The movie "My Grandpa" directed by Zheng Chunyu and starring Simon Yam and Lou Yixiao will be released on September 20. The film recently released the "Born Up" version of the movie trailer. "My Grandpa" tells the story of a veteran who changed his job as a mountain hauler i

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The movie " My Grandpa " directed by Zheng Chunyu and starring Simon Yam and Lou Yixiao will be released on September 20. Recently, the film released the "Born Up" version of the movie trailer.

The movie 'My Grandpa' directed by Zheng Chunyu and starring Simon Yam and Lou Yixiao will be released on September 20. The film recently released the 'Born Up' version of the movie trailer.      'My Grandpa' tells the story of a veteran who changed his job as a mountain hauler i - Lujuba

"My Grandpa" tells the touching story of a veteran who changed his job as a mountain hauler in a warm film language and used his life's tenacity and dedication to fulfill his promise in life. Best actor Simon Yam subverts the previous image of a tough guy and interprets the extraordinary life of an ordinary person, which has become a highlight of the film. In the trailer that was first exposed, at the foot of Mount Tai, the sun is shining, and on top of the towering mountains, the actor Kong Wanshan, played by Simon Yam, is climbing up the stairs with a heavy burden on his shoulders. The scene flashed by, and he had been carrying mountains forward day after day for decades, from a young and strong soldier who had returned to work, to an old man with gray hair and beard, whether he was guarding the borders of the motherland, or taking care of orphans and children. In a small family, Kong Wanshan always had a bright eye in the face of hardships, shouldered heavy responsibilities independently, and interpreted the mountain-mounting spirit of the Chinese people with a progressive attitude towards life.

The trailer not only shows Kong Wanshan's tenacity to keep his promise and selfless dedication, but also reveals the tender and heartwarming temperament of the film through the companionship between his grandfather and grandson. As the grandfather of the abandoned baby Shanzi, Kong Wanshan protected this unrelated child with his silent perseverance and day-after-day mountaineering journey. At the same time, the biological mother Wang Licui, played by Lou Yixiao, unexpectedly comes looking for her son, and the emotional tension between the three people suddenly becomes full. Although Kong Wanshan, who only knows how to carry mountains, is not good at words, he has exerted a subtle influence on Wang Licui with his unremitting efforts and unshakable mountaineering. From the initial confrontation and misunderstanding, the two gradually transformed into tolerance and dependence on each other. The emotional ties between the three generations gradually became stronger. Wang Licui also realized the power of life and the depth of responsibility while climbing mountains again and again with Kong Wanshan. And finally regained his confidence in stage performance.

The less than 2-minute trailer uses concise and powerful images to progressively convey the transfer of responsibility, the ties of family ties, and the tenacity of life, and finally presents a moving emotional power.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Qiao Ying

Tags: entertainment