Jiemian News Reporter | Zhang Youfa The northeastern landscape and variations on the suspense genre are an entry point for understanding "Snow Maze". In the process of the development and maturity of domestic suspense drama series in recent years, Northeastern suspense is an impo

entertainment 7968℃

Interface News Reporter | Zhang Youfa

Variations on the northeastern landscape and suspense genre are an entry point for understanding " Snow Maze ".

In the development and maturity of domestic suspense drama series in recent years, Northeastern suspense is an important catalytic element. From the early suspense dramas such as "White Nights" and "Undocumented Crime" to recent suspense dramas such as "The Long Season", the geographical and cultural background of Northeast China are important clues for the unfolding of the story. The sky full of ice and snow and decaying factories present visual spectacles, while the wave of laid-off workers in the Northeast outlines clues about society.

"Snow Maze" director Lu Xing is also the director of "Undocumented Crime". In the past few years, he has felt the obvious changes in the public's attitude towards suspense dramas. On the one hand, the accumulation of simple crime spectacles has made the audience accustomed to it. On the other hand, the public also hopes to find other points of empathy for suspense dramas in addition to the development of the plot. The story background of

"Snow Maze" still takes place in Northeast China, and it goes back to the 1990s. In terms of scene setting, the series intentionally avoids the Northeastern elements that the audience is familiar with. The season in which the story takes place has become summer, and the city has become more lively and pyrotechnic.

Lu Xing hopes that the series will be a little unfamiliar with the visual symbols of the Northeast that are familiar to the audience. "When we made "Undocumented Crime", we had already gone to the extreme in the direction of ice and snow, dilapidation and depression. Later, the new works have gone even further. At the extreme, we actually do the opposite."

While updating the scenes, this drama also hopes to change the genre and try to integrate the genres of suspense dramas and life dramas. In the main line of combating methamphetamine crimes, the series is interspersed with a large number of daily light comedy plots, especially those involving cooking and eating. For example, the chicken rack shop run by the protagonist's father and the small canteen in the protagonist's office become the carrier of this kind of plot. Scenes from everyday drama. This attempt of

undoubtedly has its value. Jiemian News has also mentioned in previous reports that suspense films have become a powerful medicine for domestic movies. However, suspense dramas have become more niche in recent years, even attracting some users. Aesthetic fatigue has occurred. This is not only due to the duplication of genres, but also because long dramas carry the suspense genre, which will stretch the public's expectations for suspense.

Whether it is genre fusion or scene variations, "Snow Maze" is a bit "going in the opposite direction", which will not only bring freshness to the market, but also challenge the public's usual expectations of suspense dramas. In particular, there will be certain differences in the rhythm and suspense story of the dinner drama, which not only tests the drama's coordination ability, but also requires the audience's acceptance of genre fusion.

However, only by trying this genre can we find a new market breakthrough point for suspense dramas. Regarding his expectations for the series, Lu Xing thinks this way, "I would hope that it can become a suspense drama that the audience will find good to eat."

The following is a conversation with Lu Xinghe, the director of "Snow Maze" from Interface Entertainment and other media Screenwriters Zhang Yuanang and Melias, the content has been slightly edited.

A new attempt at life suspense

q: The director has filmed several popular suspense dramas from "Undocumented Crime" to "The Returned Daughter". The feeling of watching this "Snow Maze" is quite different from before, with realism. , the comedy element is very strong, what is special about this project for you? How do you grasp directorial style based on characteristics?

Lu Xing: You can see that there are many relaxing and interesting parts in it, and we basically achieved our goal. "Snow Maze" is positioned as a criminal investigation life drama. It shows the intense anti-drug life of the police officers of that era through the anti-drug team. It is not a story that is completely focused on the anti-drug incident. As a Northeasterner, I hope that by showing the optimism and life wisdom of Northeastern people, viewers can experience a story that is both tense, relaxing and interesting.

q: Part of it is criminal investigation, and part of it is daily life. There is a lot of eating in the first few episodes, and the scenes where they tease each other are given a large emphasis.

