Exclusive! Little K: "The Charlie's Girl" makes me indestructible

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Exclusive! Little K: 'The Charlie's Girl' makes me indestructible - Lujuba

Time Network Los Angeles News In the United States, many young actors come to Hollywood or New York every year in pursuit of fame and fortune. For Kristen Stewart, perhaps this path was destined for her. She has lived in Los Angeles since she was a child, and her parents are both industry insiders-even though they are both low-key and behind-the-scenes work. Her father John was a stage manager and a TV producer;

and her mother Jules spent most of her career as a screenwriter. As the only girl among the four siblings (she has a biological brother and two adopted younger brothers), Stewart began to explore the path of acting when she was in elementary school. She would participate in the school’s Christmas performances, and she would still like There are some small roles in works such as "The Reality of Things".

Exclusive! Little K: 'The Charlie's Girl' makes me indestructible - Lujuba

In 2002, she ushered in a career breakthrough with a role in "Terror Space", the film was directed by David Fincher, Stewart played the daughter of Judy Foster, of course, later She also starred in the idol movie "Twilight" series, which also gained international popularity.

The global box office of this series of films is as high as 3.3 billion US dollars. In the past few years, Stewart has collaborated with a number of author-type directors (such as "Sirs Maria", "Coffee Commune", "A Woman" and "Private Buyer") and starred in some of the things that made her fully involved Films (such as "Litz" and "JT Leroy"), now her latest works have returned to the road of mainstream blockbusters.

"Girls in the Thunderbolt" is a female-centric action comedy. The last time the series was screened on the big screen was "Girls in the Thunderbolt 2" in 2003. Elizabeth Banks is now the screenwriter, director, and producer of this latest reboot of the film, and she also played a role in the film. The main story of the film is that private secret agents Sabina (Kristen Stewart) and Jane (Ella Barinska) rescue the scientist Elena and team up with her to protect her clean energy products. , Otherwise this product will be used as a weapon.

Recently, a reporter from Mtime.com interviewed Stewart in New York and chatted with the 29-year-old actress about "Charlie Girl". She said that when she was making this movie, she became softer and more humorous. She learned Expressing herself on and off the screen, she also mentioned the political drama "Xibao" she starred in, and told reporters her criteria for choosing roles and so on. The following is an excerpt from this interview:

Mtime: What is your impression of the previous "Charlie Girl" series?

Kristen Stewart: I didn’t watch a lot of TV series since I was a kid. I think if I watched that movie when I was a kid, the character that resonated most with me might be the role played by Drew Barrymore, because she’s so special. There is a rock fan, I think she is great. The one who has a good relationship with me prefers Cameron Diaz's style-fun, likes to dance, and a little cute. But when I was little, Drew felt like a rock star.

"Charlie Angels" trailer

Mtime: You in this movie have a sense of humor and are very lively, which you haven't shown to the audience before. Do you find it interesting to play such a role? Comfortable?

Kristen Stewart: Elizabeth's grasp of the rhythm of comedy is perfect. She really made me realize that things in life actually happen much faster than you think. Actors often act out things too slowly-I can easily indulge in various things, which can weaken my sense of humor. For example, if there is a more interesting scene in a movie, which is not the kind of generalized comedy in nature, I will definitely make the scene very boring when encountered such a situation, because I am by nature so I always think too much.

And Elizabeth made this movie (in my style) very different. I think if I shoot, it will be even stranger. Elizabeth really understands the general feelings of people. For example, I don't think this is a movie that will make everyone particularly distinct. I think it is very interesting overall, I am afraid I will never be able to do this myself. I am not belittling myself. I think I'm particularly interesting, and my friends think so too-but my sense of humor is a bit weird. I would find strange things interesting.

In this movie, sometimes I feel like "Come on, this is so great!"And she would think "Uh, I don’t know if you can accept this joke. Of course, Christine, some people may find it interesting, but not everyone. What we want to do is something that everyone will find interesting. "In this regard, she really helped me get out of myself and made me take some things less seriously.

Mtime: The characters in "Girls in the Thunderbolt" will speak their own thoughts. In the past few years, your own voice has been heard by everyone. When did you get used to expressing yourself?

Kristen Stewart: This is probably a gradual process. There is no clear moment, but it is clear that as you are gradually growing, you will learn more about yourself and the world around you, and it will become easier and easier to express your heart in a way you are good at. What I love most is words. The right words can really connect to my heart-whether it is written words, spoken words, or even words written by another person, give it to me, let me use the way of an actor To perform, to use, to reshape. There are many different ways to express myself, and I have grown in these areas as I grow up. I think I understand the language of my inner world better and understand myself better.

Mtime: This fall, your new movie "Sibao" has its premiere, which is very different from "Charlie Angels".

