If you are simply an actor, you will be immersed in a role for a long time, and it may take some time to relax your mood after the filming. But as a director, you have to constantly jump out during the filming process and consider all aspects from a broader perspective. You don't pay attention to blooming personal charm, because no matter how you act, the overall quality of a movie is the most important thing. "

Zu Feng didn't regard this attempt as the beginning of his "directing career": "This time I had better luck, and I got a good script. Next time I want to shoot or not to see fate. My job is an actor, and the simplicity of this job appeals to me. If one day comes across a story that I can't help but want to tell you, I might still be a director. "

With regard to acting, his attitude is the same as being a director, "not in a hurry": "The most important thing about acting is that you can't work together." If you shoot too intensively, your creative power will be worn away, and you won't be able to find the difference between the characters in the end. You have to release the soul you created before before you can create the second one. "

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