Lu Xing: Yes, cooking and eating are a very important part of Chinese people’s daily life. The public security officers are actually very similar to the crew. Everyone eats, lives and works together, so this part of life is also included in their criminal investigation work. Very important aspect. This aspect is refined and amplified in the play. The main genre of

dramas is still criminal investigation dramas. The confrontation between good and evil, and solving crimes and arrests together are the main line of the story. Some interesting branches grew out of the trunk, which are the little bits and pieces of his life.

q: From "Undocumented Crime" to now, how do you view the current development of the suspense genre in the entire market? Are there any differences between the popular suspense dramas now compared to those before?

Lu Xing: When we first started making suspense dramas, we were still in a state where no one had anything and we had nothing. There were relatively few suspense dramas on the market, especially short series. At that time, various criminal spectacles will be shown to the audience. With the development of suspense dramas, the themes and types involved will become more and more extensive, and the pursuit of cases will be more extreme, because it is difficult to attract audiences with simple spectacles. . In addition, other genres will be superimposed. "Snow Maze" superimposes elements of life drama into suspense stories.

q: When discussing with other creators before, some people think that domestic suspense is a bit too general now. In addition to emotions and costumes, many dramas are included in the suspense category. What do you think about the scope of suspense?

Lu Xing: This depends on the definition of suspense drama. Because suspense drama itself has no clear genre characteristics, it is not even an independent genre. It is a way of telling stories. To me, the genre positioning of suspense dramas may be clearer and tighter. Suspense dramas are not that broad. Only the most extreme genres can be considered suspense dramas.

q: Do you feel the audience’s aesthetic changes in suspense dramas? In recent years, there have been so many suspense dramas since "Undocumented Crime", and the audience is prone to aesthetic fatigue.

Lu Xing: Yes, when I was commenting on a suspense drama before, the audience asked this question. The story itself is quite exciting, but why do we have to finish it? In addition to wanting to know the answer to the story, the audience also hopes to be able to empathize with the story.

How the suspense drama can make the audience empathize is something I care about later. In addition to focusing on standing in the perspective of the protagonist, being attracted by the story, and following our story protagonist to explore the truth of the matter step by step, what else can we bring to the audience?

q: In recent years, under the influence of suspense movies, the public has increasingly pursued continuous reversals and high-density plots for suspense. However, due to the length of dramas, it is inevitable to add some content branches. So how can we avoid when making suspense dramas? Is everyone’s anticipation for suspense slowly fading?

Lu Xing: Each story has a different strategy to attract the audience. Some stories may want to have intensive twists and turns to make the audience burn their brains. For us, in long-form dramas, under the premise of having this part of the big plot, we hope that the audience can empathize with our characters in the small plots.

Because after empathy, even a small thing in the life of the characters in the play will make the audience care and worry. This method may be the way "Snow Maze" hopes to attract the audience. .

q: What other innovations can be explored in the suspense genre next?

Lu Xing: This is difficult to judge. It is difficult to see new themes or types in the market now. Most of them are looking for new angles in previous themes. Integrating different genres to create new perceptions for the audience may be the future direction of development.

For example, the drama series "The Imperative" that I am currently filming will put the perspective of criminal investigation into the prison. This is a space that is rarely seen in suspense dramas in the past. As a result, you have to face either prison guards, your colleagues who are in charge; or prisoners, all kinds of people who have been sentenced.In this kind of space, the perception of the story will definitely be different.

"Snow Maze" superimposes criminal investigation dramas and life dramas. Although the audience may not be able to tell directly where this feeling comes from, once it is achieved, people will have that very special feeling when watching it. Clearly a different feeling.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhang Youfa The northeastern landscape and variations on the suspense genre are an entry point for understanding 'Snow Maze'. In the process of the development and maturity of domestic suspense drama series in recent years, Northeastern suspense is an impo - Lujuba
Source: official

The tension of the story in the 1990s

q: Why is the story set in the 1990s?

