As an ancient skill that has been passed down for thousands of years, willow weaving carries the wisdom and diligence of the Funan people and also displays the traditional cultural charm of the Chinese nation. The wicker sticks are intertwined and twisted in the hands of skilled

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As an ancient skill that has been passed down for thousands of years, willow weaving carries the wisdom and diligence of the Funan people and also displays the traditional cultural charm of the Chinese nation. The wicker sticks are intertwined and twisted in the hands of skilled craftsmen, turning into exquisite handicrafts that are spread to every corner of the world. Recently, the film "Greening Zhuangtai Village, Reddening Young People's Hearts" about the inheritance of willow weaving intangible cultural heritage skills was launched in Funan County, Fuyang, Anhui. Producer Zhou Ming, director and screenwriter Cao Weiyi, producer Fu Tianjun, producer Li Shuqing, actors Yu Qinghui, Du Shaojie, Li Xianshi, Zhou Haodong, Meirigeya Maimeti and other main creatives attended the opening ceremony.

As an ancient skill that has been passed down for thousands of years, willow weaving carries the wisdom and diligence of the Funan people and also displays the traditional cultural charm of the Chinese nation. The wicker sticks are intertwined and twisted in the hands of skilled  - Lujuba

As an ancient skill that has been passed down for thousands of years, willow weaving carries the wisdom and diligence of the Funan people and also displays the traditional cultural charm of the Chinese nation. The wicker sticks are intertwined and twisted in the hands of skilled  - Lujuba

"Greening Zhuangtai Village, Reddening Young Hearts" revolves around Liu Zeli and Shi Qiaoqiao, young men and women in the new era. They embrace ideals and actively participate in the development of the characteristic rural economy in their hometown. In their stories, we can see the young people’s deep attachment to their hometown, their respect and love for traditional skills, and their active exploration of the road to rural revitalization. Relying on their perseverance and perseverance in the face of difficulties, they finally succeeded in promoting the development of rural characteristic economy with the support of the people and the guidance of the government, realizing a path that not only protected intangible cultural heritage but also promoted local economic prosperity.

Cao Weiyi, the director and screenwriter of the film, said, "This is not only a start-up ceremony, but also the beginning of our dreams and efforts. It carries our pursuit of creation and our infinite longing for the culture of northern Anhui. We hope that through this film, we can be more To better show Funan County in the new era, its simple and kind-hearted people, and its rich and diverse humanistic environment, the team will devote themselves to every creative step with a rigorous attitude and passionate creation to better show it. The cultural features of Funan County and the local simple and kind-hearted people "Liu Bian has been inherited and developed in Funan for more than 500 years. Its contribution to Funan's economy is mainly reflected in economic development, driving some farmers to become rich," Cao Weiyi said through movies. It can effectively spread and inherit willow weaving skills and drive enterprises and farmers.

As an ancient skill that has been passed down for thousands of years, willow weaving carries the wisdom and diligence of the Funan people and also displays the traditional cultural charm of the Chinese nation. The wicker sticks are intertwined and twisted in the hands of skilled  - Lujuba

Du Shaojie, who plays Shi Qiaoqiao in the film, said she was honored to co-create with so many outstanding actors. She hopes to do her part to promote Anhui and promote the willow weaving culture through her performance. Yu Qinghui said that the subject matter of this film is very good, and he hopes that the local culture can be spread through the film. Actor Zhou Haodong said: "Filming this movie in Funan highlights the local intangible cultural heritage. I play a director in the movie who supports our young people to start their own businesses. I hope to bring a different feeling to the audience."

As an ancient skill that has been passed down for thousands of years, willow weaving carries the wisdom and diligence of the Funan people and also displays the traditional cultural charm of the Chinese nation. The wicker sticks are intertwined and twisted in the hands of skilled  - Lujuba

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Qiao Ying

Tags: entertainment