"No matter how good your friendship is, you must learn to leave blank space!" "The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water." Recently, a blogger from Henan, "coolbao can't eat enough", shared his daily experience with friends on social platforms, and quoted an accompany

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" No matter how good your friendship is, you must learn to leave blank space! " "The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water."

Recently, a blogger from Henan, "Cool Bao Can't Eat Enough", shared his daily experience with friends on social platforms, and quoted an accompanying picture explaining the concept of friendship: "Because I really As a person who is not good at keeping in touch with others, most social interactions are very difficult for me, but for the person I like, I will always regard him as a good friend, regardless of whether I keep in touch with him or not. I will stick to you every day, but it will not affect how precious you are in my heart. I will not go against my instinct and deliberately cater to you, pretending to be a "rich person". "It's exactly the same!" In the comment area, there are many people who pursue a sense of boundaries. Young people expressed sympathy and expressed that they have fallen in love with "zero sugar socializing". A female netizen from Anhui repeatedly agreed. She lamented that maintaining a relationship closely for a long time is really tiring. The way she usually gets along with friends is Everyone goes their own way, and meet again after a while to communicate with each other.

Young people who are "looking for themselves",

has made "zero sugar social" popular.

maintains their independence in social relationships, gives both parties free space, and does not rely too much on the emotional value of others. This is "zero sugar social". Many netizens believe that "zero sugar socialization" can establish healthier and equal interpersonal relationships, eliminate too many meaningless additions, and reduce the burden on the body, spirit and even life.

Xiaoxiang Morning News·Morning Video reporter’s search found that topics related to "Zero Sugar Social" on Weibo have been read more than 10 million, and there are more than a thousand related notes on Xiaohongshu. On major social platforms, "Zero Sugar Social" "Social" has become a new trend of "finding yourself".

'No matter how good your friendship is, you must learn to leave blank space!' 'The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.' Recently, a blogger from Henan, 'coolbao can't eat enough', shared his daily experience with friends on social platforms, and quoted an accompany - Lujuba

△Photo source Xiaohongshu screenshot

At the age of 27, Andy recorded his first step in starting a "zero sugar social" on social platforms: no internal friction, and starting a life alone with the real "me". Andy took the initiative to cut off the false "social prosperity" and no longer pursued the "fine-covered circle of friends". Instead, he spent more time exploring new interests and hobbies. would visit various markets alone and discover the things in life. Simple pleasures.

5-year-old "iamss" is going through the postgraduate entrance examination. Since January this year, "iamss" has closed his circle of friends, and his relationship with the people around him has become weak. "I used to like to talk to everyone when I encountered trivial matters, and I also liked to post on Moments." In the past, "iamss" liked to socialize and talked a lot, but now "iamss" only has one or two regular chat partners besides family members. A friend from middle school believes that it is equally important to enjoy the process of working hard alone: ​​ Others may not really be happy for you when you feel happy, and others may not be with you when you are sad. Empathy. So just try your best! Living your life well is the most important thing!

In the days of following the trajectory of life and learning to digest by yourself, some people truly enjoy being alone and accept themselves more. Two years after closing the circle of friends, netizen "Wu Yian" has a profound understanding of the importance of cherishing time: Perhaps, each of us needs to give ourselves some time to be alone, for a few days, weeks or months, so that we can do our best Friend and eternal companion.

I please "me",

Leave more sugar to yourself

"There is a need for space and a sense of proportion between people", Traditional social models tend to emphasize group consciousness, while "zero sugar socialization" is just the opposite, everyone Choose social partners based on personal interests and needs, rather than being bound by social interaction, and move from "for others" to "for yourself."

According to the "2024 Social Trend Insight Report" released by the Just So Soul Research Institute in early 2024, contemporary young people have an average of 2 close friends. When faced with the question of "the most ideal state to get along with friends", 54 % of young people choose "frequent contact, but also have their own space for alone time", which is much higher than the 12.6% who choose "people who can stay together every day". At the same time, the data also shows that contemporary young people have an average of two friends each. 24% of young people say that they are loners and have no friends with whom they can talk about anything. In terms of length of time, they spend an average of 8.25 hours with each other per week. Young people in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen spend the least time with friends.

More and more young people are taking the initiative to pursue themselves, interpreting that "zero sugar" is not only a way of life, but also a way of socializing. Of course, no matter which choice you choose, it all depends on personal preference. Grasping your own certainty and following your heart is what is best for you.

Which social method do you prefer? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Hu Qiuxian and intern Tang Chenxi

Reporting and rights protection channels: Download the "Morning Video" client from the application market and search "Help" for one-click access; or add reporting customer service on WeChat: xxcbcsp; or call the hotline 0731-85571188. If you need content cooperation, please call the government and enterprise service desk at 19176699651.