Zhang Yuanang: Meth began to appear in mainland China in 1991. Throughout the 1990s, methamphetamine criminal groups became increasingly rampant. The time period from 1997 to 1998 selected in the play is also quite special, because the Ministry of Public Security had just established the Anti-Narcotics Bureau in August 1998. In September 1999, the Northeastern China Criminal Police College established a major in anti-narcotics and recruited the first batch of undergraduate students majoring in anti-narcotics in China.

Our Story On the eve of the establishment of the Drug Enforcement Administration, criminal police in many places lacked professional knowledge related to anti-drugs. We also talked with senior front-line criminal police officers who participated in anti-drug work in those days. In their era, they caught everything and took care of everything, so they basically walked through the river by feeling the stones in drug cases.

The weak anti-drug theory in the early years of the country formed a very strong contrast with the severe anti-drug situation. This is one of the biggest problems generally found in the anti-drug work during our investigation, so we focused the story on a special time period to write a concentrated Write about these difficulties and the heroic and fearless spirit of anti-drug heroes.

q: Most of the first four episodes were set around 1997. We also saw the criminal investigation methods at that time, including the introduction of some chemical knowledge and drug knowledge. What kind of desk work did we do when creating this kind of professional content? Work?

Melias: The main thing is to collect stories and consult professionals. We will also buy some specialized books to read. For example, there is a book called "Introduction to Anti-Narcotics", which we have almost read. Generally, we collect questions from the script. We first have the episode outline, and then we collect the stories to complete our professional knowledge.

q: In recent years, there will be a phenomenon in anti-drug films and police films. Villains are equally popular as positive characters. How to maintain the balance between positive and negative characters when writing?

Zhang Yuanang: This is a difficult point whether it is an anti-narcotics theme or other criminal investigation themes. Once there is confrontation in the story, when there are so-called heroes and villains, we hope that the villains are smart and powerful. Because if the villain is weak, it will appear that the villain is also weak. But if the villain is particularly smart and powerful, he will worry about whether he outshines the decent ones. This is actually a creative problem that has existed since ancient times. What the

screenwriter can do is to control the perspective of telling the story. This drama is not a single-line narrative. The process of the task force solving the case and the changes in the villain's crime plan are also described. Both sides are described. But we also hope that the audience will take the role of the task force and use the perspective of the entire team represented by Zheng Bei to clear up the fog of the entire story.

If you want to create suspense, you need to control the length of the villain's actions. If we directly write about how the villain commits the crime, the villain's part will be exciting, but there will be no suspense for the audience, because we have seen all the truth. After the perspective is adjusted, the villain is less likely to overwhelm the decent.

q: Will this passionate temperament conflict with the classic impression of suspense? Maybe it’s not just Chinese suspense, foreign American dramas seem to rarely have passionate and interesting suspense, so how can this temperament be unified?

Lu Xing: This point is actually about dealing with the issue of big plots and small plots during filming. Although there are no hot and interesting suspense dramas abroad, current workplace dramas and some industry dramas will also amplify this point. For example, " witty prison life " and "wit doctor life" are all works with a similar look and feel.

"Sherlock Holmes" filmed in the UK and the United States, including "East Side Nightmare " that everyone has been talking about. Although it is not as relaxed and interesting, the characters are very vivid, so this is not a completely new category. In the past, There are also traces to be followed in the series.

In the 1990s, criminal investigation methods were relatively primitive. There was no way to use modern technologies such as surveillance cameras and mobile phone positioning to assist in solving crimes. It was even more necessary for front-line criminal police to use their brain power and physical strength to fight criminals to the maximum extent, which would also present relatively direct dramatic conflicts.

q: I read an interview before and said that you went to make a drama instead of a movie because you don’t have a particularly strong personal expression, and you want to tell some public narratives. What is the public narrative that "Snow Maze" wants to express? After "Undocumented Crime", do you think "Snow Maze" has opened up a new direction for this type of suspense drama and criminal investigation drama?

