On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying "I am from Chengdu" on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence. However, in this "I am from Chengdu" controversy, Lin

entertainment 4852℃

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying "I am from Chengdu" on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

However, in this "I am from Chengdu" controversy, Ariel Ariel did not choose to remain silent, but bravely stood up and spoke out in person. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also came forward promptly and gave her firm support.

Looking back at the origin of this turmoil, Ariel Lin only expressed her deep feelings for Chengdu in the Chinese love reality show "Heart Signal 7", mentioning that her grandfather was from Chengdu and she felt close to the local accent.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

This is an ordinary sentence, but it unexpectedly touched the sensitive nerves of some "pro-green" netizens, and they began to engage in endless online violence against Lin Yichen. What is even more shocking is that even her university teacher was involved and made public remarks denying that he had ever been her teacher. , and hope she will stop sending Teacher’s Day greetings in the future!

Faced with such a dilemma, Ariel Ariel did not choose to escape or compromise. She knows very well that her identity and emotional belonging cannot be shaken by outside opinions.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

So, on September 6, she firmly expressed her position in front of the media: "Whether it is Chengdu, Taipei, or Yilan, it is all my hometown." This sentence is not only a clarification of her identity, but also It’s a powerful response to those who try to sway her position through online violence. It’s so powerful!

Lin Yichen’s brave voice received timely support from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stated that Lin Yichen’s recognition of the identity of the sons and daughters of China deserves full recognition. This statement undoubtedly provided strong support for Ariel Ariel and also sent a clear signal to the outside world: No matter where you are, no matter what difficulties you encounter, as long as you stick to your identity and emotional belonging, you can win the country and the world. National support.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

Looking back on Lin Yichen’s growth experience, it is not difficult to find that she has always been a person who dares to face difficulties and challenges herself. Since high school, she has experienced family changes and the pressure of huge debts. However, she did not let these difficulties knock her down. Instead, she chose to stand up strongly, enter the entertainment industry by participating in beauty pageants, and use her own efforts to change her destiny.

In the entertainment industry, Ariel Ariel gradually emerged and became a high-profile star. Not only does she have excellent acting skills, she also has a clear mind and a firm stance.

In her career, Ariel Ariel has made brilliant achievements. She has won the love and recognition of the audience with her hard work and talent.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

However, emotionally, she has indeed gone through some twists and turns. She has experienced several unhappy relationships and even had to take a break from the entertainment industry due to a cyst on her brain. However, these setbacks did not defeat her, but made her more determined in her beliefs and pursuits.

Today, Ariel Ariel is a mother. She has her own family and daughter. After experiencing all kinds of ups and downs in life, she cherishes her current life and career even more. She knows very well that her identity and emotional belonging cannot be measured by money, fame and fortune.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

Therefore, when faced with online violence and doubts, she chose to stand up bravely and use her own voice to defend her position and dignity.

In this "I am from Chengdu" controversy, Lin Yichen's brave voice and the timely support of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have undoubtedly sounded the alarm for those who try to shake the position of others through online violence. They understand that no matter where they are, no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they stick to their identity and emotional belonging, they can get support from the country and the nation.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying "I am from Chengdu" on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

However, in this "I am from Chengdu" controversy, Ariel Ariel did not choose to remain silent, but bravely stood up and spoke out in person. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also came forward promptly and gave her firm support.

Looking back at the origin of this turmoil, Ariel Lin only expressed her deep feelings for Chengdu in the Chinese love reality show "Heart Signal 7", mentioning that her grandfather was from Chengdu and she felt close to the local accent.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

This is an ordinary sentence, but it unexpectedly touched the sensitive nerves of some "pro-green" netizens, and they began to engage in endless online violence against Lin Yichen. What is even more shocking is that even her university teacher was involved and made public remarks denying that he had ever been her teacher. , and hope she will stop sending Teacher’s Day greetings in the future!

Faced with such a dilemma, Ariel Ariel did not choose to escape or compromise. She knows very well that her identity and emotional belonging cannot be shaken by outside opinions.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

So, on September 6, she firmly expressed her position in front of the media: "Whether it is Chengdu, Taipei, or Yilan, it is all my hometown." This sentence is not only a clarification of her identity, but also It’s a powerful response to those who try to sway her position through online violence. It’s so powerful!

Lin Yichen’s brave voice received timely support from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stated that Lin Yichen’s recognition of the identity of the sons and daughters of China deserves full recognition. This statement undoubtedly provided strong support for Ariel Ariel and also sent a clear signal to the outside world: No matter where you are, no matter what difficulties you encounter, as long as you stick to your identity and emotional belonging, you can win the country and the world. National support.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

Looking back on Lin Yichen’s growth experience, it is not difficult to find that she has always been a person who dares to face difficulties and challenges herself. Since high school, she has experienced family changes and the pressure of huge debts. However, she did not let these difficulties knock her down. Instead, she chose to stand up strongly, enter the entertainment industry by participating in beauty pageants, and use her own efforts to change her destiny.

In the entertainment industry, Ariel Ariel gradually emerged and became a high-profile star. Not only does she have excellent acting skills, she also has a clear mind and a firm stance.

In her career, Ariel Ariel has made brilliant achievements. She has won the love and recognition of the audience with her hard work and talent.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

However, emotionally, she has indeed gone through some twists and turns. She has experienced several unhappy relationships and even had to take a break from the entertainment industry due to a cyst on her brain. However, these setbacks did not defeat her, but made her more determined in her beliefs and pursuits.

Today, Ariel Ariel is a mother. She has her own family and daughter. After experiencing all kinds of ups and downs in life, she cherishes her current life and career even more. She knows very well that her identity and emotional belonging cannot be measured by money, fame and fortune.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

Therefore, when faced with online violence and doubts, she chose to stand up bravely and use her own voice to defend her position and dignity.

In this "I am from Chengdu" controversy, Lin Yichen's brave voice and the timely support of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have undoubtedly sounded the alarm for those who try to shake the position of others through online violence. They understand that no matter where they are, no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they stick to their identity and emotional belonging, they can get support from the country and the nation.

On August 30, Ariel Ariel caused an uproar by saying 'I am from Chengdu' on a mainland variety show. A very simple sentence, but like a pebble thrown into the lake, it caused ripples and even triggered an online violence.      However, in this 'I am from Chengdu' controversy, Lin - Lujuba

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