" No matter how good your friendship is, you must learn to leave blank space! " "The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water."

Recently, a blogger from Henan, "Cool Bao Can't Eat Enough", shared his daily experience with friends on social platforms, and quoted an accompanying picture explaining the concept of friendship: "Because I really As a person who is not good at keeping in touch with others, most social interactions are very difficult for me, but for the person I like, I will always regard him as a good friend, regardless of whether I keep in touch with him or not. I will stick to you every day, but it will not affect how precious you are in my heart. I will not go against my instinct and deliberately cater to you, pretending to be a "rich person". "It's exactly the same!" In the comment area, there are many people who pursue a sense of boundaries. Young people expressed sympathy and expressed that they have fallen in love with "zero sugar socializing". A female netizen from Anhui repeatedly agreed. She lamented that maintaining a relationship closely for a long time is really tiring. The way she usually gets along with friends is Everyone goes their own way, and meet again after a while to communicate with each other.

Young people who are "looking for themselves",

has made "zero sugar social" popular.

maintains their independence in social relationships, gives both parties free space, and does not rely too much on the emotional value of others. This is "zero sugar social". Many netizens believe that "zero sugar socialization" can establish healthier and equal interpersonal relationships, eliminate too many meaningless additions, and reduce the burden on the body, spirit and even life.

Xiaoxiang Morning News·Morning Video reporter’s search found that topics related to "Zero Sugar Social" on Weibo have been read more than 10 million, and there are more than a thousand related notes on Xiaohongshu. On major social platforms, "Zero Sugar Social" "Social" has become a new trend of "finding yourself".

'No matter how good your friendship is, you must learn to leave blank space!' 'The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.' Recently, a blogger from Henan, 'coolbao can't eat enough', shared his daily experience with friends on social platforms, and quoted an accompany - Lujuba

△Photo source Xiaohongshu screenshot

At the age of 27, Andy recorded his first step in starting a "zero sugar social" on social platforms: no internal friction, and starting a life alone with the real "me". Andy took the initiative to cut off the false "social prosperity" and no longer pursued the "fine-covered circle of friends". Instead, he spent more time exploring new interests and hobbies. would visit various markets alone and discover the things in life. Simple pleasures.

5-year-old "iamss" is going through the postgraduate entrance examination. Since January this year, "iamss" has closed his circle of friends, and his relationship with the people around him has become weak. "I used to like to talk to everyone when I encountered trivial matters, and I also liked to post on Moments." In the past, "iamss" liked to socialize and talked a lot, but now "iamss" only has one or two regular chat partners besides family members. A friend from middle school believes that it is equally important to enjoy the process of working hard alone: ​​ Others may not really be happy for you when you feel happy, and others may not be with you when you are sad. Empathy. So just try your best! Living your life well is the most important thing!

In the days of following the trajectory of life and learning to digest by yourself, some people truly enjoy being alone and accept themselves more. Two years after closing the circle of friends, netizen "Wu Yian" has a profound understanding of the importance of cherishing time: Perhaps, each of us needs to give ourselves some time to be alone, for a few days, weeks or months, so that we can do our best Friend and eternal companion.

I please "me",

Leave more sugar to yourself

"There is a need for space and a sense of proportion between people", Traditional social models tend to emphasize group consciousness, while "zero sugar socialization" is just the opposite, everyone Choose social partners based on personal interests and needs, rather than being bound by social interaction, and move from "for others" to "for yourself."

According to the "2024 Social Trend Insight Report" released by the Just So Soul Research Institute in early 2024, contemporary young people have an average of 2 close friends. When faced with the question of "the most ideal state to get along with friends", 54 % of young people choose "frequent contact, but also have their own space for alone time", which is much higher than the 12.6% who choose "people who can stay together every day". At the same time, the data also shows that contemporary young people have an average of two friends each. 24% of young people say that they are loners and have no friends with whom they can talk about anything. In terms of length of time, they spend an average of 8.25 hours with each other per week. Young people in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen spend the least time with friends.

More and more young people are taking the initiative to pursue themselves, interpreting that "zero sugar" is not only a way of life, but also a way of socializing. Of course, no matter which choice you choose, it all depends on personal preference. Grasping your own certainty and following your heart is what is best for you.

Which social method do you prefer? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Hu Qiuxian and intern Tang Chenxi

Reporting and rights protection channels: Download the "Morning Video" client from the application market and search "Help" for one-click access; or add reporting customer service on WeChat: xxcbcsp; or call the hotline 0731-85571188. If you need content cooperation, please call the government and enterprise service desk at 19176699651.

Tags: entertainment