Lu Xing: I hope to be different in "Snow Maze". I hope that the audience can see a new type of Northeastern criminal investigation drama. It is a criminal investigation life drama. This type of life drama is rare in the market. , so I hope that the audience can see a story that is relaxed, interesting, humorous, but also exciting. This is what I think I hope to achieve in this drama.

So after you get the script, the old man who cooks in the canteen keeps cooking for everyone, and this part of the element has been amplified. There are all kinds of delicious food in their canteen, which are constantly being served to the audience for them to see. I hope that while the audience is watching, they will hold up their mobile phones and prepare to order a takeaway of the same style.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhang Youfa The northeastern landscape and variations on the suspense genre are an entry point for understanding 'Snow Maze'. In the process of the development and maturity of domestic suspense drama series in recent years, Northeastern suspense is an impo - Lujuba
Picture source: official

A different Northeast space

q: The era when the story takes place is relatively long ago. What designs were used during the creation process to reflect the characteristics of the Northeast at that time?

Lu Xing: I grew up in the Northeast. My impression of life in the Northeast was that people in that era had very close relationships with each other, whether they were work partners, neighbors or neighbors in daily life, so in the story In the setting, the task force is also a small group. It is a group near home and the surrounding neighbors. In these two groups, the screenwriter provides a good basis for character relationships for us to play on.

During the preparation and filming, we also tried our best to hope that the main creators and actors could integrate into the daily life of Northeast China. Because a large part of the Northeast has retained the feeling of that era, we will also take the actors to collect the scenery, eat in some small shops in the streets and alleys, experience their daily life, and restore this part of the Northeast.

q: In the design of the storyline, which scenes were specifically added to fit the impressions at the time?

Lu Xing: The chicken rack shop is a very typical space belonging to the Northeast. Whether it is Zheng Bei’s father who opened the chicken rack shop, or the diners who come to eat the chicken rack, after such a space carries them in, it becomes A very good stage that allows people to feel that era.

q: In recent years, the public’s demand for drama series is still quite large. When "Snow Maze" set up these life-oriented light comedy plots, did you consider that users also have this part of the demand?

Lu Xing: Yes, when I first started working on "Undocumented Crime", I particularly enjoyed watching more extreme suspense dramas. As work pressure increases, I have less and less time for entertainment and watching dramas in my life. I hope that when watching dramas, there are also some dramas that can adjust my inner feelings, which are the so-called dinner dramas. I hope that there will be some dramas that can accompany me while eating or cooking.

Regarding "Snow Maze", I hope that it can also become a suspense drama that the audience will find good to eat, because this positioning is not a common phenomenon for suspense dramas. Suspense dramas all hope to keep the audience glued to the screen as much as possible, and attract the audience to watch episode after episode without making a fuss. I hope that "Snow Maze" can be more integrated into the daily lives of the audience and become a work that they enjoy seeing.

q: In recent years, many suspense dramas and criminal investigation dramas have used the Northeast setting. This time, "Snow Maze" is also set in the Northeast in the 1990s. How do you create a certain difference in the setting?

Lu Xing: Northeast suspense has now become a major genre in the market. As for Northeast suspense, I first hope that it can be a little unfamiliar with the visual symbols that the audience is familiar with. For example, when we think of Northeast suspense stories, we will think of ice and snow, heavy industrial factories, a dilapidated city or town. The relaxing and interesting part of

's "Snow Maze" allows us to get rid of part of the usual imagination of the Northeast, so our story is set in summer, in a city that does not look so dilapidated, and restores their daily life. Life is a very pyrotechnic scene, and we hope that the audience will feel that this is different from the scenes they have seen in previous Northeastern suspense stories.

q: Is this like deliberately avoiding the suspenseful scene elements of Northeast China that everyone is particularly familiar with?

Lu Xing: Yes, because those viewers watched a lot. When we made "Undocumented Crime", we had already gone to the extreme in the direction of ice and snow, dilapidation and depression. Later, the new works were even more extreme, so we actually went in the opposite direction.

