5. Legend has it that Venus has urban relics, however, the movie starring Nicholas Cage tells the truth.

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Venus is the second-to-last planet on the innermost side of the sun, and its distance from the sun is 108 million kilometers (0.725 AU). Like the earth, Venus is a rocky planet, its size and density are very similar to the earth.

5. Legend has it that Venus has urban relics, however, the movie starring Nicholas Cage tells the truth. - Lujuba

The former Soviet Union once launched a probe to the surface of Venus and learned that the surface temperature of Venus is as high as 460 degrees Celsius and the atmospheric pressure is 95 atmospheres. The main component of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, and sulfuric acid rain will drop from the sky from time to time.

5. Legend has it that Venus has urban relics, however, the movie starring Nicholas Cage tells the truth. - Lujuba

​​According to the image transmitted by the former Soviet Union probe, the outline of the city is vaguely visible. Some people think that there are a lot of city ruins on Venus.

The sun has three habitable planets, namely Venus, Earth and Mars. Although now only the earth is located in the middle of the habitable zone. "

" In ancient times, the luminosity of the sun was not as high as it is now. According to the speculation of astronomers, 3 billion years ago, Venus was located in the middle of the habitable zone and the Earth was located on the edge of the habitable zone. The middle of the

habitable zone means that there is a suitable temperature, there may be liquid water, and it is very likely to give birth to life. If in ancient times, Venus could nurture life and multiply intelligent human beings, then it is very possible that there will be remains of cities on Venus.

5. Legend has it that Venus has urban relics, however, the movie starring Nicholas Cage tells the truth. - Lujuba

Watching the sunrise on Venus, the sun will be about twice as big as the earth. But the surface of the sun is not as calm as it seems. The sun will have sunspots, solar flares, and prominence eruptions. These solar activities will release huge amounts of energy, billions of times larger than the largest equivalent hydrogen bomb on earth. These energy bursts will also release a large number of high-energy charged particles into the universe.

The high-energy charged particles radiated by the sun will seriously endanger the various spacecraft sailing in space, and also threaten the safety of astronauts. "

" particularly high-energy solar flares can penetrate the earth’s magnetic field and burn ground equipment.

On September 1, 1859, British amateur astronomer Carrington observed a large outburst of solar flare, but at that time it was not clear about its cause and harm. Carrington thought he had witnessed a huge meteorite hitting the surface of the sun. After 17 hours, a violent current of charged ions impacted the earth’s atmosphere, and the sky across the northern hemisphere was blood-red. The large flux of charged particles traversed the earth’s magnetic field and triggered a strong pulsed magnetic explosion, burning down a large number of newly established radio communication equipment. Called the Carrington incident in history! The

super sun eruption has far more impact on the earth than typhoons. The impact of the typhoon on the earth is within the scope of ecological restoration, and the super-sun eruption to the earth is catastrophic in nature.

" Venus is from the sun, which is about 2/3 of the distance from the earth to the sun. According to the square law, the same solar flare burst, the energy impact on Venus is equivalent to 1.5 times the 2nd power of the earth.

Now the sun rotates once in 27 days, and NASA has restored the rotation speed of the sun 3 billion years ago, which is at least three times the current rotation speed of the sun. The consequence of this is that the intensity of solar flare outbreaks is 10 times that of the present, and the frequency of outbreaks is at least 10 times a day. The results were published in the recent Astrophysical Journal Letters. "

", the science fiction disaster film "Mystery Code" starring Nicholas Cage, talks about the huge disaster caused by the outbreak of solar flares to human society. In the film

​​50 years ago, a little girl predicted the great eruption of the sun, and wrote the date of the prediction on a piece of paper, and sealed it in a time capsule.

50 years later, Nicholas Cage played by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology physics professor discovered the mysterious code on this piece of paper. After interpretation of

, the professor believed that this is a super-large flare that the sun is about to carry out. The entire surface facing the sun will be destroyed, and the radiation will go down to a mile. The scene described in

, a science fiction movie, is the scene that Venus faced 3 billion years ago.

​​The ultra-high frequency super flares of the early sun erupted, causing the early ocean on Venus to evaporate. Solar flares destroyed the environment in which life might be bred in the early stage of Venus. Even if the primitive life was bred in the early stage of Venus, there would not be enough time for its evolution.

And the story in the movie "Mysterious Code" shows that Venus cannot give birth to native intelligent life, nor can there be a so-called Venus city.

At the same time, this movie also reminds human beings to be alert to the outbreak of solar flares. z1 in

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