Jiemian News Reporter | Zhao Xiaojuan Jiemian News Editor | Xu Yue On September 7, Wahaha responded to previous statements such as "requiring employees to re-sign the labor contract" through its official Weibo. A statement issued by Wahaha stated that the union has never heard of

entertainment 1207℃

Interface News Reporter | Zhao Xiaojuan

Interface News Editor | Xu Yue

On September 7, Wahaha responded to previous statements such as "requiring employees to re-sign the labor contract" through its official Weibo .

Wahaha issued a statement saying that the union has never heard of relevant information about the "Wahaha Rights Protection Committee", and the union has not received any information about the lawsuit filed by the so-called "Wahaha Rights Protection Committee"; according to the union, Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd. employees hold shares The internal share repurchase matter of the association has been approved by the general meeting of the members, and the relevant agreement was voluntarily signed by the members of the shareholding association. It is legal and valid and does not harm the members of the shareholding association. Regarding the equity transfer issue of Xiaoshan Shunfa, according to the trade union’s understanding, it is Xiaoshan Shunfa's normal shareholder change of equity transfer is legal and valid, complies with relevant laws and regulations, and has been reviewed and confirmed by the industrial and commercial department. There are no special reasons speculated by the outside world.

Wahaha said that the current management and working order of the union are normal.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhao Xiaojuan Jiemian News Editor | Xu Yue On September 7, Wahaha responded to previous statements such as 'requiring employees to re-sign the labor contract' through its official Weibo. A statement issued by Wahaha stated that the union has never heard of - Lujuba
Wahaha’s original statement

According to a report by China Industry News on September 6, many former employees and internal staff of Wahaha Group said that because Wahaha Group recently required employees to re-sign labor contracts, in order to Recycling the equity of the employee stock ownership association at a lower price has been completed recently Dozens of employees have launched a class action lawsuit to defend their rights and have entered the judicial process, waiting for the court to formally accept it.

The direct trigger for the above lawsuits is that since August 2024, Wahaha Group employees have been required to terminate their contracts with Wahaha Group and instead sign labor contracts with Hongsheng Beverage Group controlled by Zong Fuli. After signing the labor contract, the "share dividend" benefits that employees enjoyed in Wahaha Group were completely cancelled, and many employees were very worried that their future income would not be guaranteed.

Interface News interviewed an old employee of Wahaha who had resigned for many years. He told Interface News that he held a certain amount of equity while he was working, and the annual dividend amount was about 0.6 yuan per share after tax. But when I resigned, I signed a contract with Wahaha After signing the equity recovery agreement, it is impossible to comment on the recent controversy over Wahaha’s contract transfer.

Another front-line employee who is currently working told Jiemian News that he has no equity and that as a grassroots employee, he has not paid attention to the "changes between management". Zong Fuli's management style is a typical corporate style and pays more attention to According to data, through strict systems to motivate grassroots workers, the income of Wahaha's frontline employees has generally increased since this year.

Interface News In , this year’s beverage peak season has not yet ended, and Zong Fuli has already launched the first shot of channel reform-tendering 100,000 refrigerators to prepare for refined channel management next year.

The above-mentioned Wahaha employees told Jiemian News that this is one of the changes Wahaha has made this year. Wahaha has begun to focus on infrastructure construction in first-tier cities. For example, terminals in Beijing have relatively little offline maintenance and rarely take the initiative to explore new markets. This year, salespeople are encouraged to contact as many sales terminals as possible to promote new products, freezers, etc. to shop owners.

Interface News noticed that Wahaha began to increase its advertising services on the e-commerce platform. In March this year, Wahaha organized a bidding event for Douyin and Xiaohongshu advertising agencies through the brand public relations department. The service content included Douyin celebrity advertising, Xiaohongshu expert placement, etc.