Interface News Reporter | Zhang Youfa

Variations on the northeastern landscape and suspense genre are an entry point for understanding " Snow Maze ".

In the development and maturity of domestic suspense drama series in recent years, Northeastern suspense is an important catalytic element. From the early suspense dramas such as "White Nights" and "Undocumented Crime" to recent suspense dramas such as "The Long Season", the geographical and cultural background of Northeast China are important clues for the unfolding of the story. The sky full of ice and snow and decaying factories present visual spectacles, while the wave of laid-off workers in the Northeast outlines clues about society.

"Snow Maze" director Lu Xing is also the director of "Undocumented Crime". In the past few years, he has felt the obvious changes in the public's attitude towards suspense dramas. On the one hand, the accumulation of simple crime spectacles has made the audience accustomed to it. On the other hand, the public also hopes to find other points of empathy for suspense dramas in addition to the development of the plot. The story background of

"Snow Maze" still takes place in Northeast China, and it goes back to the 1990s. In terms of scene setting, the series intentionally avoids the Northeastern elements that the audience is familiar with. The season in which the story takes place has become summer, and the city has become more lively and pyrotechnic.

Lu Xing hopes that the series will be a little unfamiliar with the visual symbols of the Northeast that are familiar to the audience. "When we made "Undocumented Crime", we had already gone to the extreme in the direction of ice and snow, dilapidation and depression. Later, the new works have gone even further. At the extreme, we actually do the opposite."

While updating the scenes, this drama also hopes to change the genre and try to integrate the genres of suspense dramas and life dramas. In the main line of combating methamphetamine crimes, the series is interspersed with a large number of daily light comedy plots, especially those involving cooking and eating. For example, the chicken rack shop run by the protagonist's father and the small canteen in the protagonist's office become the carrier of this kind of plot. Scenes from everyday drama. This attempt of

undoubtedly has its value. Jiemian News has also mentioned in previous reports that suspense films have become a powerful medicine for domestic movies. However, suspense dramas have become more niche in recent years, even attracting some users. Aesthetic fatigue has occurred. This is not only due to the duplication of genres, but also because long dramas carry the suspense genre, which will stretch the public's expectations for suspense.

Whether it is genre fusion or scene variations, "Snow Maze" is a bit "going in the opposite direction", which will not only bring freshness to the market, but also challenge the public's usual expectations of suspense dramas. In particular, there will be certain differences in the rhythm and suspense story of the dinner drama, which not only tests the drama's coordination ability, but also requires the audience's acceptance of genre fusion.

However, only by trying this genre can we find a new market breakthrough point for suspense dramas. Regarding his expectations for the series, Lu Xing thinks this way, "I would hope that it can become a suspense drama that the audience will find good to eat."

The following is a conversation with Lu Xinghe, the director of "Snow Maze" from Interface Entertainment and other media Screenwriters Zhang Yuanang and Melias, the content has been slightly edited.

A new attempt at life suspense

q: The director has filmed several popular suspense dramas from "Undocumented Crime" to "The Returned Daughter". The feeling of watching this "Snow Maze" is quite different from before, with realism. , the comedy element is very strong, what is special about this project for you? How do you grasp directorial style based on characteristics?

Lu Xing: You can see that there are many relaxing and interesting parts in it, and we basically achieved our goal. "Snow Maze" is positioned as a criminal investigation life drama. It shows the intense anti-drug life of the police officers of that era through the anti-drug team. It is not a story that is completely focused on the anti-drug incident. As a Northeasterner, I hope that by showing the optimism and life wisdom of Northeastern people, viewers can experience a story that is both tense, relaxing and interesting.

q: Part of it is criminal investigation, and part of it is daily life. There is a lot of eating in the first few episodes, and the scenes where they tease each other are given a large emphasis.