Kristen Stewart: Yes, I did a lot of preparations for the two films. The movie "Girls in the Thunderbolt" requires me to be physically indestructible, because I know that the shooting time will be long, and we filmed in Berlin, which is very cold. The movie tells the story of building a team. We naturally have this sense of teamwork, and there is no need to deliberately do it. As soon as I saw Naomi Scott and Ella Balinska, I developed a desire for protection, and the chemical reaction between us suddenly started. We don’t need to get to know each other, because we seem to be familiar immediately, which is cool.

I feel very grateful because I understand that this movie relies on this feeling. I am ready. In these four months, my highest goal is to enjoy this process, because I know that if I feel happy during the shooting and can support my companions, then this movie will be produced. very nice.

If I really enjoy shooting and can bring you some highlight moments, the movie can show this feeling. I have never made such a movie before, and I have never had the opportunity to "kill time" comfortably and easily in four months. Generally speaking, the shooting cycle will be shorter and the finalization of the film will be shorter, so we need to race against time when shooting. Our thinking and discussion will be more profound and heavier. I am willing to carry such a burden because I can get it. Many gains.

But when making this movie, I didn't feel the pressure at all, it was a very fresh experience. I think it is necessary to be able to see the sense of ease reflected in young women today. A calm young woman can be very ambitious. It feels like a sigh of relief, I hope this movie will make people feel relaxed. What I felt in the crew of "The Charlie Girl" was mutual support. I was deeply involved in it. This feeling is very good.

Speaking of "Xibao", it is very stressful to show a person's life, and we have to use several events to portray a specific character experience in a rather complicated and profound story. If Jane Sibao's life is put in a biographical film, it will be more abundant. There are many stages in her life. I am ambitious to present these stages through the three years shown in the movie. I really want to show her kind of infectiousness, the kind of unpredictability like a cat. Every time

sees her movie work-before making "Xibao", I have only watched her "Exhausted", and I have never watched the others-even if only that one, I will be performed by her naturally and vividly It was deeply attracted, because the actresses of that era were more fully prepared when performing.

But soon, she shocked me because she has a deep curiosity about the world, likes to ask questions, and is keen to explore the truth. She is very willing to show herself in front of others. She really wants to show her soul in this way. As an actor, I can understand her very well, because I am also a kind of person with very subtle emotions and some fragility. I am not that simple and firm actor. She made herself go through a lot of pain, but alsoA lot of discoveries, because she wants everyone to see these, I like this type of actress.

Mtime: "Xibao" allows us to see the power of a celebrity's fame, and it also allows us to see the dangers of fame. Is your own experience similar to Qian Bao?

"Hidden Treasure" Chinese character trailer

Christine Stewart: Yes, she lives in an era full of serious conflicts, which forces her to use Hollywood as a very advantageous platform to speak out. This power has replaced Hollywood's exaggeration. Shallow, but it also attracted criticism, because it was an era of extreme opposition between people-the same now. When you have the ability to reach so many people, you will be backlashed. This is a very violent story. But when you stand in that position, when you stand up on your own platform, you have to accept these and use these things.

Those lies about her, and the malicious slander she suffered, I have not experienced now. But I know what it feels like to be as honest as possible. Because you want to show your soul, want people to see you, walk into you, answer questions honestly, and be open to any questions. This feeling is very good.

actors want to be seen, actors are trying to show themselves, trying to tell true stories. When these do not work, it is very maddening. Many times, you can't control this platform, but if you can let go of the obsession to control everything, it can also help you go on in such a position where you enjoy the privileges and opportunities. Being able to talk to so many people at the same time is obviously a very incredible thing and a rare opportunity.

Mtime: Let’s go back to what you mentioned earlier, you said you learned to have fun through "Charlie Girl". Is this different experience a breakthrough for you?

Kristen Stewart: (Interrupting) Of course, it feels different from all the movies I made before.

Mtime: So in the future, will there be other projects that will make you feel that you need more creativity and depth?

Kristen Stewart: In the future, I think the experience each movie brings to me is very different. To be honest, it is difficult to generalize. Every movie is shot differently, and I really feel that I don’t have any fixed guidelines.

I think everything you learn should be kept in your mind at all times. Experience creates possibilities. But I always tell people who say, "Oh, we have done this kind of thing, we already have it, no need to repeat the past", no-everything I want to do is to repeat the past, otherwise we Why make another movie? We have never made this movie. So don't slack off. Of course, there are times when judging what you need to do to present a good story, this measure always changes, and it depends on the story itself and who is telling the story.

Mtime: The last question, how did you choose the role? How important is the rationality of character behavior to you?

Kristen Stewart: Well, this is interesting, because in retrospect, the work that made me interested always reflects my state in a specific way, even though I didn't realize it. My understanding of "professionalism" has always been very personal, which definitely reflects my heart.

is not to say that I can't play a role that is very different from myself, but I can't play a role that I don't understand. I have also read some scripts, and the characters in them I think I am incompetent, so I refused with a very responsible attitude. I think when I read the script, if I can feel "I understand very well how to act, I want to contribute my own strength to this project, I want to show this thing to others, I want to chew these words, I want Wear these shoes, these clothes, and want to be as close to this thing as possible." At this time, I will take over this role.

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