In addition, in August this year, Wahaha launched a tender for the operation service of the Wahaha Creative Flagship Store. It is hoped that the store will officially announce and link Wahaha’s new products. The product goal is to create at least 3 online hot products, with an annual turnover target. At 4500w.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhao Xiaojuan Jiemian News Editor | Xu Yue On September 7, Wahaha responded to previous statements such as 'requiring employees to re-sign the labor contract' through its official Weibo. A statement issued by Wahaha stated that the union has never heard of - Lujuba
Wahaha milk drink new product. (Picture taken by: Jiemian News Zhao Xiaojuan)

After , Wahaha still faces many challenges.

The data disclosed by Wahaha Group at the 2023 Annual Commendation Conference on January 29 showed that Wahaha’s performance in 2023 was approximately 50 billion yuan, achieving both revenue and profit growth. Compared with Wahaha's sales of 51.2 billion yuan in 2022 and 51.9 billion yuan in 2021, this achievement has not increased but has declined slightly. The sales of Nongfu Spring and Master Kong Beverages will be 42.6 billion yuan and 50.9 billion yuan respectively, a year-on-year increase of 28% and 5% respectively. In particular, Master Kong Beverages has surpassed Wahaha in sales scale.

At present, Wahaha has accelerated the speed of launching new products and its meticulous approach to channels. For example, in the Beijing market, Wahaha has launched 5 batches of freezers this year to strengthen channel construction. , began to pay attention to terminal maintenance in high-tier cities, according to the above Wahaha's front-line employees, Wahaha's pure water sales tasks this year have been completed ahead of schedule, and sugar-free tea has opened up many new terminal outlets by taking advantage of this year's trend.

According to the prospectus submitted by C’estbon in April this year, among the top five companies in China’s packaged drinking water market in 2023, the total retail sales (non-operating income) of Wahaha packaged drinking water is 12 billion yuan, ranking ahead of Wahaha are: Nongfu Spring is 50.7 billion yuan, Yibao is 39.6 billion yuan, and Baisui Mountain is 13.2 billion yuan.

Overall, Wahaha’s size is similar to that of Baisuishan. If this year’s growth rate is followed, it is very likely that Wahaha will surpass Baisuishan this year and become the third largest packaged drinking water company.

Interface News Reporter | Zhao Xiaojuan

Interface News Editor | Xu Yue

On September 7, Wahaha responded to previous statements such as "requiring employees to re-sign the labor contract" through its official Weibo .

Wahaha issued a statement saying that the union has never heard of relevant information about the "Wahaha Rights Protection Committee", and the union has not received any information about the lawsuit filed by the so-called "Wahaha Rights Protection Committee"; according to the union, Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd. employees hold shares The internal share repurchase matter of the association has been approved by the general meeting of the members, and the relevant agreement was voluntarily signed by the members of the shareholding association. It is legal and valid and does not harm the members of the shareholding association. Regarding the equity transfer issue of Xiaoshan Shunfa, according to the trade union’s understanding, it is Xiaoshan Shunfa's normal shareholder change of equity transfer is legal and valid, complies with relevant laws and regulations, and has been reviewed and confirmed by the industrial and commercial department. There are no special reasons speculated by the outside world.

Wahaha said that the current management and working order of the union are normal.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhao Xiaojuan Jiemian News Editor | Xu Yue On September 7, Wahaha responded to previous statements such as 'requiring employees to re-sign the labor contract' through its official Weibo. A statement issued by Wahaha stated that the union has never heard of - Lujuba
Wahaha’s original statement

According to a report by China Industry News on September 6, many former employees and internal staff of Wahaha Group said that because Wahaha Group recently required employees to re-sign labor contracts, in order to Recycling the equity of the employee stock ownership association at a lower price has been completed recently Dozens of employees have launched a class action lawsuit to defend their rights and have entered the judicial process, waiting for the court to formally accept it.

The direct trigger for the above lawsuits is that since August 2024, Wahaha Group employees have been required to terminate their contracts with Wahaha Group and instead sign labor contracts with Hongsheng Beverage Group controlled by Zong Fuli. After signing the labor contract, the "share dividend" benefits that employees enjoyed in Wahaha Group were completely cancelled, and many employees were very worried that their future income would not be guaranteed.