Lu Xing: Yes, cooking and eating are a very important part of Chinese people’s daily life. The public security officers are actually very similar to the crew. Everyone eats, lives and works together, so this part of life is also included in their criminal investigation work. Very important aspect. This aspect is refined and amplified in the play. The main genre of

dramas is still criminal investigation dramas. The confrontation between good and evil, and solving crimes and arrests together are the main line of the story. Some interesting branches grew out of the trunk, which are the little bits and pieces of his life.

q: From "Undocumented Crime" to now, how do you view the current development of the suspense genre in the entire market? Are there any differences between the popular suspense dramas now compared to those before?

Lu Xing: When we first started making suspense dramas, we were still in a state where no one had anything and we had nothing. There were relatively few suspense dramas on the market, especially short series. At that time, various criminal spectacles will be shown to the audience. With the development of suspense dramas, the themes and types involved will become more and more extensive, and the pursuit of cases will be more extreme, because it is difficult to attract audiences with simple spectacles. . In addition, other genres will be superimposed. "Snow Maze" superimposes elements of life drama into suspense stories.

q: When discussing with other creators before, some people think that domestic suspense is a bit too general now. In addition to emotions and costumes, many dramas are included in the suspense category. What do you think about the scope of suspense?

Lu Xing: This depends on the definition of suspense drama. Because suspense drama itself has no clear genre characteristics, it is not even an independent genre. It is a way of telling stories. To me, the genre positioning of suspense dramas may be clearer and tighter. Suspense dramas are not that broad. Only the most extreme genres can be considered suspense dramas.

q: Do you feel the audience’s aesthetic changes in suspense dramas? In recent years, there have been so many suspense dramas since "Undocumented Crime", and the audience is prone to aesthetic fatigue.

Lu Xing: Yes, when I was commenting on a suspense drama before, the audience asked this question. The story itself is quite exciting, but why do we have to finish it? In addition to wanting to know the answer to the story, the audience also hopes to be able to empathize with the story.

How the suspense drama can make the audience empathize is something I care about later. In addition to focusing on standing in the perspective of the protagonist, being attracted by the story, and following our story protagonist to explore the truth of the matter step by step, what else can we bring to the audience?

q: In recent years, under the influence of suspense movies, the public has increasingly pursued continuous reversals and high-density plots for suspense. However, due to the length of dramas, it is inevitable to add some content branches. So how can we avoid when making suspense dramas? Is everyone’s anticipation for suspense slowly fading?

Lu Xing: Each story has a different strategy to attract the audience. Some stories may want to have intensive twists and turns to make the audience burn their brains. For us, in long-form dramas, under the premise of having this part of the big plot, we hope that the audience can empathize with our characters in the small plots.

Because after empathy, even a small thing in the life of the characters in the play will make the audience care and worry. This method may be the way "Snow Maze" hopes to attract the audience. .

q: What other innovations can be explored in the suspense genre next?

Lu Xing: This is difficult to judge. It is difficult to see new themes or types in the market now. Most of them are looking for new angles in previous themes. Integrating different genres to create new perceptions for the audience may be the future direction of development.

For example, the drama series "The Imperative" that I am currently filming will put the perspective of criminal investigation into the prison. This is a space that is rarely seen in suspense dramas in the past. As a result, you have to face either prison guards, your colleagues who are in charge; or prisoners, all kinds of people who have been sentenced.In this kind of space, the perception of the story will definitely be different.

"Snow Maze" superimposes criminal investigation dramas and life dramas. Although the audience may not be able to tell directly where this feeling comes from, once it is achieved, people will have that very special feeling when watching it. Clearly a different feeling.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhang Youfa The northeastern landscape and variations on the suspense genre are an entry point for understanding 'Snow Maze'. In the process of the development and maturity of domestic suspense drama series in recent years, Northeastern suspense is an impo - Lujuba
Source: official

The tension of the story in the 1990s

q: Why is the story set in the 1990s?

