Dialogue with the Olympic bid | Can Yicheng be worth all evil

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: What was the original intention of defrauding you?

Olympic bid: No, my original intention has nothing to do with the story or theme. At first, I wanted to shoot a simpler story with fewer characters and fewer scenes. It just happened that the story met my requirements.

Editor: From the point of view of creation, this work is very different in style from your previous two short films "He Long Chuan Gang" and "Tide Chasing the Waves", but generally speaking, the first feature film should choose what you are good at. Type, "Beneficiary" is a creation in a safe zone?

Olympic bid: Okay, very comfortable, because I am more interested in character relationships, and I am better at it. On the contrary, I am not interested in plot reversal. Editor

: How did you consider the personality of the characters in the movie? From everyone’s comments and feedback, I feel that the humanity of the three characters is not logical enough. Yue Miaomiao is too white lotus? Wu Hai's heart is not dark enough? Is the accounting bad enough?

Olympic bid: Everyone’s logic is subjective. From my point of view, I don’t think that their personality is a shortcoming of the play, or that the analogy of real life is not true enough. For example, stupidity or white lotus is not a problem, there are people in the world who have a white lotus, it is not a problem either. Editor

: Too obsessed with the rationalization of movies is the appeal of the audience. For creators, all logic must be compared based on what they have experienced, whether they can be self-consistent.

Olympic bid: Yes, the role of Yue Miaomiao is actually written by many female friends I know in my life. They are just like that. Moreover, in the real case of 13 years, the victim at that time was such a girl. According to today's words, everyone would say she was silly and sweet. But the audience generally doesn't put herself in such an emotional position to think about why she did it. There was another girl who was also taken prey by the fraud gang, but the girl was so kind to the criminal that the man's conscience found out and broke up with the girl. She didn't know that she saved herself, so she cried and made troubles when she broke up, and said why you didn't marry me. Many people have never heard of such a thing. In their logic, being so stupid is unreasonable. So, I don’t understand why I should criticize the author for writing a role of Bai Lianhua. She is a victim, but she is also a good person. Can’t she write?

Editor: I have learned about the case, and I am most impressed with this. When a woman loves a man, she unconsciously rationalizes all the other's actions. There are actually many such women in life.

Olympic bid: Yes, because it is a kind of human goodness or defect, it cannot be treated as a concrete or solidified logic. She is a living woman. Xiaobian

: Where is Wu Hai? In your opinion, what kind of person is he?

Olympic bid: confused people, people with problems. Xiaobian

: Is he bad?

Olympic bid: If I want to define, he must be bad. He was a bad guy from the first scene, helping others touch porcelain and stealing things. But bad standards are different, and we have to admit that bad people have a conscience when they discover it. Therefore, a person with a problem did a wrong thing, and finally he decided to fix the error. Some people did not accept this thing.

Editor: Everyone hopes that Wu Hai's heart will be darker, but this hope is too cinematic. If the reality is reversed, a person like him, a single father in distress, whose child is seriously ill, can he really be so bad? Or where does he dare to be bad?

bid for the Olympics: Yes, a person who is chained has a lot of worries, even if it is a last resort, those worries will disappear without saying. He runs the train all day long, cheating this and that, but why should he say to his son: "Be honest." Because he can, but his son can't, he still has his own moral opinions.

Editor: Wu Hai is not bad in the standard sense. The root of this bad comes from the pressure of life, or more of the child's illness.

Olympic bid: Yes, when we were on the roadshow, a boy stood up and questioned. He thought how Wu Hai could harm others for his own children. This is too incompatible with the logic of normal people. Then a big sister in the front row, she turned around and said, because you have never been a father. This sentence responded very well to the boy's suspicion that he would not consider that as someone who had never been a parent. Editor

: What about the role of accounting?

Olympic bid: He is a villain, but he is not extreme. I know some people would say that this character looks venomous, But it is not thorough, but basically, this kind of request is a bit like a cold talk. Real life is poisonous, is there anyone who is so thorough? You see he dared to embezzle, but after the Dongchuang incident, he was more afraid than anyone else. Being afraid is a scale in human nature. Being afraid is impossible to make a person thorough, even a bad person.

Editor: Wu Hai’s performance of life embarrassment and modeling problems are considered too symbolic. Some viewers think that it is fine to be poor, but not to dress like a beggar.

bid for the Olympics: I think first, let’s go to the Internet cafes and see what they are like, because the people who say these things don’t really go deep into their lives. They sit in the office buildings in the city or decorate themselves. In a very good home, when holding a computer and holding a mobile phone to write these words, they have not been to an Internet cafe for ten years, and they have not carefully observed what a driver’s skin looks like, but I have observed .

Furthermore, in the movie you need to give some symbols that are more external and stronger than life. For example, all the lawyers in the movie are in suits and leather shoes, and all the lawyers I know wear T-shirts and shorts. But in the movie, he needs a symbol to label this person in the external shape.

Two: Word of mouth did not meet expectations

Dialogue with the Olympic bid | Can Yicheng be worth all evil - Lujuba

Dapeng and Olympic bid

Editor: There are comedy, love and crime in the movie. Which element is the most important proportion.