Interface News interviewed an old employee of Wahaha who had resigned for many years. He told Interface News that he held a certain amount of equity while he was working, and the annual dividend amount was about 0.6 yuan per share after tax. But when I resigned, I signed a contract with Wahaha After signing the equity recovery agreement, it is impossible to comment on the recent controversy over Wahaha’s contract transfer.

Another front-line employee who is currently working told Jiemian News that he has no equity and that as a grassroots employee, he has not paid attention to the "changes between management". Zong Fuli's management style is a typical corporate style and pays more attention to According to data, through strict systems to motivate grassroots workers, the income of Wahaha's frontline employees has generally increased since this year.

Interface News In , this year’s beverage peak season has not yet ended, and Zong Fuli has already launched the first shot of channel reform-tendering 100,000 refrigerators to prepare for refined channel management next year.

The above-mentioned Wahaha employees told Jiemian News that this is one of the changes Wahaha has made this year. Wahaha has begun to focus on infrastructure construction in first-tier cities. For example, terminals in Beijing have relatively little offline maintenance and rarely take the initiative to explore new markets. This year, salespeople are encouraged to contact as many sales terminals as possible to promote new products, freezers, etc. to shop owners.

Interface News noticed that Wahaha began to increase its advertising services on the e-commerce platform. In March this year, Wahaha organized a bidding event for Douyin and Xiaohongshu advertising agencies through the brand public relations department. The service content included Douyin celebrity advertising, Xiaohongshu expert placement, etc.

In addition, in August this year, Wahaha launched a tender for the operation service of the Wahaha Creative Flagship Store. It is hoped that the store will officially announce and link Wahaha’s new products. The product goal is to create at least 3 online hot products, with an annual turnover target. At 4500w.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhao Xiaojuan Jiemian News Editor | Xu Yue On September 7, Wahaha responded to previous statements such as 'requiring employees to re-sign the labor contract' through its official Weibo. A statement issued by Wahaha stated that the union has never heard of - Lujuba
Wahaha milk drink new product. (Picture taken by: Jiemian News Zhao Xiaojuan)

After , Wahaha still faces many challenges.

The data disclosed by Wahaha Group at the 2023 Annual Commendation Conference on January 29 showed that Wahaha’s performance in 2023 was approximately 50 billion yuan, achieving both revenue and profit growth. Compared with Wahaha's sales of 51.2 billion yuan in 2022 and 51.9 billion yuan in 2021, this achievement has not increased but has declined slightly. The sales of Nongfu Spring and Master Kong Beverages will be 42.6 billion yuan and 50.9 billion yuan respectively, a year-on-year increase of 28% and 5% respectively. In particular, Master Kong Beverages has surpassed Wahaha in sales scale.

At present, Wahaha has accelerated the speed of launching new products and its meticulous approach to channels. For example, in the Beijing market, Wahaha has launched 5 batches of freezers this year to strengthen channel construction. , began to pay attention to terminal maintenance in high-tier cities, according to the above Wahaha's front-line employees, Wahaha's pure water sales tasks this year have been completed ahead of schedule, and sugar-free tea has opened up many new terminal outlets by taking advantage of this year's trend.

According to the prospectus submitted by C’estbon in April this year, among the top five companies in China’s packaged drinking water market in 2023, the total retail sales (non-operating income) of Wahaha packaged drinking water is 12 billion yuan, ranking ahead of Wahaha are: Nongfu Spring is 50.7 billion yuan, Yibao is 39.6 billion yuan, and Baisui Mountain is 13.2 billion yuan.

Overall, Wahaha’s size is similar to that of Baisuishan. If this year’s growth rate is followed, it is very likely that Wahaha will surpass Baisuishan this year and become the third largest packaged drinking water company.

Tags: entertainment