Zhang Yuanang: Meth began to appear in mainland China in 1991. Throughout the 1990s, methamphetamine criminal groups became increasingly rampant. The time period from 1997 to 1998 selected in the play is also quite special, because the Ministry of Public Security had just established the Anti-Narcotics Bureau in August 1998. In September 1999, the Northeastern China Criminal Police College established a major in anti-narcotics and recruited the first batch of undergraduate students majoring in anti-narcotics in China.

Our Story On the eve of the establishment of the Drug Enforcement Administration, criminal police in many places lacked professional knowledge related to anti-drugs. We also talked with senior front-line criminal police officers who participated in anti-drug work in those days. In their era, they caught everything and took care of everything, so they basically walked through the river by feeling the stones in drug cases.

The weak anti-drug theory in the early years of the country formed a very strong contrast with the severe anti-drug situation. This is one of the biggest problems generally found in the anti-drug work during our investigation, so we focused the story on a special time period to write a concentrated Write about these difficulties and the heroic and fearless spirit of anti-drug heroes.

q: Most of the first four episodes were set around 1997. We also saw the criminal investigation methods at that time, including the introduction of some chemical knowledge and drug knowledge. What kind of desk work did we do when creating this kind of professional content? Work?

Melias: The main thing is to collect stories and consult professionals. We will also buy some specialized books to read. For example, there is a book called "Introduction to Anti-Narcotics", which we have almost read. Generally, we collect questions from the script. We first have the episode outline, and then we collect the stories to complete our professional knowledge.

q: In recent years, there will be a phenomenon in anti-drug films and police films. Villains are equally popular as positive characters. How to maintain the balance between positive and negative characters when writing?

Zhang Yuanang: This is a difficult point whether it is an anti-narcotics theme or other criminal investigation themes. Once there is confrontation in the story, when there are so-called heroes and villains, we hope that the villains are smart and powerful. Because if the villain is weak, it will appear that the villain is also weak. But if the villain is particularly smart and powerful, he will worry about whether he outshines the decent ones. This is actually a creative problem that has existed since ancient times. What the

screenwriter can do is to control the perspective of telling the story. This drama is not a single-line narrative. The process of the task force solving the case and the changes in the villain's crime plan are also described. Both sides are described. But we also hope that the audience will take the role of the task force and use the perspective of the entire team represented by Zheng Bei to clear up the fog of the entire story.

If you want to create suspense, you need to control the length of the villain's actions. If we directly write about how the villain commits the crime, the villain's part will be exciting, but there will be no suspense for the audience, because we have seen all the truth. After the perspective is adjusted, the villain is less likely to overwhelm the decent.

q: Will this passionate temperament conflict with the classic impression of suspense? Maybe it’s not just Chinese suspense, foreign American dramas seem to rarely have passionate and interesting suspense, so how can this temperament be unified?

Lu Xing: This point is actually about dealing with the issue of big plots and small plots during filming. Although there are no hot and interesting suspense dramas abroad, current workplace dramas and some industry dramas will also amplify this point. For example, " witty prison life " and "wit doctor life" are all works with a similar look and feel.

"Sherlock Holmes" filmed in the UK and the United States, including "East Side Nightmare " that everyone has been talking about. Although it is not as relaxed and interesting, the characters are very vivid, so this is not a completely new category. In the past, There are also traces to be followed in the series.

In the 1990s, criminal investigation methods were relatively primitive. There was no way to use modern technologies such as surveillance cameras and mobile phone positioning to assist in solving crimes. It was even more necessary for front-line criminal police to use their brain power and physical strength to fight criminals to the maximum extent, which would also present relatively direct dramatic conflicts.

q: I read an interview before and said that you went to make a drama instead of a movie because you don’t have a particularly strong personal expression, and you want to tell some public narratives. What is the public narrative that "Snow Maze" wants to express? After "Undocumented Crime", do you think "Snow Maze" has opened up a new direction for this type of suspense drama and criminal investigation drama?