Olympic bid: Stumped me, this is the biggest problem of the movie. It's because none of these elements are heavy, basically three points. Crime, comedy, and emotion are three points, so if many people watch with criminal expectations, he will not be satisfied, and they will not be satisfied to watch him with comedy expectations. They will be satisfied with emotional expectations, but he will question The logic of all crimes. Xiaobian

: What is the proportion of original creation?

Olympic bid: crime. Editor

: When I heard the earliest, the things written in the story were pretty cruel.

Olympic bid: Yes, very ruthless.

Editor: How big is the difference between this current version and your back then?

Olympic bid: Basically, everything is different except for the name. Xiaobian

: How far does this version differ from your expectations?

Olympic bid: It meets my expectations for this movie, but it does not meet my expectations for the original movie. I think it’s really not easy for us to achieve this under operational conditions and frameworks. Then, just in terms of word of mouth, I felt that I did not meet my expectations. Editor

: Did not meet expectations, what do you think is the reason?

bid for the Olympics: The type is not clear. As I just said, you can't be satisfied with all kinds of expectations. Watching it with the expectation of watching a crime movie, you will feel that the crime is not in place or new, the reversal is not strong enough, and the suspense is not enough. Watching with the anticipation of a romantic movie, you will feel that the hero and heroine is such a love, and the love hero and heroine under a scam is not seductive. Then if you bring comedy expectations, you will feel that he is not funny enough, that is, there are three types in it, and the highest and clearest type is not refined. This is the problem of the movie itself. Editor

: Do you admit that it is an obvious problem?

Olympic bid: Yes, the same is true even when I was creating. I didn't refine one of them, which resulted in the fact that every eye did not achieve the ultimate. These are all light and moderate.

Editor: Will this score and everyone's evaluation make you feel frustrated?

Olympic bid: There will be some frustration, but you will make excuses for yourself. For example, would it be the same if it were placed in the summer file? Editor

: This is an external factor. Have you reviewed the work yourself?

Olympic bid: I have a review of the work myself. From an ideal point of view, or from the point of view of self-demand, I feel that it is not my best state. I may only achieve 70 points. Of course, this is a kind of harsh self-requirement, but in the end I didn't expect word of mouth.

Editor: At the end of the movie, have you ever thought of ending the moment when Yue Miaomiao looked at Wu Hai from the binoculars on the beach? In this way, the audience's dispute over the ending may be much smaller.

bid for the Olympics: There are actually many versions of the way we ended, and we have done several surveys for this ending. We thought about what you said, but the result of the survey with the highest score and number of votes is the current version. Including how long Liu Yan wants to laugh, whether to laugh for three seconds or five seconds, and not to laugh after he finishes laughing, I laughed after I didn’t laugh. I tried all of them. This is the highest score. Because she wants to see a little hope, it is not forgiving, or seeing you come, I can laugh, but you are a coincidence. Editor

: Judging from this ending, is this a tragedy wrapped in a comedy or a comedy covered by a tragedy?

Olympic bid: Tragedy wrapped in comedy! Standard tragedy.

3: Young directors must understand that capital needs to be protected.

Bid for the Olympic Games and Ning Hao

Editor: On the road of director, what kind of feeling is it like to create from scratch?

Olympic bid: I disintegrate myself over and over again. Every time I conceive a script or plot, I am very determined that this is the best, and I will record it. But when you really face other people and collect opinions, you will discover its problems, and then you will disintegrate the things you thought about before. From the bottom of your heart, this is very uncomfortable, because when you write, you feel this idea. You will write when it is great, so it will make you feel like you are giving up a lot of things that you think are awesome. But as long as you finish the filming, when you look back, you will clearly realize that those are garbage. Editor

: For young directors, is the film the director's personal art, or is it the work of the team, or the product of creators and capital?

Olympic bid: I know what you mean. Some young directors think about how to let capital meet their dreams. He ignores or even doesn’t know how to say that for new directors, capital needs to be protected by you. It is very important to have a long-term cooperation with you. One thing. You want to have a personal expression, but to find a way to express yourself, you have to let the audience know what you want to say. At the very least, you have to think about how you can make the film not lose money. I think so. I care about how to protect a capital that is willing to fulfill your dreams. Editor:

: How would you describe the feeling of working with Ning Hao?

bid for the Olympics: very cruel to myself. He will not let himself go, nor will he let you go. Xiaobian

: Will he continue to overthrow your things?

Olympic bid: He is not only to overthrow this thing. For example, when a work is not recognized, he will be immersed in reflection for a long time. I realized from him that a good artist does not live comfortably. Editor

: For example?

Bid for the Olympics: He has been asking me since the selection of talents, do you recognize this, he will help me see the rationality of the story and the characters from his perspective. For example, at the beginning we designed Wu Hai to be a little too bad, even a little cheap. But he will think, if this is the case, will the audience support such a persona? Therefore, we spent a long time adjusting the role of Wu Hai. We don't want the audience to feel that this person is too annoying, and you may not accept everything about him. Editor

: To express this movie in one sentence, what would you say?

Olympic bid: Can Yicheng be worth all evil?

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