Lu Xing: I hope to be different in "Snow Maze". I hope that the audience can see a new type of Northeastern criminal investigation drama. It is a criminal investigation life drama. This type of life drama is rare in the market. , so I hope that the audience can see a story that is relaxed, interesting, humorous, but also exciting. This is what I think I hope to achieve in this drama.

So after you get the script, the old man who cooks in the canteen keeps cooking for everyone, and this part of the element has been amplified. There are all kinds of delicious food in their canteen, which are constantly being served to the audience for them to see. I hope that while the audience is watching, they will hold up their mobile phones and prepare to order a takeaway of the same style.

Jiemian News Reporter | Zhang Youfa The northeastern landscape and variations on the suspense genre are an entry point for understanding 'Snow Maze'. In the process of the development and maturity of domestic suspense drama series in recent years, Northeastern suspense is an impo - Lujuba
Picture source: official

A different Northeast space

q: The era when the story takes place is relatively long ago. What designs were used during the creation process to reflect the characteristics of the Northeast at that time?

Lu Xing: I grew up in the Northeast. My impression of life in the Northeast was that people in that era had very close relationships with each other, whether they were work partners, neighbors or neighbors in daily life, so in the story In the setting, the task force is also a small group. It is a group near home and the surrounding neighbors. In these two groups, the screenwriter provides a good basis for character relationships for us to play on.

During the preparation and filming, we also tried our best to hope that the main creators and actors could integrate into the daily life of Northeast China. Because a large part of the Northeast has retained the feeling of that era, we will also take the actors to collect the scenery, eat in some small shops in the streets and alleys, experience their daily life, and restore this part of the Northeast.

q: In the design of the storyline, which scenes were specifically added to fit the impressions at the time?

Lu Xing: The chicken rack shop is a very typical space belonging to the Northeast. Whether it is Zheng Bei’s father who opened the chicken rack shop, or the diners who come to eat the chicken rack, after such a space carries them in, it becomes A very good stage that allows people to feel that era.

q: In recent years, the public’s demand for drama series is still quite large. When "Snow Maze" set up these life-oriented light comedy plots, did you consider that users also have this part of the demand?

Lu Xing: Yes, when I first started working on "Undocumented Crime", I particularly enjoyed watching more extreme suspense dramas. As work pressure increases, I have less and less time for entertainment and watching dramas in my life. I hope that when watching dramas, there are also some dramas that can adjust my inner feelings, which are the so-called dinner dramas. I hope that there will be some dramas that can accompany me while eating or cooking.

Regarding "Snow Maze", I hope that it can also become a suspense drama that the audience will find good to eat, because this positioning is not a common phenomenon for suspense dramas. Suspense dramas all hope to keep the audience glued to the screen as much as possible, and attract the audience to watch episode after episode without making a fuss. I hope that "Snow Maze" can be more integrated into the daily lives of the audience and become a work that they enjoy seeing.

q: In recent years, many suspense dramas and criminal investigation dramas have used the Northeast setting. This time, "Snow Maze" is also set in the Northeast in the 1990s. How do you create a certain difference in the setting?

Lu Xing: Northeast suspense has now become a major genre in the market. As for Northeast suspense, I first hope that it can be a little unfamiliar with the visual symbols that the audience is familiar with. For example, when we think of Northeast suspense stories, we will think of ice and snow, heavy industrial factories, a dilapidated city or town. The relaxing and interesting part of

's "Snow Maze" allows us to get rid of part of the usual imagination of the Northeast, so our story is set in summer, in a city that does not look so dilapidated, and restores their daily life. Life is a very pyrotechnic scene, and we hope that the audience will feel that this is different from the scenes they have seen in previous Northeastern suspense stories.

q: Is this like deliberately avoiding the suspenseful scene elements of Northeast China that everyone is particularly familiar with?

Lu Xing: Yes, because those viewers watched a lot. When we made "Undocumented Crime", we had already gone to the extreme in the direction of ice and snow, dilapidation and depression. Later, the new works were even more extreme, so we actually went in the opposite direction.

Tags: entertainment